Platform Changelog Subscribe via Email

We continuously improve our platform by releasing new features, fixing bugs, and delivering updated documentation. You can read about these enhancements in our changelog.

April 2024




  • Streamline Quote Renewal for your B2B Customers
    You can now generate Renewal Quotes in our web admin tool. Renewal Quotes allow you to create a renewal quote for an existing subscription at any time of a subscription lifecycle. Customers can also access quotes in their account or request a renewal quote on their own. For more details, see Quotes > Quote for Renewals.

    Start using this option by locating the subscription in need of a renewal quote at Simply log in using your Cleverbridge credentials.

  • Why is it important: The Renewal Quotes feature allows you to create protected renewal quote links, making it possible for B2B customers to renew existing subscriptions in a simple and fast way without a need to place a new initial quote.



  • Enhanced accuracy of PSR calculations for Direct Debit Orders
    We’ve improved the calculation logic for our payment success rate (PSR) regarding paid and unpaid direct debit orders. Now, all direct debit payments are kept in the Waiting for Payment status until their payment status is determined. We defined a 27-day period, starting from the purchaseClosed An order made by a customer and the records associated with it. date, to verify the status of direct debits. If no return debit occurs within this timeframe, the payment status is updated to Paid. Otherwise, it’s marked as Unpaid.

    You can view our improved Payments Analytics dashboard at Log in using your Cleverbridge credentials.

  • Why this is important: The enhanced logic for PSR calculation provides more accurate results, which leads to more precise analytics, thereby bolstering your business outcomes.
