
The Manage module in the Subscription Commerce Manager allows your customerClosed An individual or business purchasing your product or service by placing an order through Cleverbridge. The customer is the end user of this product, as they are not allowed to resell the purchased products or services. ​ A customer is unique per client. If a customer purchases products or services from two different clients, there are 2 separate records of said customer.​ service representatives to manage their orderClosed An agreement between a seller and a buyer to exchange goods and/or services for money. An order can: - contain multiple products and quantities; - have multiple financial transactions. A preorder authorization is considered an order.-related tickets. The following explains how to use the tool and its features.


Purchases are orders made by customers and the records associated with the orders. To view information related to a customer's purchaseClosed An order made by a customer and the records associated with it., use the Purchase viewer. Purchases are automatically assigned statuses by the Cleverbridge platform. The status of a purchase describes what state the purchase is in, such as quote, refund, and paid.

Search for a Purchase

You have three options to search for a purchase in the SCM.

To see more details for each option, click on the respective dropdown.

After you found the purchase(s) you were looking for, click the Reference Number of the purchase in the Search Results list. The purchase viewer opens.

Purchase Viewer

The purchase viewer is used to view transactional records related to customer orders. In the purchase viewer, you can find the following options and information:

Add an X-Parameter

If you would like x-parameters to be included in revenue reports, you can add them to a completed purchase.

To add an x-parameter to an existing purchase, do the following:

  1. Open the purchase overview page for the purchase in the Subscription Commerce Manager.
  2. Click on the General Info tab.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the + sign button next to the X-Parameters field.
  4. Enter a key/value pair for the x-parameter. For more information about the format of x-parameters, see Pass X-Parameters in Order URLs.
  5. Click Add.

Issue a Refund

To refund all or part of a customer's purchase, do the following:

  1. Complete one of the following options, depending on where you are in the Customer Management module:
    • If you are on the purchase overview page, click the Refund Options button.
    • If you are on the customer profile page, click the ... button and select Refund Options.
  2. Select one of the following options from the drop-down menu and complete the corresponding instructions:

Generate a New Email

  1. Open the purchase overview page for the purchase in the Subscription Commerce Manager.
  2. Click on the Delivery Info tab.
  3. Click the Generate New Email button.
  4. Select one of the following options:
    Invoice (Receipt)

    A customer has made a purchase and payment has been received. This email contains the delivery information and the receipt. For online paymentClosed Stands for a group of payment options that do not require the customer to submit the payment in an extra step after submitting the order. Online payments include credit, debit cards, and digital wallets. With an online payment option, the product is delivered almost immediately (as soon as the payment is processed which usually does only take a few seconds). options, the email is sent immediately after the purchase. For offline paymentClosed Offline payment stands for a group of payment options that do not involve online transactions like direct debit, wire transfers, and checks. With the order confirmation, the customer receives a link with information on how to make the payment. Ordered products are delivered as soon as Cleverbridge receives payment confirmation from the payment provider. options, the email is sent once Cleverbridge has received payment.


    This email contains the delivery information for a purchase.

    The email is generated and added to the top of the Emails table.

  5. Click the ... button to the right of the generated email.

  6. Select one of the following options:
    Send Immediately sends the generated email.
    Hold Prevents the email from being sent. It will never be sent, unless you click Queue or Send.

    Places the email in a queue to be sent. It will automatically be sent within 15 minutes.


    By default, the Generate New Email button creates an email that is in a Queue to be sent.


Customers are individuals or organizations that purchase your products. Every time a purchase is made, a customer record is created and displays in the customer profile. The customer profile area displays contact information for the customer, as well as details about the purchase.

Search for a Customer

  1. Enter one or more of the following keywords into the search bar:
    • last name
    • company
    • last 4 digits of credit card
    • reference number
    • email


    If you enter more than one keyword, they must be separated by a comma.

  2. Click the Last Name of the customer in the Search Results list. The customer profile page opens.

Customer Profile

The customer profile area displays contact information for specific customers, as well as details about their purchases. In the customer profile area, you can find the following sections and options:

Add a Customer Contact

Many customers have one set of contact information because their billing, delivery, and licensee addresses are identical. However, you may need to create a new contact if, for example, a customer's delivery address is not the same as the billing address. To add an additional contact, do the following:

  1. Open the overview page for the customer.
  2. Click the edit button on the upper right of the contact information tab.
  3. Click Enter additional contact and select one of the following tabs depending on your needs:
    • Delivery Contact
    • Licensee Contact

  4. Edit the contact information on the Delivery Contact or Licensee Contact tab.
  5. Click Save.

Merge Two or More Customer Contacts

  1. Open the overview page for the customer.
  2. Click the edit button on the upper right of the contact information tab.
  3. Click Merge contacts and select the available contact type you want to merge into.

  4. Click Save.


A follow-up is a reminder about open product and purchase issues. You can set up Personal follow-ups for individuals, such as yourself. Alternatively, you can set up General follow-ups as an internal information tool for departments/offices in your organization.


Use follow-ups as reminders for:

  • Completing purchase or product data
  • Contacting customers or Cleverbridge regarding purchases

All of your current follow-ups are displayed on the dashboard.

Add a Follow-Up

A follow-up is a reminder about open product and purchase issues. You can set up Personal follow-ups for individuals, such as yourself. Alternatively, you can set up General follow-ups as an internal information tool for departments/offices in your organization.

To add a follow-up, do the following:

  1. On the purchase overview page, click Add Follow-Up. The Add Follow-Up window opens.
  2. Click one of the following buttons, depending on who the follow-up is intended for:
    • office/department
    • user
  3. Select the date and time when you want the reminder to activate.


    Remember to enter the date and time in your local time zone.

  4. Select options from the following drop-down menus:

    Category to classify the follow-up.


    Office for whom the follow-up is intended.


    This drop-down is only available when you select office/department.


    Department for whom the follow-up is intended.


    This drop-down is only available when you select office/department.


    User for whom the follow-up is intended.


    This drop-down is only available when you select user.


    Reason for the follow-up.


    The available reasons vary depending on the category you select.

  5. Enter a Subject line for the follow-up.
  6. Enter additional information in the Add note (optional) field.
  7. Click Add Follow-Up.

Manage Your Follow-Ups

To manage your follow-ups, do the following:

  1. In the main menu, click Customer Management.
  2. Click the General or Personal button, depending on your needs. A table with all applicable follow-ups opens.

    In the table, you can view the following information about your follow-ups:

    Date and Time Date and time when the follow-up will be/has been activated.

    Category to classify the follow-up.


    Reason for the follow-up.


    The available reasons vary depending on the category you select.

    Reference Number

    Identification number for the purchase.

    SubjectSubject line for the follow-up.

    User for whom the follow-up is intended.


    This drop-down is only available when you select user.

    DoneSelect the checkbox to mark the follow-up as finished.

    You can also use the ... button to do the following:

    OpenOpens a window that allows you to edit the follow-up. For more information about the fields in this window, see Add a Follow-Up.
    CopyCopies all of the information in the follow-up table row.
    DeleteDeletes the follow-up from the table.

Error Logs

The Error Log provides an overview of purchase errors and is used to identify and solve purchase-related problems as they occur.

All the purchase errors appear in the Error Log Summary table.

Field Descriptions

The following fields are available on the Error Log Summary table in Subscription Commerce Manager:

Field Description
Date Created
Date and time the error occurred.
Error ID
Unique ID of the error that occurred.

Error Type

The type of error that occurred.
Reference Number

Identification number for the purchase.

Purchase Status

Provides information about whether payment has been received, if the product has been delivered, and if there are any problems. For a full list of possible purchase statuses and their meanings, see Purchase Status.

Note Further information about the error.
Done This field is editable. Mark an error as done after you've remedied the situation.
Item Number (optional)

Running number of the item in the subscription.

Client Handles Error (optional) This field is not editable. If the checkbox is checked, Cleverbridge will not handle the error, and you must investigate and fix it. This option only applies to key generation errors. This option is set for the key generator in the Key Generation portal. For more information, see Key Generators ✱.
Office (optional) Office location to which this error has been assigned.
Client Account (only available in All Clients mode) Name or ID of the client account where the error occurred.

For more information, see Error Types .

Tax Exemptions

Tax Exemptions provides an overview of tax-exempt purchases and is used to handle and solve tax exemption issues as they occur. On the Tax Exemptions dashboard, you can find the following options and information:

Search for a Tax Exemptions Document

Select an available parameter under Parameter 1 to refine your search and find the tax exemption document you seek.

Field Descriptions

The following fields are available on the Tax Exemptions Search Results table in the Subscription Commerce Manager:

Field Description

Document Status

Provides information about whether the tax exemption document has been validated. Possible values are: New, In Review, Valid, or Expired.
Document ID
Unique ID of the submitted tax exemption document.
Tax ID Unique Tax ID to identify the company.
Upload Date Date when the tax exemption document has been uploaded.
Company Name of the company to which the tax exemption document has been assigned.
State of Issue Federal state where the tax exemption document has been issued.
Email Email address of the tax exempt company.
Attachment This field is clickable. Click on it to upload/view the tax exemption document.
Assignee (optional) User for whom the tax exemption document is intended for review.
Certification Effective Date (optional) Date when the exemption certificate was issued for the company.
Created by (optional)

Surname of the person who added the tax exemption document.

Date Modified (optional) Date and time the tax exemption document was modified.
Expiration Date (optional) Date the exemption of the company expires.
First Name (optional) First name of the company's contact person.
Last modified by (optional) Username of the last person who modified the tax exemption document.
Last Name (optional)

Last name of the company's contact person.

Reason for Exemption (optional) Reason for the tax exemption.
State (optional) State of the company.
Tax ID Type (optional)

Type of ID used for tax exemption.

Type of Business (optional) Type of business entity to whom the tax exemption has been issued.

Add a Tax Exemption Document

To add a tax exemption document, do the following:

  1. On the purchase overview page, click the Add Tax Exemption Document button. The Add Tax Exemption Document window opens.
  2. Note

    The Add Tax Exemption Document button is only available on the Tax Exemptions section.

  3. Select options from the following drop-down menus:
  4. General

    Field Description
    Reason for Exemption Reason for the tax exemption.

    Tax ID Type

    Type of ID used for tax exemption.

    Tax ID

    Unique Tax ID to identify the company.
    Date Certificate Issued Date when the exemption certificate was issued for the company.
    State of Issue Federal state where the tax exemption document has been issued.
    Expiration Date Date the exemption of the company expires.
    Attachments This field is clickable. Click on it to upload/view the tax exemption document.


    You can update, validate, and mark tax exemption documents as invalid. Use the ... button to validate or mark documents as invalid.

    Expired documents are shown on the Valid/Expired section of the tax exemption documents table.


    Field Description
    Company Name of the company to which the tax exemption document has been assigned.

    Type of Business

    Type of business entity to whom the tax exemption has been issued.

    First Name

    First name of the company's contact person.
    Last Name

    Last name of the company's contact person.

    Email Email address of the tax exempt company.
    Phone Phone number of the company.
    Address Address of the company.
    Address 2 Additional address information of the company.
    State State where the company is located.
    Zip/Postal Code Zip/Postal code of the company.
    City City where the company is located.
  5. Enter additional information in the Notes field (optional).
  6. Click Save & Close.