Provide Incentives for Purchase

You can incentivize customers to complete a purchaseClosed An order made by a customer and the records associated with it. by offering them a discount.

There are several ways to do this in the Cleverbridge platform:

Incentive Banners

Use this feature to engage your loyal as well as new customers, boost sales, and promote your brand further. Incentive Banners s are set up in the section with the same name of the Campaigns portal.

For more information, see Advertise Incentive Banners.


A promotion is the most common incentive for customers and is also a great way to attract new customers. Promotions boost sales and reward loyal customers. You can use the Promotion portal in the Cleverbridge platform to:

  • Create coupons
  • Discount products
  • Create limited-time offers
  • Apply discounts at cart level

For more information, see Manage Promotions and Implement Cart Promotions.

Product Bundles

You can create product bundles and offer additional products as a bonus. For example, you can create a bundle that includes a free version of another product or a free extended download. Or you can bundle several products and provide a discount. Bundles are created in the Bundle section of the Product portal.

For more information, see Offer and Manage Bundles.

Volume Discounts

You can offer volume discounts to your customers as an incentive to purchase. Customers can get increasingly higher discounts depending on the quantity of products they buy. Volume discounts are set up in the Base Price section of the Product portal.

For more information, see Use Volume Pricing.

Package Discounts

You can entice your customers to purchase more products together and benefit from a substantial discount on the cart for the multi-item purchase. Package Discounts are set up in the Package Discounts section of the Campaigns portal.

For more information, see Enable Package Deals.

Subscription Billing Options

There are a few ways you can use subscription billing in the Cleverbridge platform to provide your customers an incentive to purchase:

  • Free trial period
  • Discounts for longer time periods

Free Trial Period

You can offer a free trial period to your customers, such as 30 days, as a promotional offer. If they don’t cancel within that time frame, the billing interval begins when the free trial period ends. For more information, see Allow Free Trial Periods for Subscriptions.

Discounts for Longer Time Periods

You can provide an incentive for your customers to purchase if there is a discount for a longer time period. You can create these discounts by using product selections in your cart.


The above information contains general suggestions. Not all scenarios are appropriate for all clients. For information tailored to your business needs, contact Client Experience.