
The Tools module within the Subscription Commerce Manager allows you to create and edit sets of prices and price-related rules, define geographical areas, and categorize lists of products for sales and marketing purposes. To access the module, go to Configure > Tools.

Price Rules

Price rules are used to specify which prices the customers pay according to the specific market they belong to. In the Price Rules section, you can find the following features and options:


On the Price Rules dashboard, you can find the following:

Add a Price Rule

You can use the Price Rules to control which prices can be used by customers according to specified factors such as:

  • Region
  • Language
  • Payment option
  • Parameter
  • Channel

The price rules override the standard price for a specific market. There is no limit to the number and variety of price rules you can set up per product. You can create multiple variations of a product price but for different locations, for example.

For more information, see Localize Your Checkout Pages.


The following example shows various price rules with the same products.

Price Rule Product Region Language Price
Configuration 1 Internet Security Basic US English $29.95
Configuration 2 Internet Security Basic UK English £24.95
Configuration 3 Internet Security Professional US Spanish $79.95
Configuration 4 Internet Security Professional Germany German 89.95€

If you enter no parameter value in the Conditions Settings area, then the default is used for the price rule.

Multiple Configurations

If multiple price rules are set up, you can determine the order in which they should be applied. If the conditions for a Price Rule are met, then the first Price Rule is applied. If not, then the next Price Rule is analyzed, and so on down the list. If no price rules can be applied, then the regular product price is applied.

If you have several price rules for different regions, then they work in parallel by default.

To add a price rule, click Add price rule and enter information a as follows:

  1. In the General section, enter a unique name for the Price Rule.
  2. In the Price configuration drop-down list, select a price configuration. To create a new price configuration, click the Add new button. For more information, see Add a Price Configuration.
  3. In the Conditions Settings section, enter or select information for the following options:


    You should consider the following when using the Conditions Settings:

    1. The price rule that is triggered by the configuration setting is defined in the Price Configuration that you select in step 2 above. It can be found under Products > Price Settings or Product Lists > Price Settings.
    2. The price rule triggered by the configuration setting will only be applied to the following:
      1. Products that were added to the Price Configuration selected in step 2.
      2. Net price of those products. (The total cart value will not be affected.)
    3. If the Price Configuration that you select in step 2 contains a product list, the following logic applies:
      • The price rule triggered by the configuration setting is applied to all of the products in the cart which were included in the Products Lists tab of the Price Configuration. In other words, if you define a 25% discount under Product Lists > Price Settings, and the customer selects one or more of these products, the individual will get a 25% discount on the net price of each of these products.
      • The price rule for a single product overrides the price rule for the same product in a product list. In other words, if product A is included twice in a Price Configuration and is given a 25% discount under Products > Price Settings and a 50% discount under Product Lists > Price Settings, the customer will receive a 25% discount on the net price of product A if the price rule is triggered.
    Parameter value

    When you enter a parameter, the customer only receives the price if the parameter is passed in the URL. Use the &pricerule= parameter in the URL with a specific price configuration. For example, &pricerule=configuration123.


    If you enter no parameter value, then the price rule is used by default. On the other hand, if you enter a parameter value, you have to add &pricerule=<parameter> to the URL. If one account has several price rules, make sure to use parameters; otherwise only the first price rule applies.

    RegionSelect a region for which the price is applicable. In the checkout process, the region is determined by the customer's IP address. The regions can be freely defined by you and are not geographically limited. To create a new region, click the Add new button. For more information, see Add a Region.
    PartnerClosed A company that buys your products in bulk for a discounted price and resells them to their customers for a profit. In legal terms, a partner is a regular customer as there is no partnership agreement with Cleverbridge in place./AffiliateClosed An individual or a company that markets a product to potential customers. The Affiliate receives a commission on a specific action (also called event: e.g., sale, lead, click, visit etc.) previously agreed upon with you, the advertiser. Each action is tracked via a unique tracking link from Partnerize.​ ​An affiliate is also called a publisher. groupSelect a partner/affiliate group for which the price is applicable. Only partners who are included in the group receive the price when ordering.
    Payment optionSelect a payment optionClosed Set of payment choices displayed to the customer on the checkout page. Available payment options are based on the customer's GeoIP location and include different payment methods and types, for example: a Purchase order (PO) is a payment option we offer our B2B customers. POs are usually paid via the payment method of wire transfer. for which the price is applicable when the customer selects the payment option in the checkout process.
    LanguageSelect a language for which the price is applicable. In the checkout process, the language is determined by the customer's default browser language.
    Minimum license number

    Enter the minimum number of licenses that must be in the shopping cart for the price rule to be applied. This can be used, for example, if you offer discount offers such as buy three, get 25% off.


    If you use the Minimum license number setting, the price rule will only be triggered if the cart contains a number of items greater than or equal to the number specified in the Minimum license number field. For example, if the minimum license number is 3, there must be at least 3 items in the cart to trigger the price rule. This could be 3 of the same item or 3 different items.

    Example 1

    You have selected a price configuration that specifies a discount of 25% for product A. The minimum license number is 3. The customer adds product A to the cart, and then changes the quantity of that product to 3. All three products are discounted by 25%.

    Example 2

    You have selected a price configuration that specifies a discount of 25% for products A and B. The minimum license number is 3. The customer adds products A, B, and C to the cart. Product C is full price, and products A and B are 25% off.

    Example 3

    You have selected a price configuration that specifies a discount of 25% for product A and a discount of 50% for product list AB. The minimum license number is 3. The customer adds products A, B, and C to the cart. Product C is full price, product A is 25% off, and product B is 50% off.

  4. Click Save and complete.


Regions are used to define geographical areas for pricing, shipping, as well as marketing and reporting purposes. In the Regions section, you can find the following features and options:


On the Regions dashboard, you can find the following:

Add a Region

A region is an area of the world you specify for shipping configurations, price configurations, marketing campaigns, and reporting of your products.

To add a region, click Add region and complete the following:

  1. Enter a name for the region.
  2. Open the expandable hierarchy to select the specific locations that belong to the region. Each top-level region contains several sub-locations in the hierarchy. If you click the top-level region, all its sub-locations are automatically selected. For example, clicking World automatically selects all regions and all sub-locations.
  3. Click Save.

Price Configurations

Price configurations are used to create and apply price rules for your products. You configure a price by combining parameters such as regions, products, and languages. In the Price Configurations section, you can find the following features and options:


On the Price Configurations dashboard, you can find the following:

Add a Price Configuration

A price configuration is used to create sets of prices for a single product ID. You use price configurations to create special pricing based on a combination of regions, products, languages, and so on.

To add a price configuration, click Add price configuration and enter a unique name for the price configuration.

Enter information in the following sections:


You can use Notifications to send purchase-related data from our platform to your internal systems, allowing a seamless data synchronization at all times. This section allows you to add, view, edit, set up, and test notifications. For more information about the notifications Cleverbridge offers, see .

In the Notifications section, you can find the following features and options:


On the Notifications dashboard, you can find the following:

Add a Notification

Use the Add Notification button to add the notification type you want to receive, the format you want to receive it in, regarding the purchase-related event of your choosing. For more information on what type of notification you want to add, see .

  1. Enter information in the following sections:

  2. 2. Click Save and Complete.

Manage Notifications