Email Tab in the Purchase Viewer

The Email tab of the PurchaseClosed An order made by a customer and the records associated with it. viewer shows you all emails generated by the Cleverbridge platform for the purchase or subscription. In general, these are emails sent to the customerClosed An individual or business purchasing your product or service by placing an order through Cleverbridge. The customer is the end user of this product, as they are not allowed to resell the purchased products or services. ​ A customer is unique per client. If a customer purchases products or services from two different clients, there are 2 separate records of said customer.​ following events in the purchase and subscription process. If you have set up your client notifications to be sent by email, these emails are also shown in the Email tab.

  • Delivery Time: When the email was last sent.
  • Creation Time: When the email was created.
  • Email ID: The unique identifier of the email.
  • Subject: The subject the recipient sees when they receive the email.
  • Email Type: What type of email it is.
  • Email Status:
    • Queued: The email has been queued by clicking Queue Email in the context menu. It will be automatically sent within 15 minutes.
    • Hold: The email has been held by clicking Hold Email in the context menu. It will not be sent unless you click Queue Email or Send Email.
    • Sent: The email has been sent.
    • Bounced: The email was sent but something went wrong and the customer did not receive it. See Bounce Reason column for the reason.
  • To: The address the email has been or will be sent to, depending on the email status.
  • Bounce Reason: Why the email could not be delivered to the recipient. If you do not see the column, right-click on the header and select Bounce Reason.