Example Subscription

The following scenario describes the operational side of subscription billing. The scenario is based on the following example configuration:

The table below lists events for a specific subscription customerClosed An individual or business purchasing your product or service by placing an order through Cleverbridge. The customer is the end user of this product, as they are not allowed to resell the purchased products or services. ​ A customer is unique per client. If a customer purchases products or services from two different clients, there are 2 separate records of said customer.​.


The table below includes information on the events in Subscription Management 1.0 and 2.0. If you are unsure which version you are on, contact Client Experience.

Date Event Result
March 3, 2008 A customer purchases the product at $89.95. Cleverbridge sends you a PaidOrderNotification. Cleverbridge sends an invoice to the customer including information about when the next billing interval will take place and what amount will be billed.
February 3, 2009 The customer’s credit card will expire in March 2009. Cleverbridge sends an automated email to the customer with a request to update the payment information.
February 7, 2009 The customer updates payment information. Cleverbridge sends you a CustomerProfileUpdateNotification.
March 3, 2009 Cleverbridge successfully charges the customer’s credit card for an additional $29.95. Cleverbridge sends you a PaidOrderNotification. Cleverbridge sends an invoice to the customer including information about when the next billing interval will take place and what amount will be billed.
March 3, 2010 The subscription renewal is unsuccessful because the customer’s credit card is declined.

Cleverbridge sends you a RecurringBillingOnGraceNotification. Cleverbridge sends an email to the customer with a request to update their payment details within the grace period or the subscription will be put on hold.

March 6, 2010 The grace period is over and the customer has not paid. Cleverbridge sends you a RecurringBillingOnHoldNotification. Cleverbridge sends an email to the customer informing them that the subscription will be deactivated because of failed payment.
February 18, 2011 The customer reinstates the subscription. Cleverbridge sends you a RecurringBillingReinstatedNotification. Cleverbridge sends an email to the customer confirming the subscription reactivation.

August 17, 2011

[Applicable for Subscription Management 1.0 only]

The customer cancels the subscription. Cleverbridge sends you a RecurringBillingCanceledNotification. Cleverbridge sends an email to the customer confirming the cancelation.

August 17, 2011

[Applicable for Subscription Management 2.0 only]

The customer turns off automatic renewal for the subscription. Cleverbridge sends you a SubscriptionRenewalTypeChangedNotification. Cleverbridge sends an email to the customer confirming the cancelation.