
Our Payments dashboard allows you to gain valuable insights into your payments data, empowering you to take timely and informed decisions based on recognized and emerging patterns. Start using our dashboard to compare payments performance based on product, country, date, payment methodClosed Describes the actual payment method used by the customer to complete the purchase, for example, Visa, wire transfer, or SEPA Direct Debit., and more. You’ll be able to address important business inquiries such as:

For more information, see Revenue Retention Tools in Collect Failed Online Payments Automatically.

To access payment analytics, go to the main menu of our web admin tool and click Analyze > Payments.


You can access the payment analytics embedded into our web admin tool once you complete the onboarding process successfully. For more information, contact Client Experience.


Like the Business Intelligence (BI) tool, the Payments dashboard provides data to be used as a reference and not for accounting purposes. If you want to generate reports for accounting purposes, use the clearing reports available in Commerce Assistant (CA). For more information, see Important Information about BI Reporting.

Key Terms

Field Description
Payment Success Rate This metric reflects how many accepted and authorized payments are converted to paid orders. Paid orders include one-time purchases, initial subscription payments, and recurring subscription payments. In Payment Analytics, the payment success rate is calculated as the number of paid orders divided by the total number of authorized orders. This metric includes all purchases that were paid at some point. Payment success rate excludes chargebacks and refunds.
PurchaseClosed An order made by a customer and the records associated with it. Authorization Rate

Percentage of orders that are successfully approved by the card issuer. The authorization rate is calculated as the number of paid orders divided by the total number of submitted orders. It includes all purchases that were paid at some point and excludes purchases without a transaction (Purchase orders). The purchase authorization rate also excludes chargebacks and refunds. This metric is calculated for Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.


A purchase success rate of 100% would indicate that of 100 incoming orders, 100 led to a successful orderClosed An agreement between a seller and a buyer to exchange goods and/or services for money. An order can: - contain multiple products and quantities; - have multiple financial transactions. A preorder authorization is considered an order. that at some point switched to a Paid status. A purchase success rate of 50% therefore would mean that of 100 incoming orders, 50 were successfully processed and paid at some point, whereas the other half would have not been successful (like when the customerClosed An individual or business purchasing your product or service by placing an order through Cleverbridge. The customer is the end user of this product, as they are not allowed to resell the purchased products or services. ​ A customer is unique per client. If a customer purchases products or services from two different clients, there are 2 separate records of said customer.​ doesn’t complete the 3D Secure process or their PayPal payment.

Net Revenue Amount of net revenue generated by paid orders based on the exchange rate at the time of the transaction. All discounts and shipping costs are subtracted from the net revenue, while Cleverbridge fees and affiliateClosed An individual or a company that markets a product to potential customers. The Affiliate receives a commission on a specific action (also called event: e.g., sale, lead, click, visit etc.) previously agreed upon with you, the advertiser. Each action is tracked via a unique tracking link from Partnerize.​ ​An affiliate is also called a publisher. commissions are included in the net revenue.
CC Net Revenue The same definition applies as the one used for Net Revenue but CC Net Revenue is specifically calculated for Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.
Submitted Orders Include successfully created orders for which payment details were received by the payment processor. Submitted orders include all transactions that were successfully submitted at some point. Transactions associated with chargebacks and refunds are excluded.
CC Submitted Orders

The same definition applies as the one used for Submitted Orders but CC Submitted Orders is specifically calculated for Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.

Paid Orders

A paid order is a successfully processed order when payment is received, and information about product delivery is dispatched.

The Paid Orders metric covers one-time purchases, initial subscription payments, and recurring subscription payments. This metric encompasses all purchases that have been paid at some point, regardless of any subsequent chargebacks or refunds. Even in cases where there is a reversal of funds back to Cleverbridge, in form of refunds or chargebacks, or a cancellation, the purchase is still considered successful.

CC Paid Orders

The same definition applies as the one used for Paid Orders but CC Paid Orders is specifically calculated for Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.

CC Decline Rate Percentage of credit card orders declined by card issuers. The decline rate is calculated by dividing the number of declined orders by the total number of submitted orders.This metric includes all transactions that have been declined at some point and excludes chargebacks, refunds, and transaction-less purchase attempts (Purchase orders). This rate is specific to Visa, Mastercard, and American Express transactions.
Authorized Orders Orders that are submitted to and approved by a payment service provider/acquirer.
Recovered Renewal Revenue Revenue recovered by Cleverbridge revenue retention tools that would otherwise be lost due to failed credit card authorizations. Revenue retention tools include Account Updater, Expiration Date Checker, Dynamic Re-Routing, and Retry Logic.
Renewal Recovery Rate Revenue or orders recovered by Cleverbridge revenue retention tools divided by total revenue or missed orders because of failed credit card authorizations. Failed authorizations can have valid reasons and may not be recoverable.
This rate is calculated as follows: (recovered renewal revenue / potential revenue loss) * 100.
Failed Authorizations Revenue or orders missed because of failed credit card authorizations. Failed authorizations can have valid reasons and may not be recoverable.
Revenue Retention Tool Uplift Represents the percentage increase in revenue or orders achieved by leveraging Cleverbridge’s retention tools such as Account Updater, Expiration Date Checker, Dynamic Re-Routing, and Automatic Retry.
Updated Cards Orders where the related credit card information was sent to the credit card companies and requests up-to-date card details, as the renewal takes place soon and the account updater identified outdated credit card information related to that order. This tool applies only to renewal payments.
Paid Orders with Updated Cards Orders that were converted into renewals because their expiration date was successfully updated.
Account Updater Success Rate Orders with updated cards that were converted into successful renewals. This rate is calculated as follows: (paid orders with updated cards / orders with updated cards) * 100.
Checked Expired Cards Orders, where the related credit card expiration date was successfully updated based on Cleverbridge’s in-house BIN (Bank Identification Number) logic. This logic applies only to renewal payments.
Paid Orders with Checked Expired Cards Orders that were converted into renewals because their expiration date was successfully updated.
Expiration Date Checker Success Rate

Share of orders with successfully updated expiration date using the expiration date checker that was converted into a successful renewal. This rate is calculated as follows: (paid orders with checked expired cards / order with expired cards checked) * 100.

Re-routed Orders Orders that are routed and delivered to secondary acquirers, because the initial attempt to deliver those orders to primary acquirers failed. An acquirer is a bank or financial institution that processes credit or debit card payments on behalf of Cleverbridge. This tool applies to both initial and recurring subscription payments, as well as one-time purchases.
Paid Re-Routed Orders Successfully re-routed orders that were converted into renewals.
Re-routing Success Rate

Share of successfully re-rerouted orders that was converted into renewals. This rate is calculated as follows: (paid re-routed orders / rerouted orders) * 100.

Order Retry An attempt to reprocess a failed payment. This can be a payment for an initial and recurring subscription, as well as a one-time purchase. The time between the payment failure and an order retry can be predefined with a schedule or calculated using an AI mechanism.
Static Retry An order retry performed at set time following a predetermined schedule.
Dynamic Retry An order retry triggered at an optimal time determined by an AI-based mechanism. The time for a dynamic retry is defined within the period preceding the nearest static retry. This option can shorten the time before an order retry is initiated, and therefore increase the chances of a successful payment, boost the overall retry success rate and minimize involuntary churn.
Retried Order An order to which at least one order retry (successful or not) has been applied.
Paid Retried Order A retried order that successfully resulted in a renewal or a paid order.
Retry Success Rate The share of paid retried orders in the total number of order retries. This rate is calculated as follows: (paid retried orders / order retries) * 100.
Attempted Transactions The count of payment attempts recorded during a purchase process specifically for card payments. Calculated by filtering purchase records to include relevant purchase statuses such as "New", "Authorized", "Paid", "Payment Declined", and "Cancelled".
Card Acceptance Rate The percentage of payment transactions successfully authorized by the Cleverbridge's payment system, that is the ratio of paid orders to the total number of attempted transactions over a period of time.
Passed Fraud Checks The count of payment transactions that have successfully cleared fraud detection mechanisms and have been permitted to proceed. The metric is calculated by examining transaction records and verifying that the payment status does not indicate fraud-related blocks, such as "Order Declined in Manual Review", "Order Auto-Declined by System", "Order Blocked for Export Compliance", or "Declined in Manual Export Compliance Review".
Passed Authentication The percentage of attempted transactions that have successfully completed the required 3D Secure authentication processes. The metric is calculated with an examination of the card payment transactions and assessment of their payment status and 3DS check results.

Payments Pages

By clicking on Filter icon in the top right corner you will see a list of filters you can apply to the report. For descriptions, see Filters. In the Payments dashboard, you can also use dimensions to view data at a granular level. For more information, see Payments.


The filters are available for each page of payment analytics and let you filter data by:

The Purchase Recovery Rate and Recovered Revenue reports of the Revenue Recovery > Retry Logic reports have an additional “Retry Type” filter with which you can define if the report is generated for all retries or only dynamic or static ones.

Additionally, for some payment analytics graphs, you have a slider on the left that you can adjust from the top as well as bottom to filter and view the data range you want to see.


Below the payment analytics charts, there is a drop-down menu with the following dimensions using which you can view data at a granular level.

  • Renewal Period
  • Credit Card Schemas\Payment Type
  • Region
  • Country
  • Business Category
  • Interval Number
  • Order Type

Once you select one of these dimensions, the data gets presented as per the selected dimension in:

  • A bar chart that makes the data comparison easy.
  • A table that displays a full overview of the elements taken into account for the calculations as well as a granular YOY change.