Permanent Links


You can filter the content on this page by subscription management version. For more information, see Subscription Management 1.0 and 2.0. If you are unsure which version you are on, contact Client Experience.

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The following information describes the structure of some of the most common links that users of the Cleverbridge platform integrate with their system.


The following links are permanent, which means that their validation is not restricted to a specific period. For more information on the new expiring link structure, see Expiring Links. To switch over to the new expiring link structure, contact Client Experience.

Change Subscription Payment using Subscription ID (SCP)

Use the following link to allow a customerClosed An individual or business purchasing your product or service by placing an order through Cleverbridge. The customer is the end user of this product, as they are not allowed to resell the purchased products or services. ​ A customer is unique per client. If a customer purchases products or services from two different clients, there are 2 separate records of said customer.​ to update, change, or manage their payment methodClosed Describes the actual payment method used by the customer to complete the purchase, for example, Visa, wire transfer, or SEPA Direct Debit. preferences for a subscription.


Change Subscription Payment using Purchase ID (CPP)

Use the following link to allow a customer to update their paymentClosed Exchange of money for goods and services in an acceptable amount to the customer where the payment amount has been agreed upon in advance. The customer can only pay with an accepted payment method. Each payment has an individual payment cost. profile for future billings.

Example<client_ID>/cpp/<purchaseClosed An order made by a customer and the records associated with it._ID>-<purchase_secret>

Deactivate Subscription Item (CSI)

Use the following link to allow a customer to deactivate a subscription itemClosed A subscription item is component of a subscription with its own set of attributes including price, description and feature set..


Activate Subscription Item (ASI)

Use the following link to allow a customer to reinstate the subscription item so they can continue using the product. If you use this link, the subscription is switched to an auto-renewal billing cycle.


Renew Subscription Item (RSI)

Use the following link to allow a customer to renew the subscription item of a manual renewal subscription.


Update a Subscription (USI)

Use the following link to allow a customer to expand the subscription by using one of the available upgrade options.


Customer Self-Service

Use the following link to allow a customer to manage their subscription, such as deactivating and reactivating recurring billing for specific subscription itemsswitching their subscription billing configuration from automatic to manual (and vice versa), viewing their subscription plans and payment schedule, and changing their payment information.



Subscription-related URLs are identified and secured with a combination of the subscription ID and subscription secret. The subscription secret is not directly mapped out in the Cleverbridge JSON schema, but it can be found within the ChangePaymentSubscriptionUrl element:



Change Payment Information (CP)

Use the following link to allow a customer to change their payment information for an unpaid purchase. The link allows a customer to retry their credit card in case it was declined or change the payment optionClosed Set of payment choices displayed to the customer on the checkout page. Available payment options are based on the customer's GeoIP location and include different payment methods and types, for example: a Purchase order (PO) is a payment option we offer our B2B customers. POs are usually paid via the payment method of wire transfer..


Confirmation Page

Use the following link to allow a customer to see the details of their purchase after completing a transaction.


PDF Download (Invoice)

Use the following link to allow a customer to download the receipt related to their purchase.


Submit Payment (PayPal)

Use the following link to allow a customer to finalize their purchase through PayPal, redirecting them instantly for a seamless transaction completion. This link is useful for customers expressing interest in paying via PayPal but haven't yet completed the purchase.


Update Recurring Billing (URB)

Use the following link to allow a customer to update their recurring billing conditions.


Cancel Recurring Billing (CRB)

Use the following link to allow a customer to cancel their recurring billing. The customer needs to turn off the automatic extension using the toggle button.


If a subscription self-service is activated, any access through CRB, CSI, and RSI links gets automatically redirected to the self-service page. In such a case, within the link, the page identifier is changed to "s".

Change Quote (CQ)

Use the following link to allow a customer to view and download the details of their quote document.


Customer Change Payment (CCP)

Use the following link to allow a customer to change the payment option.


New Cart from Purchase (LCP)

Use the following link to allow a customer to request a quote for a purchase or to proceed directly to the express checkout.


Within the LCP link, the purchase item running number is optional.

Redo the Purchase (REDOP)

Use the following link to allow a customer to redo the purchase by either requesting a quote or proceeding directly to payment.


Delivery Confirmation (PD)

Use the following link to allow a customer to view the confirmation of their purchase.
