Set Up Multiple Plans for a Product

The following is a business case example of setting up multiple billing plans for a product in the shopping cart.

Shieldware, Inc. sells anti-virus software for personal use. In orderClosed An agreement between a seller and a buyer to exchange goods and/or services for money. An order can: - contain multiple products and quantities; - have multiple financial transactions. A preorder authorization is considered an order. to achieve a higher Average Order Value (AOVClosed Average Order Value, AOV in short, consists of the average value of all items within any given order. AOV is calculated as the net revenue divided by the number of orders paid and not reimbursed.), they decide to sell their product Internet Security with three different plans:

  • 1-year subscription priced at $119.56
  • 2-year subscription priced at $215.20
  • 3-year subscription priced at $286.94

The longer running subscriptions come with a discount, the cheaper. Customers can then decide which option is best suitable for them.

To achieve this use case, use our Plan Selection Menus feature available in Configure > Selection Menus in our web admin tool.

Plan Selection Menus is a pick list that helps your customers select the most advantageous subscription offer, which helps decrease the risk of churn significantly as customers receive the best value for their purchaseClosed An order made by a customer and the records associated with it..

Add a Plan Selection Menu

To add a plan selection menu to your shopping cart, do the following:

  1. Open the Configure > Selection Menus section in the main menu of our web admin tool.
  2. Click the Add Plan Selection Menu button and fill in the relevant information in the following sections:
  3. General


    Enter a unique name for the plan selection menu.

    Plan Characteristics Selection

    Select up to three different billing options for one subscription product:

    • To choose an existing characteristic, click Select Duration Characteristic.
    • To create a new characteristic, click Add New.
    • Use one of the available templates.
  4. Click Save and Close.