A promotion is a price discount, such as a specified percentage or amount of money off of the regular product price. A promotion can also be a product offering that deviates from your standard product offerings. It gives customers an incentive to buy a product. Promotions boost sales or reward loyal customers.
A recommendation is a sales and marketing technique in which more products are recommended to customers during the checkout process. These recommended products are an addition to or a replacement for the original products that the customer added to the cart. Recommendations are important to increase the number of products purchased, which in turn increases the cart value.
Product Characteristics
Product Characteristics are the options that customers select from in the cart. One product characteristic contains the various options for the product variation. Product characteristics are set up in the Product Characteristic portal.
Product selections
Product selections are used to assign a product to one or more product characteristics and are set up in the Product Selection portal.
Product variations
Before learning about how to set up a product variation, here is a diagram providing an overview on the three parts involved in creating a product variation and how these three parts work together.
Text elements
Text elements are used to display descriptive text in the cart for the various parts of a product variation, such as the individual product characteristic options or the header text that can display above the options. One text element is created for each individual display text and then is selected for use for a product characteristic. Text elements are set up in the Text Element portal. They can be localized in multiple languages.