Products & Delivery
Products & Delivery section is used to set up, manage, and search for your products, as well as other functions related to delivering products. License key delivery options are set up here. Lean more about the Products & Delivery section from this video and following materials.
Products are items and services that you offer for sale using the Cleverbridge platform. You can create and manage products in our web admin tool in the Configure > Manage Products section. The products are then displayed on Cleverbridge-hosted web pages such as the shopping cart or catalog. You can manage product details on a per-product basis.
Product pricing
You can use the Suggested Retail Price section of the Products portal to determine how to price your product. Enter information in the following sections:
Support contacts
A Support Contact is used to provide customers with information on who they can contact at your company for product-specific questions. Support contact information is provided to the customer in the confirmation page and confirmation email. You select a default support contact for your account in Account Setup. This default can be overridden for a specific product in the Products portal.
Product groups
A product group is a way to group products together for reporting purposes. Groups are useful for quick analysis of sales trends. Grouping similar products offers a different way to look at sales data, such as by product line.
Key lists
A key list is a series of pre-generated keys that you upload to Commerce Assistant. You generate the list with key generation software and then upload the keys as a spreadsheet or text file. You can set up notifications that alert you when the key list is running low.
Key generators
License key generator allows you to create customized licensing information for customers at the time of purchase. Unlike license key lists, these licenses are not pre-generated. Rather, when the customer clicks 'Buy', the Cleverbridge platform calls your license key generator, submits the purchase details, and requests the license information back as a response.
Product files
A product file is a file hosted and delivered to the customer by Cleverbridge. These files can be in any format and are presented to the customer in a link on the confirmation page and confirmation email.