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Use tactics and automations


This functionality is a part of CleverAutomations premium solution. To use the functionality, you need to activate the functionality for your account. You can also request a free UI-only trial to explore its capabilities firsthand.

Understanding tactics and automations

A tactic is a predefined automation strategy designed to achieve specific business objectives. There are Renewal Tactics, Payment Delinquency Tactics, and Winback Tactics, each targeting distinct customer interaction goals.

An automation is an implementation of a tactic, configured as a unique workflow. Each automation is based on a tactic and includes customizable settings, email cadences, and segmentation parameters, allowing you to adapt it to your specific requirements and business needs.

Create an automation

To create an automation, you need to:

  1. Select the tactic.
  2. Launch the automation creation.
  3. Define the prompt parameters (if applicable), and have AI generate the initial automation flow.
  4. Adjust the automation flow (if needed).
  5. Activate the automation.

1. Select the tactic

  1. Go to Automations > Tactics in our web admin tool. You will be taken to the Automations > Overview page.


    If there are no automations available for your account, you will be taken directly to the Tactics Library.

  2. Click the + Create new automation button.

  3. Click the desired tactic tile in the Tactics Library.

    Automations Overview

Available tactics

We can divide all available tactics into three main types:

  • Renewal tactics: Used to create personalized emails sent to customers before their subscription renewal date. Encourage subscription renewals and improve customer retention.
  • Payment delinquency tactics: Address missed payments.
  • Winback tactics: Re-engage churned customers.

Detailed tactics overview

TypeTacticDescriptionDefault Schedule
RenewalRenewal SeriesConfigure emails and schedule reminder dates for any customer segmentation.180, 90, 30, 14, 7, 3, 1 day before the renewal date, and on the renewal date.
Auto-renewal remindersFor auto-renewal customers. Similar to Renewal Series.
  • Annual: 30 days before the renewal date;
  • Monthly: 7 days before the renewal date.
Manual renewal remindersFor manual renewal customers. Similar to Renewal Series.
  • Annual: 180 days before the renewal date.
  • Monthly: 7 days before the renewal date.
Payment delinquencyPayment Delinquency SeriesSend automatic emails to customers with overdue payments.1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 days after the missed payment date.
Online payment not completedTargets online payments.
Offline payment not completedTargets offline payments.
WinbackWinback SeriesTargets voluntarily churned customers by delivering emails offering special incentives and personalized messages1, 7, 15, and 20 days after the renewal date.

2. Launch the automation creation

  1. Select the desired tactic, for example, Renewal Series.
  2. Review the description and automation preview.
  3. Click Generate automation.

Use Template

3. Define the prompt parameters (if applicable)

Initial prompt parameters are only defined for the "Series..." tactics (Renewal Series, Payment Delinquency Series, and Winback Series). If such a tactic is chosen, define in the popup:

  • Segmentation: Describe the customer group in a natural language; AI converts it into parameters.
  • Tone of voice: Choose the tone for the emails. Click to select from the dropdown.
  • Languages: Specify the languages in which the emails will be available. If the customer's language isn't available, emails are sent in English. Click to select from the dropdown.

The prompt settings can later be modified when you edit the automation.

Setup Parameters Example

To finalize the step, click the Generate Automation button in the popup.

4. Adjust the automation flow

After step 3 (for the Series... tactics) or step 2 (for more predefined tactics), the automation flow is displayed, and the emails are generated. At this stage, you can modify the flow.

See the Manage automations section for details on how to edit.

5. Save and activate the flow

  1. Name the automation tactic in the Automation Name field.
  2. Click Activate to save and schedule activation.

Activate Automation

Manage automations

After creating an automation, you can adjust various parameters to refine your tactics, respond to customer needs, and ensure that your automated processes remain effective and relevant. This can be done immediately after the automation is created (Step 4 of the automation creation) or at any later point in time.

Edit an automation

  1. Go to Automations > Tactics in the web admin tool.
  2. Click the three-dot menu to the right of the automation you want to edit. Edit Example

Common adjustments include managing:

  • languages
  • segmentation
  • cadences
  • email content

Manage languages

If there are several languages defined for an automation tactic, the emails are displayed in the language selected in the top left corner of the screen. To view emails in a different language, click the selector and choose a different language. It will be applied immediately.


Add languages

  1. Go to the language selector.

  2. Click Manage Languages.
    Add language1

  3. Check the languages to enable them. Use search if needed.

  4. Click Apply.
    Add language2

Emails will be translated to the new language(s) and added to the tactic. The translation source is the current English version of the email.

Remove languages

To remove a language from an automation tactic, go to the language list, and uncheck the box next to it.

Manage segmentation

Segmentation defines the customer group that will receive emails. It may be defined manually when using the "Series..." tactics or automatically, based on the tactic parameters.

Check segmentation

  1. Click the segmentation block: it is the first block of the automation flow.
  2. In the popup, you will see:
  • The prompt used for segmentation: Input by you or based on the chosen tactics
  • The list of segmentation values: The values are calculated by the AI algorithm based on the prompt and used to allocate the customers covered by the automation.
    Segmentation summary

You can also get a CSV file that contains all the customers currently meeting the segmentation conditions. Click the Request CSV link and follow the wizard.

Update segmentation

  1. Hover over the segmentation block to open the three-dot menu, then click the pen icon to open edit.
  2. Update the prompt in the Ask AI to write new segmentation field and click the up arrow next to the new prompt.
  3. The prompt and the list of parameters will be regenerated.
  4. If they meet your needs, click Apply.

Edit Segmentation Update segmentation

Manage cadences

Each second block of the automation flow is a cadence block. It defines when and under which conditions the email defined in the following block must be sent. The initial cadences are aligned with the default settings of the corresponding tactic.

View and edit cadences

  1. Click the cadence block. The Set up your cadence window will pop up.
  2. Update the time of next email. In many cases, you can only update the number of days, as the rest of the conditions depend on the chosen tactic type.
    Add cadence
  3. Click Done.
  4. Click Save. The email following the cadence will be sent on the corresponding day.

Edit Cadence Edit cadences

Add new cadences:

  1. Hover over the flow line.
  2. Click the + icon that will emerge.
    Add cadence.
  3. A new block will emerge. Under Select block, select Cadence.
  4. Edit the new cadence.

Each cadence requires an associated email block.

When adding a block to the right from another cadence, a recommended block type (in black) is Email. However, you can still choose the Cadence option.

Until you've added an email block, between two cadence block, the system will display an error alert, but you can keep editing the automation.

Delete a cadence

  1. Hover over the cadence block.
  2. Click the three-dot menu in the top-right corner.
  3. Select Delete.

Manage emails

Each cadence block is followed by an email block.

This defines what will be sent to the customers covered by the segmentation on the dates defined by the cadence that precedes this Email block.

Email Editing

View and modify emails

  1. Go to the language selector at the top of the screen and select the language in which you want to review/edit the emails.
  2. Click the email you want to edit. The mail editor will emerge. Here you can:
    • Set up email configuration.
    • Edit the subject and preview text.
    • Edit the email body.
    • Preview and test the updates.
    • Apply the updates to the chosen language or all languages. For more details, see Use email editor.

For detailed information on the content requirements and best practices for creating emails, please refer to our Email Content Guidelines.

Add an email

  1. Hover over the flow line.
  2. Click the + icon.
  3. A new block will emerge. Under Select block, select Email.
    Add email
  4. Edit the new email.

Each emails requires an associated cadence block.

When adding a block to the right from another Emails, a recommended block type (in black) is Cadence. However, you can still choose "Email".

If there are two blocks of the same type following each other, the system will display an error alert, but you can keep editing the automation.

Delete an Email

  1. Hover over the cadence block.
  2. Click the three-dotted menu in the top-right corner.
  3. Select Delete.

Track revenue and customer behavior

With our Power BI reports, you can monitor customer interactions with CleverAutomations emails, including:

  • Number of sent emails
  • Number of delivered emails
  • Number of opened emails
  • Number of clicks (customers clicked the call-to-action in an email)
  • Number and type of bounces to help you identify out-of-date contact information for your subscription customers

We’re constantly enhancing our dashboard capabilities and also offer more insights with manual reports we can provide.

Power BI Dashboard

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