Measures overview
You can select multiple measures to report on at once. When you select the Transaction View, there are 10 base measures, located in the Most Common tab of the Available Measures section. The All tab shows all possible measures, including the base 10, along with their variations.
Affiliate Commission measure
The Affiliate Commission measure is used to report on the affiliate commission collected by Cleverbridge on any given affiliate transaction and passed to the affiliate.
Affiliate Commission / Number Of Customer Contacts measure
The Affiliate Commission / Number of Customer Contacts measure is used to report on the affiliate commission collected by Cleverbridge on any given affiliate transaction and passed to the affiliate, divided by the number of customer contacts.
Affiliate Commission / Number Of Hits measure
The Affiliate Commission / Number of Hits measure is used to report on the affiliate commission collected by Cleverbridge on any given affiliate transaction and passed to the affiliate, divided by the number of hits.
Affiliate Commission / Number of Order Items Measure
The Affiliate Commission / Number of Order Items measure is used to report on the affiliate commission collected by Cleverbridge on any given affiliate transaction and passed to the affiliate, divided by the number of order items.
Affiliate Commission / Number of Orders measure
The Affiliate Commission / Number of Orders measure is used to report on the affiliate commission collected by Cleverbridge on any given affiliate transaction and passed to the affiliate, divided by the number of orders.
Affiliate Commission / Number of Sessions measure
The Affiliate Commission / Number of Sessions measure is used to report on the affiliate commission collected by Cleverbridge on any given affiliate transaction and passed to the affiliate, divided by the number of sessions.
Affiliate Commission / Quantity of Licenses measure
The Affiliate Commission / Quantity of Licenses measure is used to report on the affiliate commission collected by Cleverbridge on any given affiliate transaction and passed to the affiliate, divided by the quantity of licenses.
Affiliate Commission / Sales Revenue (Client) measure
The Affiliate Commission / Sales Revenue (Client)* measure is used to report on the affiliate commission collected by Cleverbridge on any given affiliate transaction and passed to the affiliate, divided by the sales revenue (client).
Affiliate Commission / Sales Revenue (Customer) measure
The Affiliate Commission / Sales Revenue (Customer)* measure is used to report on the affiliate commission collected by Cleverbridge on any given affiliate transaction and passed to the affiliate, divided by the sales revenue (customer).
Average Cart Item Value (Client) measure
The Average Cart Item Value (Client)* measure is used to report on the average value of individual items in the shopping cart for any given order. This is calculated as sales revenue (client) divided by the number of order items.
Average Cart Item Value (Customer) measure
The Average Cart Item Value (Customer)* measure is used to report on the average value of individual items in the shopping cart for any given order. This is calculated as sales revenue (customer) divided by the number of order items.
Average Cart Value (Client) measure
The Average Cart Value (Client)* measure is used to report on the average value of all items in the shopping cart for any given order. This is calculated as sales revenue (customer) divided by the number of orders.
Average Cart Value (Customer) measure
The Average Cart Value (Customer)* measure is used to report on the average value of all items in the shopping cart for any given order. This is calculated as sales revenue (customer) divided by the number of orders.
Average Number of Order Items measure
The Average Number of Order Items measure is used to report on the average number of items in any given order. This is calculated as number of order items divided by the number of orders.
Average Time until Payment (Days) measure
The Average Time until Payment (Days)* measure is used to report on the average duration of time, in days, between when the order was submitted and when the payment was processed for the order.
Average Time until Purchase (Minutes) measure
The Average Time until Purchase (Minutes)* measure is used to report on the average duration of time, in minutes, between when the checkout process began for a customer and when the order was submitted. In other words, this is how much time a customer spent in the checkout process.
Average Time until Return (Days) measure
The Average Time until Return (Days)* measure is used to report on the average duration of time, in days, between when payment for an order was processed and when the same order was returned through a refund or chargeback.
Chargeback Rate measure
The Chargeback Rate measure is used for purchases for Visa and Mastercard. VISA calculates chargeback rates as chargebacks this month / transactions this month. Mastercard calculates chargeback rates as chargebacks this month / transactions last month. A transaction is considered successful when the credit card was charged successfully.
Conversion Rate measure
The Conversion Rate measure is used to report on the number of customers who complete an order divided by the total number of customers who enter the checkout process. This is calculated as the number of paid orders divided by the number of sessions.
Customer Contact Rate measure
The Customer Contact Rate measure is used to report on the number of times a customer contacted customer support divided by the number of orders.
Descriptions of Measures (document in progress)
Affiliate Commission
Fee measure
The Fee measure is used to report on the processing and other fees kept by Cleverbridge, including any affiliate fees collected by Cleverbridge on any given affiliate transaction.
Fee / Number of Customer Contacts measure
The Fee / Number of Customer Contacts measure is used to report on the processing and other fees kept by Cleverbridge, including any affiliate fees collected by Cleverbridge on any given affiliate transaction, divided by the number of customer contacts.
Fee / Number of Hits measure
The Fee / Number of Hits measure is used to report on the processing and other fees kept by Cleverbridge, including any affiliate fees collected by Cleverbridge on any given affiliate transaction, divided by the number of hits.
Fee / Number of Order Items measure
The Fee / Number of Order Items measure is used to report on the processing and other fees kept by Cleverbridge, including any affiliate fees collected by Cleverbridge on any given affiliate transaction, divided by the number of order items.
Fee / Number of Orders Measure
The Fee / Number of Orders measure is used to report on the processing and other fees kept by Cleverbridge, including any affiliate fees collected by Cleverbridge on any given affiliate transaction, divided by the number of orders.
Fee / Number of Sessions measure
The Fee / Number of Sessions measure is used to report on the processing and other fees kept by Cleverbridge, including any affiliate fees collected by Cleverbridge on any given affiliate transaction, divided by the number of sessions.
Fee / Quantity of Licenses measure
The Fee / Quantity of Licenses measure is used to report on the processing and other fees kept by Cleverbridge, including any affiliate fees collected by Cleverbridge on any given affiliate transaction, divided by the quantity of licenses.
Fee / Sales Revenue (Client) measure
The Fee / Sales Revenue (Client)* measure is used to report on the processing and other fees kept by Cleverbridge, including any affiliate fees collected by Cleverbridge on any given affiliate transaction, divided by the sales revenue (client).
Fee / Sales Revenue (Customer) measure
The Fee / Sales Revenue (Customer)* measure is used to report on the processing and other fees kept by Cleverbridge, including any affiliate fees collected by Cleverbridge on any given affiliate transaction, divided by sales revenue (customer).
Number of Chargebacks measure
The Number of Chargebacks measure is used to generate a report on the number of chargebacks.
Number of Cookies measure
The Number of Cookies measure is used to report on the number of tracking cookies set for revenue or affiliate tracking. Cleverbridge attempts to exclude automated web crawlers, such as Google crawler, from this calculation as much as possible.
Number of Customer Contacts measure
The Number of Customer Contacts measure is used to report on the number of customer contacts to customer support.
Number of Customer Contacts / Number of Order Items measure
The Number of Customer Contacts / Number of Order Items measure is used to report on the number of customer contacts to customer support, divided by the number of order items.
Number of Customer Contacts / Quantity of Licenses measure
The Number of Customer Contacts / Quantity of Licenses measure is used to report on the number of customer contacts to customer support, divided by the quantity of licenses.
Number of Hits measure
The Number of Hits measure is used to report on the number of Web page views in the checkout process. In other words, a hit is the number of times a customer clicks a Cleverbridge link. Cleverbridge attempts to exclude automated web crawlers, such as Google crawler, from this calculation as much as possible.
Number of Order Items / Number of Hits measure
The Number of Order Items / Number of Hits measure is used to report on the number of all items in a given paid order, divided by the number of hits. Free registrations and quotes are not included in this count. Fully refunded items reduce this count.
Number of Order Items / Number of Sessions measure
The Number of Order Items / Number of Sessions measure is used to report on the number of all items in a given paid order, divided by the number of sessions. Free registrations and quotes are not included in this count. Fully refunded items reduce this count.
Number of Order Items measure
The Number of Order Items measure is used to report on the number of all items in a given paid order. Free registrations and quotes are not included in this count. Fully refunded items reduce this count.
Number of Orders measure
The Number of Orders measure is used to report on the number of paid orders. Free registrations and quotes are not included in this count. Fully refunded items reduce this count.
Number of Orders / Number of Hits measure
The Number of Orders/ Number of Hits measure is used to report on the number of paid orders. Free registrations and quotes are not included in this count. Fully refunded items reduce this count.
Number of Sessions measure
The Number of Sessions measure is used to report on the number of web sessions or visits by unique customers to the checkout process. A session occurs when a customer, with a unique cookie or IP address, accesses the checkout process for the first time during a specified time frame. Only one session is recorded during this time frame, regardless of how often the customer accesses the checkout process. Cleverbridge attempts to exclude automated web crawlers, such as Google crawler, from this calculation as much as possible.
Quantity of Licenses measure
The Quantity of Licenses measure is used to report on the number of sold units for any given order. Free registrations and quotes are not included in this count. Fully refunded items reduce this count.
Quantity of Licenses / Number of Hits measure
The Quantity of Licenses / Number of Hits measure is used to report on the number of sold units for any given order, divided by the number of hits. Free registrations and quotes are not included in this count. Fully refunded items reduce this count.
Quantity of Licenses / Number of Order Items measure
The Quantity of Licenses / Number of Order Items measure is used to report on the number of sold units for any given order, divided by the number of order items. Free registrations and quotes are not included in this count. Fully refunded items reduce this count.
Quantity of Licenses / Number of Orders measure
The Quantity of Licenses / Number of Orders measure is used to report on the number of sold units for any given order, divided by the number of orders. Free registrations and quotes are not included in this count. Fully refunded items reduce this count.
Quantity of Licenses / Number of Sessions measure
The Quantity of Licenses / Number of Sessions measure is used to report on the number of sold units for any given order, divided by the number of sessions. Free registrations and quotes are not included in this count. Fully refunded items reduce this count.
Sales Revenue (Client) measure
The Sales Revenue (Client)* measure is used to report on the revenue you receive from Cleverbridge. This calculation subtracts Cleverbridge fees, affiliate commissions and fees, and any applicable discounts and shipping costs.
Sales Revenue (Client) / Number of Customer Contacts measure
The Sales Revenue (Client) / Number of Customer Contacts measure is used to report on the revenue you receive from Cleverbridge, divided by the number of customer contacts. This calculation subtracts Cleverbridge fees, affiliate commissions and fees, and any applicable discounts and shipping costs.
Sales Revenue (Client) / Number of Hits measure
The Sales Revenue (Client) / Number of Hits measure is used to report on the revenue you receive from Cleverbridge, divided by the number of hits. This calculation subtracts Cleverbridge fees, affiliate commissions and fees, and any applicable discounts and shipping costs.
Sales Revenue (Client) / Number of Sessions measure
The Sales Revenue (Client) / Number of Sessions measure is used to report on the revenue you receive from Cleverbridge, divided by the number of sessions. This calculation subtracts Cleverbridge fees, affiliate commissions and fees, and any applicable discounts and shipping costs.
Sales Revenue (Client) / Quantity of Licenses measure
The Sales Revenue (Client) / Quantity of Licenses measure is used to report on the revenue you receive from Cleverbridge, divided by the quantity of licenses. This calculation subtracts Cleverbridge fees, affiliate commissions and fees, and any applicable discounts and shipping costs.
Sales Revenue (Client) / Sales Revenue (Customer) measure
The Sales Revenue (Client) / Sales Revenue (Customer)* measure is used to report on the revenue you receive from Cleverbridge, divided by sales revenue (customer). This calculation subtracts Cleverbridge fees, affiliate commissions and fees, and any applicable discounts and shipping costs.
Sales Revenue (Customer) measure
The Sales Revenue (Customer) measure is used to report on the revenue that the customer paid to Cleverbridge. This calculation subtracts any discounts or shipping costs. Cleverbridge fees and affiliate commissions are included*.
Sales Revenue (Customer) / Number of Customer Contacts measure
The Sales Revenue (Customer) / Number of Customer Contacts measure is used to report on the revenue that the customer paid to Cleverbridge, divided by the number of customer contacts. This calculation subtracts any discounts or shipping costs. Cleverbridge fees and affiliate commissions are included.
Sales Revenue (Customer) / Number of Hits measure
The Sales Revenue (Customer) / Number of Hits measure is used to report on the revenue that the customer paid to Cleverbridge, divided by the number of hits. This calculation subtracts any discounts or shipping costs. Cleverbridge fees and affiliate commissions are included.
Sales Revenue (Customer) / Number of Sessions measure
The Sales Revenue (Customer) / Number of Sessions measure is used to report on the revenue that the customer paid to Cleverbridge, divided by the number of sessions. This calculation subtracts any discounts or shipping costs. Cleverbridge fees and affiliate commissions are included.
Sales Revenue (Customer) / Quantity of Licenses measure
The Sales Revenue (Customer) / Quantity of Licenses measure is used to report on the revenue that the customer paid to Cleverbridge, divided by the quantity of licenses. This calculation subtracts any discounts or shipping costs. Cleverbridge fees and affiliate commissions are included.