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Measures overview

You can select multiple measures to report on at once. When you select the Transaction View, there are 10 base measures, located in the Most Common tab of the Available Measures section. The All tab shows all possible measures, including the base 10, along with their variations.

When you select a measure, one or two of the following drop-downs appear:

Payment statuses drop-down list

When a measure is selected in the Selected Measures section, a drop-down with payment statuses is displayed. In the drop-down list, select the type of payment status the report should be based on:

AllThe report displays all payment status types.
Expected subscriptionsThe report displays subscriptions and revenue expected for the future. These are calculated up to one year in advance under the assumption that there will be no subscription cancellations.
Paid (Aggregated)The report displays paid orders in aggregate, which includes revenue minus all returns for that period. For a description of returns, see Paid (Only Returns) below.
Paid (Only Refunds)The report displays refunds, which are payments initiated by Cleverbridge or the software provider back to the customer.
Paid (Only Returns)

The report displays returns, which are refunds plus chargebacks. In other words, returns include all reverse transactions.


Chargebacks are initiated by customers who do not recognize a charge on their credit card or they are from fraudulent orders. The customer's payment provider issues a chargeback.

Paid (Only Revenue)The report displays revenue from all paid orders, regardless of later events, such as refunds or chargebacks. If an order was refunded at a later date, it is still included in the period as if the order had the status Paid.
QuotesThe report displays quotes.
UnpaidThe report displays unpaid orders, including quotes.

Time period drop-down

When you select the Time dimension in the Dimension Group section, a time period drop-down displays under each measure selected in the Selected Measures section. That's how you can define a measure's relation to the Time dimension.

The following table describes the time period options:

Average last fifty periods

Average last three periods

Average last twelve periods
Average for the selected period.
Current period (default)Calculated for the current period.
Month-to-dateDepending on the x-axis value, the data is accumulated from the beginning of the month until that time value.
Prior dayCalculated for the prior day. Dependent on the value selected in the Group drop-down in the Time dimension.
Prior periodCalculated for the prior period. Dependent on the value selected in the Group drop-down in the Time dimension.
Prior period changeDifference between the prior period and the current period. Displayed as an absolute number. Dependent on the value selected in the Group drop-down in the Time dimension.
Prior period growthDifference between the prior period and the current period. Displays as a percentage. Dependent on the value selected in the Group drop-down in the Time dimension.
Prior weekCalculated for the prior week. Dependent on the value selected in the Group drop-down in the Time dimension.
Prior monthCalculated for the prior month. Dependent on the value selected in the Group drop-down in the Time dimension.
Prior yearCalculated for the prior year. Dependent on the value selected in the Group drop-down in the Time dimension.
Quarter-to-dateDepending on the x-axis value, the data is accumulated from the beginning of the quarter until that time value.
Year-to-dateDepending on the x-axis value, the data is accumulated from the beginning of the year until that time value.

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