
Multi-Item is a dashboard that presents a consolidated view of multi-item subscriptions based on subscription itemClosed A subscription item is component of a subscription with its own set of attributes including price, description and feature set. count or different product mixes. The Net Revenue for Subscription Options chart, for example, showcases the revenue generated from a single-item subscription compared to a combination of two, three, or more subscription items, enabling you to determine an optimal offer for different product mixes to maximize transaction revenue. To access multi-item analytics, go to Analyze > Multi-Item in our web admin tool.

For a glossary of all subscription-specific terminology, see Subscription Glossary.


The Multi-Item Analytics feature is the newest addition to the Cleverbridge platform. This feature is currently in its beta version.


Multi-item orders based on a bundle setup on the Cleverbridge platform are not reflected in Multi-item Analytics on Subscription Commerce Manager as the combined products in a bundle use one bundle ID and do not retain their individual product IDs.


You can access the subscription analytics embedded into our web admin tool once you complete the onboarding process successfully. For more information, contact Client Experience.


Like the Business Intelligence (BI) tool, the Subscriptions dashboard provides data to be used as a reference and not for accounting purposes. If you want to generate reports for accounting purposes, use the clearing reports available in Commerce Assistant (CA). For more information, see Important Information about BI Reporting.

Key Terms

Key Terms Description
Subscription Orders

The number of subscription orders received as per different product mixes or subscription options.

Subscription Option

The revenue generated or the number of subscription orders received as per a single-item subscription compared to a combination of two subscription items or three subscription items.

Product Mix

The revenue generated or the number of subscription orders received as per actual product combinations. For example, product A sold alone, product B sold alone, or products A and B sold together.

Net Revenue

Net revenue is the amount earned from different product mixes or subscription options after subtracting any applicable discounts and shipping costs, including Cleverbridge fees and affiliateClosed An individual or a company that markets a product to potential customers. The Affiliate receives a commission on a specific action (also called event: e.g., sale, lead, click, visit etc.) previously agreed upon with you, the advertiser. Each action is tracked via a unique tracking link from Partnerize.​ ​An affiliate is also called a publisher. commissions.

Net Revenue

The Net Revenue charts display net revenue or subscription metrics data of different product combinations, such as revenue/subscription by product A sold alone, product B sold alone, or by selling product A and B together enabling you to determine the optimal product mix for maximum subscription/revenue.

  • Line Chart: The line chart displays the net revenue or subscription orders generated by different subscription options (1-item, 2-items, or 3-items) over a specified period. You can switch between monthly (default), daily, or yearly representations and drill down to explore the data in more detail. The chart's x-axis represents the time period, while the y-axis shows the net revenue or subscription orders.
  • Donut Chart: The donut chart aggregates the net revenue or subscription orders by subscription option to show the relative share of each option in the overall revenue or orders. Each subscription option is represented by a different segmentClosed Defines the specific group of customers that an automation is targeting. of the donut chart. You can hover over each segment to see more details about that subscription option.
  • Bar Chart: The bar chart aggregates the net revenue or subscription orders by subscription option and compares the current period to the same period in the previous year. You can use it to see how much progress has been made over time and which subscription options are contributing the most to that progress. The chart's x-axis represents the subscription options, while the y-axis shows the net revenue or subscription orders. Each subscription option is represented by a different color bar, with the current period shown as the solid color and the previous period shown as a patterned overlay. One-item, two-items, and three-item subscription options are included.

Subscription Options

The Subscription Options chart showcases the revenue\subsciptions from a single-item subscription compared to a combination of two subscription items or three subscription items, enabling you to determine the optimal subscription item number for maximum revenue/subscriptions.

  • Line Chart: The line chart displays the net revenue or subscription orders generated by particular combinations of products in one subscription over a specified period. You can switch between monthly (default), daily, or yearly representations and drill down to explore the data in more detail. The chart's x-axis represents the time period, while the y-axis shows the net revenue or subscription orders.
  • Donut Chart: The donut chart aggregates the net revenue or subscription orders by product mixes to show the relative share of each mix in the overall revenue or orders. You can use this chart to define the most popular combinations of products in a subscription. Each product mix is represented by a different segment of the donut chart, and you can hover over each segment to see more details about that product mix.
  • Bar Chart: The bar chart aggregates the net revenue or subscription orders by product mixes and compares the current period to the same period in the previous year. You can use it to see how much progress has been made over time and which product mixes are contributing the most to that progress. The chart's x-axis represents the product mixes, while the y-axis shows the net revenue or subscription orders. Each product mix is represented by a different color bar, with the current period shown as a solid color and the previous period shown as a patterned overlay. You can switch between monthly (default), daily, or yearly representations.


The table below the charts in the Multi-Item Analytics page displays the complete view of your data including the various subscription options and possible product mixes.


In Multi-Item Analytics, the drop-down elements on the right-hand side and the filters on top of the metrics allow you to filter the results.

The applied filters are visible above the charts and can be cleared with the X sign.

You can filter the data by:


To quickly find a specific campaign in a long list of entries in the X-Parameter field, utilize the search feature by typing in either the name or ID of the campaign for which you wish to filter the data.