Performance Analytics

Performance Analytics is a self-service dashboard that allows you to monitor your e-commerce business performance with Cleverbridge, so you can make data-driven decisions on a timely basis.  It consolidates and visualizes the most important metrics to track your business performance. To access analytics regarding performance, go to the main menu of our web admin tool and click Analytics > Performance.


You can access the performance analytics and subscription analytics embedded into our web admin tool once you complete the onboarding process successfully. For more information, contact Client Experience.


Like the Business Intelligence (BI) tool, Performance Analytics and Subscription Analytics provide data to be used as a reference and not for accounting purposes. If you want to generate reports for accounting purposes, use the clearing reports available in the Commerce Assistant. For more information, see Important Information about Business Intelligence Reporting.

Check out the video below to learn how you can use performance analytics to track your e-commerce business's performance.

Key Terms

Key Terms Description
Net Revenue

Amount of revenue generated by subscribers based on the exchange rate at the time of the transaction. All discounts and shipping costs are subtracted from the net revenue, while Cleverbridge fees and affiliateClosed An individual or a company that markets a product to potential customers. The Affiliate receives a commission on a specific action (also called event: e.g., sale, lead, click, visit etc.) previously agreed upon with you, the advertiser. Each action is tracked via a unique tracking link from Partnerize.​ ​An affiliate is also called a publisher. commissions are included in the net revenue.


Number of paid orders in a given period. Free registrations and quotes are not included in this count. Fully refunded items reduce this count.

AOVClosed Average Order Value, AOV in short, consists of the average value of all items within any given order. AOV is calculated as the net revenue divided by the number of orders paid and not reimbursed.

Average value of all items in the shopping cart for any given orderClosed An agreement between a seller and a buyer to exchange goods and/or services for money. An order can: - contain multiple products and quantities; - have multiple financial transactions. A preorder authorization is considered an order.. In Performance Analytics, AOV is calculated as the net revenue divided by the number of orders.

Conversion Rate

Number of initial orders divided by the total number of sessions at the checkout. The conversion rate may be more than 100% if the majority of orders were completed without passing through the checkout process.

Refund Rate

Percentage of all transactions that were fully or partially refunded during a given period.

CC ChargebackClosed A credit card chargeback, typically referred to as chargeback, occurs when a customer successfully disputes a transaction on their bank report. Unlike a refund, where Cleverbridge proactively returns the amount to the customer, a chargeback involves the customer's bank automatically withdrawing the amount from Cleverbridge's account. Cleverbridge can contest illegitimate claims, but the card organization makes the final decision. Successfully contested chargebacks still contribute to the chargeback ratio. Rate

Sum of Visa and Mastercard chargebacks processed in the current month divided by the sum of all paid transactions processed by Visa in the current month and all paid transactions processed by Mastercard during the previous month.


The credit card chargeback rate is applicable to purchases paid with Visa and Mastercard. Chargeback rates with Visa and Mastercard are calculated differently:

  • Chargeback rates with VISA are calculated by dividing the chargebacks processed in the current month by the number of paid transactions processed during the same month.
  • Chargeback rates with Mastercard are calculated by dividing the chargebacks processed in the current month by the number of paid transactions processed during the previous month.

Performance Analytics Pages

Performance Analytics offers the following pages to help you analyze your business:


The drop-down elements on the right-hand side allow you to filter for a particular result. The applied filters are visible above the charts and can be cleared with the X sign.

The filters are available for each page of performance analytics and let you filter data by: