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Generate license keys

License key generators allows you to create customized licensing information for customers at the time of purchase. Unlike license key lists, these licenses aren't pre-generated. Rather, when the customer clicks Buy, the Cleverbridge platform calls your license key generator, submits the purchase details, and requests the license information back as a response.

This offers you the following advantages:

  • Manual effort to regularly upload additional license key lists is no longer required.
  • The license can include information about the customer. This helps reduce software piracy because customers are less likely to pass this information on to someone else.

Manage license keys

To manage license keys, go to our web admin tool and select Configure > Tools > Key Generator.


To offer license key upgrades using our APIs, see License Key Upgrades.

The Key Generator table displays all the key generators added by the account users. The following fields are available:

Key Generator IDUnique ID of the key generator.
NameName of the key generator.
TypeType of the key generator. You can add a new web key generator by clicking Add Key Generator.
Date createdDate and time when the key generator was created.
Date modified (optional)Date and time when the key generator was modified.
Created by (optional)User who created the key generator.
Last modified by (optional)User who modified the key generator.

Add a key generator

To add a web key generator, do the following:

  1. In the main menu of our web admin tool, select Configure > Tools > Key Generator.
  2. Click Add Key Generator. Add Key Generator
  3. Enter information in the following fields:
NameEnter a unique name for the key generator.

Enter the full URL of the key generator.


The URL of your key generator must have an HTTPS scheme.


SSL certificates for HTTPS are only supported if they are signed by a trusted authority.

AuthenticateEnable the toggle to authenticate username and password access to the key generator.
User NameEnter a username that will be used to access the key generator.
PasswordEnter the password that will be used to access the key generator.
Repeat PasswordRepeat what you filled in for Password.
InterfaceSelect Type 1 unless Client Experience has instructed you otherwise.
Character EncodingSelect the type of JSON or XML character encoding to use for the key generation. Most clients typically choose Unicode (UTF-8).
Use romanized contact valuesSelect to render western characters for the Company, First name, and Last name contact values for languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Russian.
Call once per purchaseIf enabled, the key generator is called once for the entire purchase in the shopping cart. If left unchecked, the key generator is called once for every purchase item in the shopping cart.
Client handles errors

Enable if you wish to manage key generation errors on your own. If you don't select this option, Cleverbridge manages key generation errors (recommended).


If a key generation or key list error occurs, the following happens:

  • If you have set up this notification type, you receive an ErrorNotification.
  • An error log entry is created.
  • The Cleverbridge platform makes up to five attempts to generate or obtain the key (after 1-2-4-8-16 hours). After each unsuccessful attempt, an ErrorNotification is sent and an error log entry created.
  • If the fifth attempt to generate or obtain the key fails, our Customer Support will investigate the error (unless Client handles errors is enabled).
  1. Click Save and Close.

For more information, see Implement License Key Generator.

To add a key generator using Commerce Assistant (CA), see Key Generators.

Define a license key template

Cleverbridge offers you the option to define a template for your license key. To set a template in our web admin tool, do the following:

  1. Go to Configure > Manage Products.
  2. Select a product for which you want to create a license key template.
  3. Under the Delivery tab, create a template by filling in the Key Template and Email Key Template sections. You can use the following placeholders:
<Key>License key
<RegNameCustomer name
<ProductIdProduct ID
<InternalProductIdInternal product ID
<[NAME_OF_X_PARAM]>Corresponding x-parameter
<ProductName>Name of the ordered product
<Quantity>Quantity of the ordered product
<ProductTrialUrlURL to download a trial version of the product
  1. Click Save and Complete.

For more information about templates, including information about email key templates, see Products.

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