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Additional URL parameters for partner and affiliate signup

Similar to the checkout process, you can submit additional parameter data to the partner and affiliate signup processes. The parameter names must start with xp- for partner signup and xa- for affiliate signup processes.


The submitted data becomes available in Commerce Assistant and within the automated signup notification.

Use cases

You can use additional URL parameters for partner and affiliate signup in various ways:

  • To track affiliate registrations, such as the referring site.
  • To find out how many resellers registered in total via a certain URL.
  • To find out whether a partner registered via the registration campaign you sent out.

By using field names starting with xp- or xa-, you can also create a questionnaire form on your website prior to the signup process. A partner or affiliate fills out the form and is then taken to the signup page. The resulting data from the form is collected by Cleverbridge and stored along with the partner or affiliate account. For more information, see Create a Questionnaire for Partners.

Viewing parameter data

The data submitted via xp- and xa- parameters is stored in the Cleverbridge platform along with the partner or affiliate account. You can view the data in multiple places:

  • For partners, the parameter data is displayed separately for each partner in the Parameters section of the Partner viewer.
  • Parameter data is included in the notification you receive following a new partner or affiliate signup.

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