Create a questionnaire for partners
You can create a questionnaire form on your website for partners to fill out before they sign up. This can be useful to collect information on partners, for example what products they intend to resell.
- Set up an HTML form on your web server with input field names that use the following syntax:
Shieldware, Inc. offers three kinds of products to resellers and wants to collect information on which of these products new partners intend to resell. They create an HTML form with three input fields and name them xp-ToolsUtilities
, xp-GraphicalSoftware
, and xp-MusicSoftware
- Let the action attribute of the form tag point to your partner signup URL at cleverbridge. For more information on how to create the URL, see Work with saved protected links.
For Shieldware, Inc., the first line of the HTML form would look like this:
<form action="/">
When a partner fills in the questionnaire and subsequently signs up, the xp-parameter data is stored in the Cleverbridge platform along with the partner account. The data is made available to you as follows:
- In the Partner viewer of Commerce Assistant
- In the