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Configure a product list

Product lists are used to categorize products by type and group, helping with identification and payment processes. You can configure product lists to, for example, assign a commission rate to a specific product group for an affiliate or create a list of all your security products.

To access product lists in oue web admin tool, go to Configure > Product Lists.

The Product Lists dashboard displays all the price configurations created by the account users.

IDUnique ID of the product list.
NameName of the product list.
List TypeType of the product list. You can choose between one of two list types:
  • Exclude List to exclude specific products from the list.
  • Include List to include specific products in the list.
Date createdDate and time when the product list was created.
Date modifiedDate and time when the product list was modified.
Created by (optional)User who created the product list.
Last modified by (optional)User who modified the product list.

Add a product list

To add a product list, do the following:

  1. Go to Configure > Product Lists in our web admin tool.
  2. Click Add Product List. Add Product List
  3. Enter a name for the product list.
  4. From the List Type drop-down menu, select:
    • Exclude List to exclude specific products from the list. This option is best when you have only a few products that are not included in the list.
    • Include List to include specific products in the list. This option is best when you have a limited number of products in the list.
  5. Search for and select products that you would like to include in or exclude from the list.
  6. Click Submit.

For instructions on how to add a product list in Commerce Assistant (CA), see Product Lists.

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