Link Generator
We want you to be an expert at setting up and managing your links. Here is the basic information that you need to start:
Link Generator tool
The Link Generator tool is used to build destination URLs that direct customers to Cleverbridge-hosted web pages. You use the panel to select certain criteria from which to build a link. You can then copy and paste the link for use on your website. Links can be saved to Saved Links. Existing links can also be pasted into Link Generator and deconstructed so that the structure of the link transfers into Link Generator settings.
Open the Link Generator tool
You can open Link Generator by selecting Tools > Link Generator in the main menu of Commerce Assistant.
Action bar
The action bar of the Link Generator is located at the top of the tool. It contains the options for what you can do with the link.
For more details, see Step 7: Use the link
General section
The general section of the Link Generator contains options that let you control the overall settings of the link. You can choose between two view modes when building the link:
- Basic — Use this option to create a link with the most basic and typical settings.
- Advanced — Use this option to create a more complex link.
Settings section
The settings section of the Link Generator contains the settings you can use to build the link. The sections change depending on if you select the basic or advanced mode. For more details please see the Step 5: Enter the link settings
URL section
The URL section shows a text box where you can manually add additional URL parameters to the link and destination URL. As you enter parameters or select settings for the link, you can also see the settings in the Destination URL box.
For more information about URL parameters, see Control & Configure Your Checkout Pages Using URL Parameters or contact Client Experience.
Create a link
Link Generator can be used to create a new link. To create a link, complete the following steps:
Step 1: Open the Link Generator
Step 2: Select a destination
Select the type of Cleverbridge-hosted web page you would like to create a link for in the Destination drop-down list of the General section.
The following destinations are available:
- Checkout process
- Shopping cart: The shopping cart destination includes a shopping cart page before the checkout process. This page displays shopping cart information only, such as the product, quantity, and price. The customer clicks the buy button to enter the checkout process.
- Quote: The quote destination generates a quote page, which is a checkout process without payment options. A quote is typically used by corporations, governments, and educational institutions. These organizations typically have a structured purchase process that includes using quotes to pre-approve purchases.
- Catalog: The catalog destination creates a link for a Cleverbridge-hosted catalog. You can create links for:
- The top-level page for the catalog
- A specific catalog category
- A specific product in the catalog
- Product: The product destination provides a page that lists several of your products so that customers can get an overview of your product catalog and prices. You select the products to display on this page.
- Customer support page: The customer support page destination provides a page that helps customers find contact information for Cleverbridge Customer Support. This page should be used along with your own company's customer support contact information.
- Affiliate cookie URL: The affiliate cookie URL destination drops a cookie with the affiliate's ID in the case of a redirect. This provides a way for affiliates to get credit for an order that is not processed immediately.
- Affiliate signup page: The affiliate signup page destination creates a link to an online form that potential affiliates use to register for your affiliate program. This page is typically linked from your website.
- Affiliate center: The Affiliate Center destination creates a link to the Affiliate Center. Approved affiliates access it by logging in with a link on your website.
- Customer portal: The Customer Portal destination creates a link for the Cleverbridge Customer Portal, which is a self-service tool for customers to access an overview of their previous purchases. This portal is typically not relevant for the majority of Cleverbridge clients, as we do not require a customer to choose a username and password during the checkout process because this can have a negative influence on the conversion rate.
- Partner signup page: The partner signup page destination creates a link to an online form that potential partners use to register for your partner program. This page is typically linked from your website.
- Partner checkout process: The partner checkout process destination creates a checkout process for your partners to use to buy their discounted products.
- Partner quote: The partner quote destination generates a quote page for partners.
- Partner portal: The Partner portal destination creates a link to the Partner portal. Approved partners access it by logging in with a link on your website.
Step 3: Select a configuration
Select a configuration template to be applied to this link. For more information about configurations, see Brand Your Checkout Process.
Step 4: Select view mode
Select if you would like to use the Link Generator in basic or advanced mode.
Step 5: Enter the link settings
The settings used to build the link are defined in the Settings section of the Link Generator. The sections change depending on if you select the basic or advanced mode.
In basic mode, the checkout process page option contains the following sections:
- Cart Content
- Dynamic Products
- Marketing
- Tracking
- Customer
In advanced mode, the checkout process page option contains all options available in the basic mode (some of them have additional Advanced settings), and provides other options, u.e. Card Settings, Country Selection, Currency Selection, Payment Type Selection, and Design Settings.
Each of the sections is described in more detail in the following subsections:
Cart content
The Cart Content section is used to select products and Product Selections to be included in the cart.
Add a product to the link
- In the product list, select a product.
- To filter the list, click in the Quick Find filter above the column header row and enter search text. The list can be filtered by product ID, internal product ID, or product name.
- To select multiple items at once, press and hold the CTRL button on your keyboard while selecting the individual items. Or, to select a range, click on the top line item in the range, and press and hold the SHIFT button on your keyboard while clicking on the bottom line item in the range.
- Click
, or drag-and-drop the items to the selected products section below. The product ID is added to the link in the Destination URL field at the bottom of the Link Generator.
- If applicable, enter the following quantity settings for the product:
- Quantity — Enter the quantity of the product in the cart.
- Minimum Quantity — Enter the minimum quantity that must be purchased.
- Maximum Quantity — Enter the maximum quantity that can be purchased.
Add a product selection to the link
Product Selections are used to create product variations, which allow customers to choose between different options for one product in their carts. There are two ways to create the link so that the product variation, with the product selection, displays in the cart. See Define how to view the product selection in the cart. To add a product selection to your link:
- Select a product selection in the product list. Product Selections have an
at the beginning of the ID number, such ass1234
.- To filter the list, click in the Quick Find filter above the column header row, and enter search text. The list can be filtered by entering the product selection ID, product ID, internal product ID, or product name.
- To select multiple items at once, press and hold the CTRL button on your keyboard while selecting the individual items. Or, to select a range, click on the top line item in the range, and press and hold the SHIFT button on your keyboard while clicking on the bottom line item in the range.
- Click
, or drag-and-drop the items to the selected products section below. The product selection ID is added to the link in the Destination URL field at the bottom of the Link Generator.
- If applicable, enter the following quantity settings for the product selection:
- Quantity — Enter the quantity of the product in the cart.
- Minimum Quantity — Enter the minimum quantity that must be purchased.
- Maximum Quantity — Enter the maximum quantity that can be purchased.
- In the Selected Product ID column, select the product ID for the product to add to the cart with the product selection. The product IDs that display in the drop-down list are for the products that are assigned to the product selection. If a product ID is not selected here, the first product in the hierarchy for the product selection is added to the cart.
Remove a product from the link
- In the bottom section, select the products or product selections to remove from the link.
- To select multiple items at once, press and hold the CTRL button on your keyboard while selecting the individual items. Or, to select a range, click on the top line item in the range, and press and hold the SHIFT button on your keyboard while clicking on the bottom line item in the range.
- Click
, or drag-and-drop the items to the product list section at the top. The product or product selection IDs are removed from the link.
Copy content from the lists
You can copy content from the lists and paste it into a text file or spreadsheet, for example. For more information, see Search ✶ > Copy Information from Search Results List.
Dynamic products
The Dynamic Products section is used to create a dynamic product by overriding the standard product information. Your account must first be configured to allow dynamic products.
To create a dynamic product perform the following steps:
Step 1: Select the product
In the product list section at the top of the window, the products that were added to the link are displayed. Select the product you would like to create a dynamic product for. The options below are configured separately for each product you select.
Step 2: Enter dynamic product information
Any product can have dynamic product information. This information overrides the existing information for the product, for this instance of the cart. Enter information in the following fields.
New product name
Enter a different name for the product. The product name displays to customers in the checkout process.
Additional name information
The Additional name information option is used to provide a short product description with more detailed information about the essential features of the product. This description displays as an additional line below the product in the shopping cart, review page, confirmation page, email messages, and so on.
Due to legal requirements for Cleverbridge as an online reseller, a description of essential features must be displayed to customers immediately before the customer places the purchase. Customers must be provided with a short, clear, and detailed description of the product in order for them to make an informed purchase decision.
This means the customer must be able to generally understand how the product works. If the product's name is already descriptive, then no further action is required. If, however, the functionality of the product is unclear from the product name itself, then the Additional name information field should be used for the essential features description.
For more information, contact Client Experience.
In the image below, the essential features description provides more information about the product.
In the image below, a description of essential features is not provided, making it unclear to customers what the product is used for.
Internal product ID
The internal product ID cross-references the purchases for this product with your own internal number. This ID can include alphanumeric characters.
If you would like to use your internal product ID in the checkout process, you can submit the internal ID as a parameter with the number prefixed by the capital letter I.
A Cleverbridge product ID in an order URL is formatted as &cart=42149
, but an internal ID is formatted as &cart=I543
Step 3: Enter dynamic pricing information
Only products that have been specifically configured to allow dynamic product pricing can have their prices overridden. For more information, see Offer dynamic products.
There are three ways to override the product price:
- Create a discount
- Change the price itself
- Change the price and create a discount
A dynamic discount created in the Link Generator will also work in addition to a promotional discount, even if the Can't be combined with other discounts option is selected in the Promotion portal. To avoid this scenario, in the Link Generator, in the Marketing section, deselect the Enable coupon code entry field in cart option.
Enter the following pricing information details:
Percentage Discount
A percentage discount subtracts a specific percentage from the price of the product. Select the Percentage discount radio button and enter a percentage.
Absolute Discount
An absolute discount subtracts a specific, fixed amount from the price of the product.
- Select the Absolute discount radio button.
- In the price grid, in the Discount column, enter a discount amount for one or more specific currencies.
Define gross price(s) (defined price includes tax)
To provide a better shopping experience for your customers in countries with taxation obligations, you can configure every cart to always display a single tax-inclusive price to shoppers. However, with this strategy, if German customers (19% VAT) pay the same gross price as Danish customers (25% VAT), the VAT rates will make a difference in the revenue you receive.
In the following example, the customer in a country with no taxation obligation doesn’t pay tax, but the gross price is the same as for example the EU customers who do pay tax.
Customer Type | Gross Price | TAX | Net Price |
EU Customer 1 in Germany | 39€ | 6,22 € | 32,78€ |
EU Customer 2 in Denmark | 39€ | 9,75 € | 29,25€ |
Non-EU Customer in a non-tax country | 39 € | 0 | 39€ |
In short, your revenue will fluctuate if you select this option, but you’ll display “marketing-friendly” pricing.
Define a Price
In the price grid, define a price for specific currencies. If a price is entered for a currency, the default price for that currency is overridden. If no price is entered for a currency, then the default price for that currency remains.
Advanced dynamic product settings
The advanced view of the Dynamic Products settings includes settings for subscription billing.
Enter subscription pricing
You first define the initial payment price, which is interval 0, and then you set intervals and define prices for them. Interval 1 is the first billing event after the initial payment.
To set up subscription pricing with intervals:
- By default, the price grid displays with interval 0. For interval 0, enter the initial payment price in the price grid.
- To add another interval, click Add Interval. Another tab displays with the interval number.
- For the new interval, enter a unique price in the price grid.
- Repeat for any additional intervals.
A company sets up a dynamic product with a default price of 12€. The company then provides the following link to a customer:
Based on the highlighted __PRICE_INTERVAL
parameters, the customer would be charged the following:
- 11€ for interval 0
- 15€ for interval 1 (This price is not defined in the URL. It was automatically derived from the price defined for interval 2.)
- 15€ for interval 2
- 20€ for interval 3
- 12€ for interval 4 (This price is not defined in the URL. It is the default price of the dynamic product.)
Read the following logic considerations before using the PRICE_INTERVAL
- The value specified for a particular interval will be applied to all preceding intervals if no other interval values are specified.
A company sets up a dynamic product in which the price for interval 3 is specified. The price for interval 3 will be applied to intervals 0-2.
- The value specified for a particular interval will be applied to all preceding intervals until another value is specified.
A company sets up a dynamic product in which unique prices for intervals 0, 1, and 3 are specified. The price for interval 3 will be applied to interval 2.
- The default value will be applied to all intervals if neither the
parameter is used.ExampleA company sets up a dynamic product with a default price of 10€. Neither the
parameter is used. As a result, the price for each interval is 10€. - The default value will be applied to all intervals that occur after the intervals specified in the
parameters.ExampleA company sets up a dynamic product with a default price of 10€. The
parameter is used to specify unique prices for intervals 0-3. The price for interval 4 will be 10€.
Define time until next billing event
In the Initial Subscription Interval field, define how much time should pass between the initial payment and the first subscription billing event. This can be set in months or days.
Set renewal date
In the Set renewal date field, select the billing date for when the subscription renews. The next renewal date after this date displays to customers in the checkout process.
On 01/01/2014, a customer purchased an annual license without an annual renewal. Ten months before the expiration, you want to give the customer the option to pay for an early renewal at a discounted price. You set the renewal date as 01/01/2015 and create the link for the checkout process. In the checkout process, the customer has the option to purchase the license with an expiration date of 01/01/2016 (the date displayed in the shopping cart).
For more information about dynamic products, including the dp parameter, see Configure Dynamic Products.
Copy content from the lists
You can copy content from the lists and paste it into a text file or spreadsheet, for example. For more information, see Search ✶ > Copy Information from Search Results List.
The Marketing section is used to configure how promotions and recommendations are added to the cart, with the following settings:
Use coupon code
Enter a coupon code to add it to the URL so that the discount automatically displays in the cart. The customer doesn’t enter the coupon code.
For information about implementing coupons to customers, see Implement cart promotions .
Enable coupon code entry field in cart
Select to display the coupon code entry field in the cart.
For information about controlling the coupon code entry field in the cart, see Implement cart promotions .
Use recommendations
On the left, select to activate recommendations in the cart, and on the right, select specific recommendations to include in the cart.
The recommendations list includes all active recommendations that have Displays with parameter or Displays with or without parameter selected as the parameter option in the recommendation settings. If a recommendation is set for Displays without parameter, it won’t appear in this list because it’s always included in the cart by default.
If you select a recommendation that is not valid for the product you selected for the link, the recommendation won’t display in the cart.
The Tracking section is used to add information to the link which associates data with transactions that occur on Cleverbridge-hosted pages for the purpose of tracking information and viewing the information in reports.
Enter tracking information in the following fields:
- Affiliate ID
- Affiliate signup parameters
- Partner signup parameters
If you are in the advanced mode, define the Advanced settings
Affiliate ID
Enter an affiliate ID number to add to the link.
Affiliate signup parameters and partner signup parameters
The Affiliate signup parameters and Partner signup parameters fields are used to submit additional parameter data to the partner and affiliate signup processes. The parameter names must start with xa-
for affiliate signup and xp-
for partner signup and be in this format:
The submitted data is then available in Commerce Assistant and in the automated XML signup notifications.
By using field names starting with xp-
or xa-
, you can also create a questionnaire form on your website prior to the signup process. A partner or affiliate fills in the form and is then taken to the signup page. The resulting data from the form is collected by Cleverbridge and stored along with the partner or affiliate account.
Advanced tracking settings
The following settings display with the advanced view:
- Third-party tracking setup
- Parameter 1-5
- Additional parameters
- Cookies
Third-party tracking setup
Select a third-party tracking setup to specify a particular tracking or conversion campaign for this link.
Parameter 1-5
The parameter drop-down lists are used to select an x-parameter that is used to pass information through the checkout process. The options in these drop-down lists are pulled from the hierarchy that it was created in. If no options are displayed, then a hierarchy was not set up for that parameter.
In Revenue tracking setup, you only have one hierarchy set up and this displays under Parameter 1. In the Tracking section of Link Generator, Parameter 1 is the only drop-down list that displays parameters for selection. The Parameter 2-5 drop-down lists don’t display any parameters for selection.
Additional parameters
Enter any additional x-parameters to include in the link, in this format:
Select whether or not to use cookies for this link. Select from the following options:
- Set and use cookies
- Do not set cookie but use existing cookies
- Do not set cookie and ignore all existing cookies
The Customer section is used to enter customer billing, delivery, or licensee contact information to be pre-filled in the cart.
In the section you need to:
- Enter Customer's contact information
- Configure the Show Partner Login setting
- If you are using the advanced mode, define the Advanced settings
Enter contact information
- In the Billing Contact section, in the Language drop-down list, select a language to be selected by default in the cart (optional).
- Enter the customer’s contact information.
You can enter non-romanized language information for the user’s company name, first name, and last name in the Original tab. If you need a romanized version, click Romanize and Commerce Assistant automatically translates this information in the Romanized tab. Enter katakana information in the Katakana tab; this is a character set which helps transcribe foreign words into Japanese.
- To enter different contact information for the product delivery, select the Select Different Delivery Contact checkbox. The contact fields display.
- To enter different contact information for the licensee, select the Select Different Licensee Contact checkbox. The contact fields display.
- The contact information is added to the link in the Destination URL field.
Show partner login
The *Show partner login (when configured) option is used to show or hide the link in the cart that registered partners use to log in when shopping. For more information about the ways for partners to access the cart, see Generate partner-related links.
Advanced settings
The following setting displays with the advanced view:
Reset customer
Select the checkbox to create a cart that is cleared from any existing customer logins. The cart is reset so that the customer is logged out and must log in again.
Cart Settings
The Cart Settings section is available in the advanced mode and used to select additional settings that can be configured for the cart. Select from the following settings:
- Price scale
- Use internal product ID
- Allow zero quantity
- Show cart
- Reset cart
Price scale
The price scale option determines if volume discount information is displayed in the cart for a product. Select from the following options:
Option | Description |
Use and show price scale | A link for Display volume discount prices displays in the cart below the product. Text with information about the volume discount displays in the cart in a pop-up when the link is clicked. |
Use but do not show price scale | The volume discount is applied to the product, but the link for Display volume discount prices does not display in the cart below the product. Customers will not see volume discount information. |
Do not use price scale | A volume discount is not used or shown. |
Use internal product ID
Select the checkbox to use the internal product ID in the checkout process. See Internal information
Allow zero quantity
Select the checkbox if you want the product to remain in the cart if a zero quantity is entered. Deselect the checkbox if you want the product to be removed from the cart if a zero quantity is entered.
Show Cart
The Show Cart option displays the shopping cart component in the checkout page. This option is selected by default. Deselect the checkbox if you do not want the shopping cart component to display in the checkout page.
Reset cart
Select the checkbox to create a cart that is cleared from any existing products that customers may have previously added to the cart.
Typically, by using cookies, products that customers added to the cart are still in the cart if customers return to the cart at a later time. This option removes those existing products from the cart. This can be used, for example, when you send an email promotion and you want to ensure that customers can only see the products from the promotion and not any existing products from an earlier shopping experience.
Country Selection
The Country Selection section is available in the advanced mode and used to control which countries are available for selection in the cart. This overrides the cart's default settings. You use this to localize the cart for customers in a specific region. For more information, see Localize checkout.
Select from the following settings:
Preselected country
Select a country to be selected by default in the Country drop-down list in the cart.
List type
Select Exclude List to exclude specific items from the link. Select Include List to include specific items in the link.
Filter available countries
Select one or more countries to display to customers in the Country drop-down list in the cart. If you selected a country in the Preselected country drop-down list, then you must also select that country here in order for it to display in the cart.
Currency Selection
The Currency Selection section is used to control which currencies are available for selection in the cart. This overrides the cart's default settings. You use this to localize the cart for customers in a specific region. For more information, see Localize checkout.
Select from the following settings:
Preselected currency
Select a currency to be selected by default in the cart.
List type
Select Exclude List to exclude specific items from the link. Select Include List to include specific items in the link.
Filter available currencies
Select one or more currencies to display to customers in the currency drop-down list in the cart. If you selected a currency in the Preselected currency drop-down list, then you must also select that currency here in order for it to display in the cart.
Disable customer currency selection
Select to turn off currency selection for customers. Customers can only use the currency that is defaulted for them.
Language selection
The Language Selection section is used to control which languages are available for selection in the cart. This overrides the cart's default settings. You use this to localize the cart for customers in a specific region. For more information, see Localize checkout.
Select from the following settings:
Preselected language
Select a language to be selected by default in the cart.
List type
Select Exclude List to exclude specific items from the link. Select Include List to include specific items in the link.
Filter available languages
Select one or more languages to display to customers in the language drop-down list in the cart. If you selected a language in the Preselected language drop-down list, then you must also select that language here in order for it to display in the cart.
Disable customer language selection
Select to turn off language selection for customers. Customers can only use the language that is defaulted for them.
Payment Type Selection
The Payment Type Selection section is used to control which payment types are available for selection in the cart. This overrides the cart's default settings. You use this to localize the cart for customers in a specific region. For more information, see Localize checkout.
Select from the following settings:
Preselected payment type
Select a payment type to be selected by default in the cart. How this is displayed may depend on your configuration template.
List type
Select Exclude List to exclude specific items from the link. Select Include List to include specific items in the link.
Filter available payment types
Select one or more payment types to display to customers in the cart. If you selected a payment type in the Preselected payment type drop-down list, then you must also select that payment type here in order for it to display in the cart.
Disable customer payment type selection
Select to turn off payment type selection for customers. Customers can only use the payment type that is defaulted for them.
Create a link - Overview
The Link Generator can be used to create a new link. To create a link, complete the following steps:
- Select the type of Cleverbridge-hosted web page you would like to create a link for in the Destination drop-down list of the general section.
- Configure the settings for the link. The settings change depending on the destination that you selected.
You can create a link for the following types of Cleverbridge-hosted web pages in the Link Generator:
Step 6: Add additional URL parameters (optional)
Enter any additional URL parameters that are not already included in the link. Empty spaces are not allowed.
Step 7: Use the link
When you are finished building the link, you can look at it in the Destination URL field. In the action bar, do one of the following with the link:
Action | Description |
Copy | Copies the destination URL to the clipboard. |
Paste | Pastes a copied, existing link into the Destination URL field to deconstruct the settings. |
Save | Saves the link to saved links. |
Open | Opens the created link in a browser. |
Clear | Clears the link of all settings and resets Link Generator so that you can create a completely new link. |
Protect | Opens a window with settings to protect the link by creating a unique URL. |
An important best practice is to use a display URL on your website with an underlying destination URL. For more information, see Create display URLs.
Save a link
The Link Generator can be used to create a saved link. To save a link, complete the following steps:
- Click Save in the action bar of the Link Generator. The Saved Link portal will open with the destination URL field
- Enter a name for the link, a display URL ending, and any relevant notes.
- Click Open to see if the link works.
- Click Save or Save & Close in the Saved link portal.
Protect a link
In the Link Generator, you can create a protected URL. A protected URL is an order URL containing a masked component invisible to customers. By using a protected URL, you can control the content of the shopping cart and protect private information, such as product price. To protect a link, complete the following steps:
Step 1: Open the Protect window
Click Protect in the action bar of the Link Generator. The Protect window opens displaying the options for protecting the link.
Step 2: Define the protection options
In the Protect window you can define the following options:
Valid from and Valid to
To limit the time frame for which the link can be used, select the checkboxes for Valid from and Valid to, and enter dates and times. This setting is based on the date and time settings of your computer.
Maximum quantity
Enter the maximum number of orders for which the link is valid. Only submitted orders are counted. When the maximum is reached, the link automatically expires and no more orders are accepted.
If you use this setting for a promotion and the order limit is reached, the link can no longer be used for the promotion.
Activate fraud protection
Fraud protection ensures that suspicious orders are inspected by the Cleverbridge anti-fraud team. However, only a very small percentage, if any, of the total incoming orders must be inspected. Cleverbridge carries out fraud protection quickly – usually within 20 minutes of an order being placed.
Deactivate fraud protection only if it is important that none of the orders are delayed due to inspection. If you have any questions, contact before unchecking this box.
Allow purchase order
Select this option if you want to enable purchase orders without a review.
This option is typically used for reliable B2B customers. When this option is selected, customers are no longer required to submit their purchase orders by fax, letter, or PDF to Cleverbridge before the product is delivered.
Use protected link
When all the desired settings are defined:
- To display the URL in the URL field, click Generate.
- To copy the link to the clipboard, click Copy.
- To open the link in a browser, click Open.
- To close Link Generator, click Close.