Add a price configuration
A price configuration is used to create and apply sets of prices for a single product ID. You use price configurations to create special pricing based on a combination of regions, products, languages, and so on.
To access price configurations in our web admin tool, go to Configure > Tools > Price Configurations.
The Price Configurations dashboard displays a table with all price configurations that have been set up for your account.
Field/Option | Description |
ID | Unique ID of the price configuration. |
Name | Name of the price configuration. |
Date created | Date and time when the price configuration was created. |
Date modified | Date and time when the price configuration was modified. |
Created by (optional) | User who created the price configuration. |
Last modified by (optional) | User who modified the price configuration. |
Create a price configuration
- Go to Configure > Tools > Price Configurations in our web admin tool.
- Click Add Price Configuration.
- Enter a unique name for the price configuration.
- Enter information in the tabs described below.
- Click Save and Close
The Products tab is used to add or remove products to or from a price configuration.
To add a product to the price configuration:
- Click Select Product.
- Choose a product you want to add to the price configuration by marking a checkbox next to it.
- Click OK.
A single product can be associated with the price configuration in both the Products tab and the Product Lists tab. This is useful when the product has a different discount in the two sections. If the valid dates are the same, the discount is calculated for the product first, and then the product list.
- Enter price configuration settings for every selected product:
- Valid Dates and Times: The Valid from and Valid to options specify the time period during which a price configuration can be used. If no dates or times are entered, the price configuration will always be available when active. These settings are based on your computer's date and time. a. Enable the toggles to activate the Valid from and Valid to fields. b. Enter a date and time for the duration of the price configuration.
- Limit Discounts: Enable the Discount limit for quantity of licenses toggle to limit the quantity of units that can be discounted when a customer purchases multiple quantities of the same product. Select the maximum number of units that can be discounted.
The quantity limit is set to 2. A customer purchases 5 units of the product. The discount is applied to the first 2 units of the product, and the remaining 3 are full price.
- **Apply to billing interval(s)*: Select a number to control how many billing events have the discount. Use 0 to discount only the initial purchase, which means later billing events are full price. Use numbers greater than 0 to specify how many billing events are discounted. If you turn off this toggle, then the coupon applies to all billing intervals.
A subscription product is billed monthly. You create a promotion for the first 6 months free. The *Apply to billing interval(s) option is set to 5. The discount is applied to the initial billing event plus the next 5 subscription rebilling events. Starting with the 7th rebilling event, the customer pays the full price for the monthly subscription.
- Price Settings: From the drop-down list, select Discount Pricing Method and complete the additional fields that you get. For more information on available discount pricing methods, see Create recommendations.
Product Lists
The Product Lists tab is used to add product lists to or remove them from a price configuration
To add a product list to the price configuration:
- Click Select Product List.
- Choose a product list you want to add to the price configuration by marking a checkbox next to it.
- Click OK.
A single product can be associated with the price configuration in both the Products tab and the Product Lists tab. This is useful when the product has a different discount in the two sections. If the valid dates are the same, the discount is calculated for the product first, and then the product list.
- Enter price configuration settings for every selected product list:
- Valid Dates and Times: The Valid from and Valid to options specify the time period during which a price configuration can be used. If no dates or times are entered, the price configuration will always be available when active. These settings are based on your computer's date and time. a. Enable the toggles to activate the Valid from and Valid to fields. b. Enter a date and time for the duration of the price configuration.
- Limit Discounts: Enable the Discount limit for quantity of licenses toggle to limit the quantity of units that can be discounted when a customer purchases multiple quantities of the same product. Select the maximum number of units that can be discounted.
The quantity limit is set to 2. A customer purchases 5 units of the product. The discount is applied to the first 2 units of the product, and the remaining 3 are full price.
- Apply to billing interval(s): Select a number to control how many billing events have the discount. Use 0 to discount only the initial purchase, which means later billing events are full price. Use numbers greater than 0 to specify how many billing events are discounted. If you turn off this toggle, then the coupon applies to all billing intervals.
A subscription product is billed monthly. You create a promotion for the first 6 months free. The *Apply to billing interval(s) option is set to 5. The discount is applied to the initial billing event plus the next 5 subscription rebilling events. Starting with the 7th rebilling event, the customer pays the full price for the monthly subscription.
- Price Settings: From the drop-down list, select Discount Pricing Method and complete the additional fields that you get. For more information on available discount pricing methods, see Create recommendations.
For instructions on how to add a price configuration in Commerce Assistant (CA), see Price Configurations.
To define more specific conditions under which certain pricing adjustments or discounts are applied, use Price Rules. This is a part of a pricing strategy used to tailor pricing based on factors such as region, partner or affiliate group, payment option, language, license quantity and other parameters. For more information, see Add a price rule