Prevent cart abandonment
If you use cart abandonment prevention measures, you must follow strict compliance standards.
Cart abandonment occurs when a visitor starts the checkout process, but leaves the shopping cart without completing a purchase. To combat shopping cart abandonment, you can use the following prevention measures:
Don't leave layer (DLL)
When a customer enters the Cleverbridge-hosted checkout pages, but then moves the mouse-cursor to the top of the browser (presumably to close that tab/window), you can intercept this individual by using a DLL. In this layer, you can offer the customer a discount if they agree to complete the purchase.
The DLL is activated only if the customer has been on the page for at least 10 seconds. This helps you increase your conversion rate without dropping the average order value too much.
The following is an example of a DLL in which customers are offered a discount if they complete their purchases within a select period of time.
You can add a DLL by opening the Optimize > Don't Leave Layers section of our web admin tool or the Marketing > Add Recommendation > Up-Sell section of Commerce Assistant (CA). Depending on your tool of choice, do as follows:
Add a DLL in our web admin tool
Open the Optimize > Don't Leave Layers section of our web admin tool.
Click the Add Don't Leave Layer button.
Complete the following information:
The Parameter & Discount section is used to enter general settings for a DLL and determine the discount amount offered to the customer to make the purchase.
- Name: Enter a unique name for the DLL.
To make it easier to find and quickly access the DLL setup later, name it with a structure that can be easily found and tells you what it is. A good naming convention, for instance, can include the type of recommendation you are naming, the product name associated with it, and the discount percentage, or other relevant information. It can look like this:
DLL Up-Sell – Internet Security Professional – 5%
- Parameter
The Parameter options control whether or not the DLL displays in the cart. Choose one of the following options:
Option | Description |
Displays without parameter | The DLL always displays in the cart when the selected product for the DLL is added. A parameter name is not needed or used. Example In this example, the DLL setup has Display without parameter selected as the parameter option.
Displays with parameter | The DLL only displays when the parameter name is included in the URL. Example In this example, the DLL setup has Display with parameter selected as the parameter option.
Displays with or without parameter | The DLL displays either when no parameter name is defined or when a parameter name is specifically defined. This is the default option and it gives you the most flexibility.
Example URLs
The Products Setup section is used to specify which product triggers the DLL. Complete the following:
Click Select Product and choose the products that you would like the DLL to apply to.
Click Submit.
- Click Save and Close.
Get a report on a DLL campaign
Cleverbridge's Business Intelligence (BI) allows you to see data on the sales revenue that a DLL campaign generated for you by offering customers a discount when they were about to leave the cart without completing their purchases. You can generate the report with the following steps:
In the Optimize > Don't Leave Layers section of our web admin tool, locate the relevant DLL campaign and copy its ID.
Configure the report in BI as follows:
- From Available Dimensions, drag and drop Recommendation (up-sells) to the Dimension Filter area.
- In the Dimension Group area, paste your DLL campaign ID in Dimension Filter.
- In X-axis, drag-and-drop TIme from Available Dimensions and specify the time for which you want to run the report.
Run the report.
For instructions on generating reports, see Using Business Intelligence > Configure a report. For examples of reports, see Example reports.
Add a DLL in CA
In the main menu of CA, select Marketing > Add Recommendation > Up-Sell. The Recommendation portal opens.
Enter a unique name for the recommendation.
In the Position drop-down menu, select Don't leave order process (all pages) to determine the position of the recommendation in the checkout process.
In the Template drop-down menu, select 01 - Upsell Don’t Leave Layer to display the recommendation information for the selected position of the DLL.
In the Parameter section, set up a URL parameter filter to display the recommendation for a particular audience. For more information, see Create recommendations.
In the Discount section, limit the discount offered by the DLL.
In the Products section, check the Apply Recommendation to Original Products box and specify which products the DLL should apply to by adding those to the Original Products list. The discount offered by the DLL will be applied to the product in the shopping cart when the customer attempts to exit the page after 10 seconds.
Click Save.
Email marketing campaign (exit capture version)
When a customer enters the Cleverbridge-hosted checkout pages, but then moves the mouse-cursor to the top of the browser (presumably to close that tab/window), you can intercept the individual using an Exit Email Capture layer. In this layer, you can offer the customer the opportunity to submit their email address for email marketing purposes.
For more information, see Email marketing services.
Email marketing campaign (tracking version)
This cart abandonment prevention measure is only available for US customers.
When a customer types an email address into the Email Address field on your Cleverbridge-hosted checkout pages, Cleverbridge can track and store this information. If this customer leaves the checkout process before completing the purchase, we can re-target this individual, via the tracked email address, using a custom email campaign built by Digital Marketing Services. For more information, contact Email Marketing.
After we track the information that your customers type into the Email Address field, we can then send them marketing emails reminding them that your products are still in their shopping carts.
For more information, see Email marketing services.
Cart abandonment cookie
The Cart Abandonment Cookie does not contain any personal identifiable information (PII). It is also removed from the browser when the customer completes a purchase.
When a customer starts the checkout process, you can drop a Cart Abandonment Cookie onto the customer's web browser. The cookie contains the following pieces of information:
- Link the customer used to enter cart
- Details of the products in the cart
- Any discount applied to the cart
- Timestamp of when the customer entered the cart
If the customer leaves the checkout process, but returns to your website at a later date, then you can use this cookie to make the individual a special offer. The special offer could be included in a banner, pop-up, or other marketing tool.
For more information about the Cart Abandonment Cookie, see our Tracking Code Documentation. To learn how to set up tracking codes in the Cleverbridge platform, see Implement a tracking code.
Third-party services
If a customer abandons, or tries to abandon, the checkout process, you can use a third-party service to fight shopping cart abandonment. Third-party services typically use Don't Leave Layers, email marketing campaigns, chats, and other conversion tools to try to win customers' business. For more information about the third-party services that Cleverbridge supports, contact Client Experience.
To integrate these prevention measures into your checkout process, contact Client Experience.