You can use Notifications to send purchase-related data from Cleverbridge to your internal systems, allowing a seamless data synchronization at all times. In other words, we send you the purchase-related information we have accumulated through notifications, thereby synchronizing our system with yours.
You can choose to receive notifications for particular events, configure notification delivery to as many contacts as necessary, and define how often this upload takes place, ranging from real-time for every transaction to monthly for multiple transactions. You can also trigger notifications manually.
Notifications dashboard
The Notifications dashboard is available in the Web Admin Tool under Configure > Tools > Notifications.
There is a table that contains all notifications added to your account. The following details can be displayed for each notification:
- Notification ID: A unique identifier of the notification.
- Name: A descriptive name of the notification.
- Transporter Layer: Delivery method of the notification.
- Active: Notification activity toggle that you can set on and off. If the toggle is off, the notification will no longer be generated by the platform.
- Date modified (optional): The date and time when the notification was last modified.
- Created by (optional): The user who created the notification.
- Date created (optional): The date and time when the notification was created.
- Last modified by (optional): The user who was last to modify the notification.
Optional field may be added to the dashboard or removed from it. To access the settings, click the Manage columns button in the top right corner of the page.
Add a notification
In order to add a new notification:
- Go to the Notifications dashboard.
- Click Add Notification button.
- Enter the information as described in the sections below
- Click Save
Use the General area to enter the following notification settings:
Name and Activity status
Enter a unique name for the notification. Keep the name readable and explanatory.
If the notification is ready to be used, make use that the Active toggle is enabled.
Transport layer
Select the notification delivery method and its details. The Transport Layer Details area varies subject to the chosen transport layer.
SSL certificates for HTTPS and FTPS are only supported if they are signed by a trusted authority.
The transmission of data over the Internet or other networks involves certain security risks. Cleverbridge recommends performing an evaluation of your data protection requirements as well as a thorough risk analysis of the different transport layers available. Risk analysis determines which transport layer best meets your requirements for data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. For more information contact, contact Client Experience.
The following transport layers are available:
Method | Description |
An email containing transaction data files is sent to the selected contact. The data files are attached to the email. The subject line of the email includes a predefined prefix that reflects the notification type. For a list of the available prefixes, see Notification Types. note Email notifications are only transmitted if the receiving server supports SSL encryption. The Transport Layer Details include:
| |
FTPS upload | FTP Secure Upload is an option to upload data to your FTP server using SSL cryptography.
HTTP POST | Selecting HTTP POST allows data transmission over both HTTP and HTTPS transport layers. This method transfers encrypted transaction data using an XML POST request. In this setup, the data itself (such as an XML document) is included as the POST payload when Cleverbridge submits the request.
HTTP POST (in Variable) | The HTTP POST option is also available as a variable alternative for both HTTP and HTTPS transport layers. It submits the XML document as a regular POST variable called XML. With this method, the receiving script or code acts like it is receiving a POST submit from an HTML form, including an HTML TextArea with the name XML. |
[HTTP POST (inVariable) Example]
| |
HTTP upload | The HTTP Upload option enables secure transfer of encrypted transaction data to your web server via a POST request, similar to a standard web upload. While HTTPS is recommended for security, HTTP can also be used. To configure this option, specify the target URL starting with
SFTP upload | Secure FTP Upload is an option to upload data to your FTP server using the SSH protocol.
The IP ranges used by Cleverbridge are subject to change, but we will alert you in advance of any change. Cleverbridge does not recommend implementing security based on restricting IP addresses because it only offers limited security and can create problems when requested changes cannot be completed in time. Cleverbridge offers proper authentication through usernames and passwords.
In the Settings area, select a document type and define corresponding settings .
Document type
The following document types are available to transmit data in notifications:
- All: Available only for notifications with Transport layer: Email.
- CSV file
- Excel: Not available for notifications with Transport layer: Email.
- JSON object: Cleverbridge recommends basing any automated integration on the JSON.object. The JSON object includes all transaction-related information.
- Key value: Key value pair file in the INI file format.
- Text: Only available for notifications with Transport layer: Email
- XML: Cleverbridge regularly releases updated XML schema versions. If you use XML notifications, let Client Experience know that you need to be notified when the XML schema is updated.
The list of settings depends on the chosen Document Type. Full list of possible fields includes:
- Interval: Determines how often the notifications are sent. Daily, weekly, and monthly notifications are only available for the transport layer delivery types FTP and HTTP Upload.
- Character Encoding: Select the character set encoding type. The options are:
- Unicode
- Unicode (UTF-8)
- Western European (ISO)
- Language: Language of the notification.
Notification Events
Switch to the Notification Events area to configure the events that trigger a notification. You can define the product list and region to which the notifications apply and specify the notification event.
- Product list: Optionally, select a product list to narrow the list of products that notifications are sent for. If no product list is selected, notifications are sent for all products.
- Region: Optionally, select a region to narrow the locations that notifications are sent for. If no region is selected, notifications are sent for all regions.
Commerce Assistant provides a range of predefined, common regions you can use instead of configuring your own. The predefined regions are displayed at the bottom of region lists throughout the application and are preceded with the text [cleverbridge]. To view what is included in the predefined regions, use the Regions search to find and view them.
- Events: Select the events that trigger notifications. For a table that lists each notification event, along with its corresponding notification type, email prefix, and a short description, see Notification Types.
Set up notifications for subscriptions
To set up the notification for subscriptions, select from the following Notification Events. These events are suitable for a majority of subscription use cases.
- Paid
- Subscription on hold
- Subscription on grace
- Subscription reinstated
- Subscription deactivated
- Subscription reminder charge
- Subscription reminder payment expired
- Subscription reminder offline payment
- Subscription profile data changed
- Subscription billing date extended
Test a notification
It is possible to try out our notifications. To do so select the Test order in the Notification Events dropdown.
Use your test credit card in the checkout process. This will mimic the notification process and will allow you to explore our notifications.
For more information about the notifications Cleverbridge offers, see the Notification Guide.