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Example: Fixed pricing

The following provides examples of how you could leverage the ecommerce platform to implement the fixed pricing model. In this use case, a fictional company, New Tunes, offers a music streaming service in which your customers are billed on a recurring basis, either monthly or yearly.


Notifications are an essential part of the pricing model setup. For more information about changing or adjusting your notification settings, see Manage Notifications.

Sign up

Under the fixed pricing model, the customer must first sign up for a subscription and create a payment profile. To enable a customer to complete the signup, New Tunes does the following:

  1. Once a customer initiates a transaction, New Tunes creates a signup URL (a simple checkout link).


    The following is a sample checkout URL: https://<>/<your client account ID>/purl-checkout?cart=<ID of the music>&firstname=Han&lastname=Solo

When you create the session URL, you can predefine user information such as firstname, Make sure all required fields are filled in accurately to proceed to the next screen., or emailaddress. For a complete list of parameters, see Checkout Process Parameters > Customer Data.


If you want to use an existing payment profile to create the signup URL, generate a session URL and include the customer's UUID. For more information, see Single Sign-On (SSO).

  1. New Tunes redirects the customer to the link. The customer then completes the payment profile and submits the payment.

If the customer chooses an offline payment, you receive a NewOfflinePaymentPurchaseNotification. Use the NewOfflinePaymentPurchaseNotification to provide a visual confirmation of the transaction to the user in the Customer Self-Service portal. You should also provide payment instructions on the confirmation page.

A link to the confirmation page is included in the CustomerConfirmationPageUrlNotification.

  1. Once Cleverbridge receives a payment confirmation, Cleverbridge sends New Tunes a PaidOrderNotification. For more information, see Notification Types.

  2. New Tunes entitles the customer to the product. Cleverbridge simultaneously sends the customer a confirmation email, which includes an invoice.


When a subscription is set to auto-renewal, Cleverbridge automatically processes the renewal transaction for New Tunes. During this process, the following occurs:

  1. Cleverbridge sends the customer an email reminding them that they will be charged in "x" days. Cleverbridge simultaneously sends New Tunes a SubscriptionReminderChargeNotification.

Some customer emails are optional and are not active by default. For more information, see Customer email types.

  1. On the renewal date, Cleverbridge triggers the renewal transaction using the customer's existing payment profile.

Different events occur if a customer uses an offline payment option. For more information, see Flow charts for notification events.

  1. Once Cleverbridge receives a payment confirmation, Cleverbridge sends New Tunes a PaidOrderNotification. For more information, see Notification Types.

  2. New Tunes entitles the customer to the product. Cleverbridge simultaneously sends the customer a confirmation email, which includes an invoice.

Extend Renewal Date

To extend a customer’s renewal date due to a free trial or complaint, New Tunes does the following:

  1. New Tunes gets the current renewal date of the subscription via the following API route: /subscription/getsubscription?subscriptionid={subscriptionid}.
  2. New Tunes adds the date extension to the current renewal date.
  3. New Tunes updates the renewal date via the following API route: /subscription/updatenextbillingdate.
  4. New Tunes receives a SubscriptionBillingDateExtendedNotification.

Switch to Different Billing Interval (Immediate)

Most customers start with the shortest billing interval as it requires the smallest commitment. Once users feel more comfortable with the product, they are willing to commit to a longer billing interval because they typically receive a discount of 10% to 20%.


A monthly subscription costs $10 per month or $120 per year ($10 x 12 months = $120). A yearly subscription costs $100 per year (16% discount).

To enable a customer to immediately switch billing plans, New Tunes does the following:

  1. Once New Tunes is informed that a customer wants to switch billing plans, they call the following API route: /subscription/updatesubscriptionitem.
  • The API call includes:
    • ProductId (billing plan)
    • AlignmentSettings
      • GetCustomerPricePreviewOnly = true
      • AlignToCurrentInterval = true

In the API response, New Tunes receives the new price that the customer will have to pay.

  1. New Tunes displays the new price to the customer in their app or on their website.

  2. Once the customer confirms the new price, New Tunes calls the same API route: /subscription/updatesubscriptionitem.

  • This time, the API call includes:
    • ProductId (billing plan)
    • AlignmentSettings
      • GetCustomerPricePreviewOnly = false
      • AlignToCurrentInterval = true
  1. Once Cleverbridge receives a payment confirmation, Cleverbridge sends New Tunes a PaidOrderNotification. For more information, see Notification Types.

If Cleverbridge cannot process the transaction because the customer's payment profile is invalid, forward the customer to the ContinueUrl, which you can find in the API response. The user can use the URL to update their profile and complete the payment.

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