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Analyze and report using desktop tools

Cleverbridge desktop tools offer two types of reporting:

  • Default reporting, which is handled in Commerce Assistant (CA). For more details, see CA reporting tools.
  • Customizable reporting, which is handled in Business Intelligence (BI). For more details, see BI reporting tools.

The reports bookmarked in the BI can be access in the Cleverbridge web admin tool as described in the BI Bookmarks.

Differences in the way of reporting data

As CA and BI are built with distinct technologies and functionalities, there might occur some differences in how the data is reported in both tools, the most important of which are:

  • Time delay: Due to the differences in technical infrastructure of CA and BI, changes made in CA, such as to a product, promotion, or MVT campaign, affect reports in BI after a delay of one to two days.

  • Different handling of returns: CA and BI have different underlying views how they record orders. BI has cash-flow-based reporting, which means that revenue and returns (refunds and chargebacks) are assigned to the period in which they were incurred. Purchases and refunds are counted as separate incidents. In CA, purchases and refunds are linked, which means that if a purchase has been refunded, CA neutralizes the revenue, and it's removed from the report.


    In January, an order of €29,95 was paid, and the revenue was assigned to the period in which it occurred. This means that the revenue for January was increased by €29,95. If in March the order is refunded:

    • BI will not reduce the revenue from January, but instead it will reduce the revenue in March.
    • CA will cancel the order from the report as if it had never occurred.
  • Sum rounding: There's a difference between CA and BI in the way how each round sums. However, these differences are only marginal.

The following table provides an overview of all differences between the CA and BI analysis and reporting:

MetricCommerce AssistantBusiness Intelligence
Types of reportsOnly pre-defined reportsUser-designed reports with any combination of measures and dimensions
Reporting timeReporting on months of data may require some timeFast reporting on years of data
Data drillingNo drilldown of dataPossible drilldown into layers of data for more detailed results
Reporting on x-parametersNo special configuration requiredPrior configuration in Commerce Assistant Revenue Tracking Setup tool required
Reporting on product groupsSupportedNot supported
Reporting on recommendationsSupportedNot supported
Currency reporting basisGreenwich Mean Time (GMT) and the currency selected in the Payout and clearing currency field in Account SetupOwn definition of currency and time zone
Revenue settingsReporting based on net valueReporting based on own defined settings, such as by gross, net, or only tax

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