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Set up revenue tracking

You can use Revenue Tracking Setup of Commerce Assistant (CA) to add, view, and edit revenue tracking parameters in order to configure revenue tracking for your products.

The process of setting up revenue tracking includes the following steps:

Step 1: Add a parameter

Parameters are categories you can define in order to organize your revenue channels. You can define up to five parameters.

  1. In the main menu of CA, click Reporting > Revenue Tracking Setup.
  2. To define a parameter, click Add Parameter.
  3. Enter a name and key name for the parameter.
    • Name is the name of the parameter in the revenue tracking setup.
    • Key is the name of the parameter output in the order URL.

In this example the name and key name are both named source, which refers to the source of the orders for tracking purposes. Every sub-parameter inherits x-source from it, followed by the individual value which yields a complete x-parameter.
Revenue Tracking - Add Parameter


You can name and organize parameters to best suit your individual business needs. You can set up sub-folders to track the type of advertising, such as:

  • Pay Per Click, with Chrome and Bing sub-folders as source examples of this type of advertising.
  • Banner, with a sub-folder as an example of this type of advertising.

  1. Click Save.

Step 2: Add a sub-parameter

Sub-parameters are child parameters based on the parameter. You can define sub-parameters to represent the details of the particular revenue channel. You can define an unlimited number of sub-parameters. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. In the main menu of CA, click Reporting > Revenue Tracking Setup.
  2. Click the parameter you would like to add a sub-parameter for.
  3. To define sub-parameters to represent the details of the particular revenue channel, click Add Sub-Parameter. You can define an unlimited number of sub-parameters.
  4. Enter a name and value for the sub-parameter. When the value is entered, the x-parameter* field automatically populates with the x-parameter used in order URLs.

In this example the sub-parameter is named Advertising for revenue tracking purposes, and the value assigned is 123.
Revenue Tracking - Add Sub-Parameter
The following image shows another example of the standard revenue tracking hierarchy. The Pay-per-click directory includes other defined subdirectories, such as Facebook and Google.
Revenue Tracking - Add Sub-Parameter


Contact Client Experience concerning any changes to your hierarchy structure after initial setup. Changes may take 24 hours to be reflected in Business Intelligence.

Step 3: Set up an override parameter (optional)

An alternative method is available for setting up an x-parameter hierarchy. You can override parameters using the sub-parameter portal.

If you have order URLs with x-parameters that cannot be updated and would like to override the parameter and ensure past parameters are included in the hierarchy, you can use the override parameter feature.

If you override the parameter, this is reflected next to the folder name in the hierarchy for easy identification.


The hierarchical setup of the folders should remain consistent to allow better reporting.

To set up an override parameter, do the following:

  1. Click the parameter the sub-parameter will be added to.
  2. Click Add Sub-Parameter.
  3. Enter a name for the sub-parameter.
  4. To override the parameter, enter the name of the override in the Override parameter field.
  5. Enter a value for this parameter. Once you have entered the value, the X-parameter field automatically populates with the x-parameter used in order URLs.
  6. Click Save.

In this example, x-source is overridden by Seattle Networking Event. Entering the value 1236 for the parameter causes the system to yield the updated parameter structure in the output order URL. In this case, the output is x-SeattleNetworkingEvent=1236.
Revenue Tracking - Override Parameter

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