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Supported currencies

To help expand your customer base, Cleverbridge enables your customers to pay in 58 different currencies worldwide. We simplify multi-currency transactions by offering GeoIP detection technology, nice price calculations, a custom international payments solution, and a variety of price configuration options.

For details on setting up currencies, see Account setup.

Available currencies

Cleverbridge is constantly expanding its currency portfolio. Customers can currently pay using the following currencies

NameCurrency ISO code
Argentine PesoARS
Australian DollarAUD
Barbadian DollarBBD
Bermudian DollarBMD
Bolivian BolivianoBOB
Brazilian RealBRL
British PoundGBP
Canadian DollarCAD
Chilean PesoCLP
Chinese YuanCNY
Colombian PesoCOP
Czech KorunaCZK
Danish KroneDKK
Dominican PesoDOP
Egyptian PoundEGP
Haitian GourdeHTG
Hong Kong DollarHKD
Hungarian ForintHUF
Icelandic KronaISK
Indian RupeeINR
Indonesian RupiahIDR
Israeli ShekelILS
Jamaican DollarJMD
Japanese YenJPY
Kazakhstani TengeKZT
Kenyan ShillingKES
Korean WonKRW
Kuwaiti DinarKWD
Lebanese PoundLBP
Malaysian RinggitMYR
Mauritian RupeeMUR
Mexican PesoMXN
Moroccan DirhamMAD
Namibian DollarNAD
New Zealand DollarNZD
Norwegian KroneNOK
Peruvian Nuevo SolPEN
Philippine PesoPHP
Polish ZlotyPLN
Qatari RialQAR
Saudi RiyalSAR
Singapore dollarSGD
South African RandZAR
Swedish KronaSEK
Swiss FrancCHF
Taiwan DollarTWD
Thai BahtTHB
Turkish LiraTRY
Ukrainian HryvniaUAH
Uruguayan PesoUYU
US DollarUSD
Vietnamese DongVND

Local currency symbols

Symbols are available for the following currencies:

  • Chinese yuan (CNY)
  • Indian rupee (INR)
  • South Korean won (KRW)

Geo IP detection

When customers see their preferred currency, they are more likely to purchase a product. As a result, our hosted payment pages automatically display a customer’s currency based on their Geo IP location. Customers can also select a currency during the checkout process with the currency drop-down list.

Nice price

Signup rates are higher when customers see a price in their own currency. After all, a customer in Japan may have no idea what $9.99 is in Yen.

However, relying solely on foreign exchange rates can result in unattractive signup prices. For example, $9.99 converts to ¥1,138.14 based on the current exchange rate.

Using the Cleverbridge web admin tool, you can define nice prices for each of the currencies that we offer. This ensures that all prices are visually appealing, regionally standard, and well-rounded.

Alternatively, Cleverbridge can define your prices based on the current exchange rate, which is updated in our platform every 24 hours.

International payments solution

Cleverbridge's out-of-the-box international payments solution reduces dissatisfaction among international customers. Customers paying with international credit cards do not have to pay foreign currency surcharges in the countries that we do business in. This ensures that the final price for the customer is identical to the price shown in the checkout process. It also results in fewer refunds and discontinued subscriptions.

Market-specific pricing

To maximize your business in regions with economic differences, you may want to define different prices for countries using the same currency. For example, a subscription provider may want to offer a monthly plan of €12.99 in Germany, €9.99 in Ireland, and €7.99 in Greece. You can easily do this with our Price Rules feature.

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