URL generation tools
There are different URL generation tools available to create different types of URLs. Below are some common use cases for these tools:
Generate URLs using Link Generator
You can use Link Generator if you want to:
- quickly generate and automatically send personalized, pre-populated checkout pages for your customers.
- create destination URLs that have visible parameters.
- create protected URLs that mask parameters and redirect destination URLs.
- route customers by region, language, browser, or operating system.
- create display URLs that mask parameters and have names that are customer-friendly and look nicer than standard URLs.
- limit the checkout page by customers by language, browser, or operating system.
- easily change, reuse, activate, and/or deactivate a link.
- convert a link for an MVT campaign to perform multivariate testing.
To learn more, see Create URLs using Link Generator
You can also use the Link Generator to manually append additional parameters to a URL. For more information, see Configure checkout using URL parameters.
While these guides are mostly related to the Web Admin tools, you can also access Link Generator in CA under Tools > Link Generator. For details, see Link Generator and Saved links.
Generate quote URLs
User Quote URL generator if you want to:
- Save the time of your sales representative's
- Let your customers complete transactions faster
For more information, see Quote-to-Cart in Salesforce.
MVT Campaigns
Use MVT Campaigns if you want to:
- test two or more different variables in the checkout process to determine which variable creates more revenue or a higher conversion rate.
- create display URLs that mask URL information and have names that are customer-friendly and look nicer than standard URLs.
- route traffic in accordance with test results in the future.
- easily change, reuse, activate, or deactivate a link.
- create certain types of reports.
For more information see Manage MVT campaigns
You can also access MVT Campaign in CA under Tools > Add MVT Campaign. For more information, see MVT campaigns.
Rest API
Use the Rest API if you want to:
- create protected URLs that mask parameters and redirect destination URLs. Y- ou want to create session URLs (SURLs) that mask parameters such as dynamic products, confidential products, and customer profile data.
- create a link that expires after one purchase or 72 hours, whichever comes first.
- create a single sign-on link that connects your client identification with Cleverbridge's customer identification, eliminates the need for a client to log in to the Cleverbridge system, and pre-populates the customer data on the Cleverbridge order page.
For more information, see URL Generator API.