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Build customer trust

Customers seek security and confidence in their online shopping experience. Conversion rates can depend on how well the customers trust you and your website.

Purchase a store hostname and TLS certificate

One way to create a sense of security and trust is to use a hostname that is corresponding to your brand and verify that hostname with a TLS certificate. To use a store hostname in the Cleverbridge platform and the corresponding TLS certificate, follow these steps:

  1. Establish store hostnames.

Choose one or more hostnames for your online store. Most online store web addresses take the following forms:

  • https://store.[company name].com
  • https://secure.[company name].com
  • https://shop.[company name].com
  1. Purchase a TLS certificate.

Purchase a TLS certificate to be associated with your chosen hostnames. You can purchase the certificate yourself or Cleverbridge can purchase it for you.

You purchase the certificate

TLS certificates can be purchased from a number of providers.

Cleverbridge generates a certificate signing request (CSR) on your behalf because the certificate is hosted on a Cleverbridge server. Provide the following information to Cleverbridge:

  • Company name
  • City
  • State
  • Store hostname (store.[company name].com) Once the certificate is issued, send it to Cleverbridge for installation.

Cleverbridge purchases the certificate on your behalf

If you aren't sure which TLS certificate to purchase for your store's hostname, Cleverbridge can purchase it on your behalf. If you want Cleverbridge to purchase the certificate, fill out the SSL Certificate Details Form and submit it to Client Experience.

Cleverbridge will then apply for the certificate. You will receive a phone call from the certificate authority to verify your identity. Cleverbridge then creates the CSR, and you will receive an invoice from Cleverbridge for the price of the certificate. Cleverbridge installs the certificate on its web server.

  1. Create the CNAME.

In addition to purchasing a TLS certificate, you must create a CNAME entry on your DNS. Cleverbridge will provide you with a hostname for which you create the CNAME entry as shown below:

[hostname].[company name].[top level domain]. CNAME [company name]


Here is an example entry for the Shieldware software company: CNAME


Do not use an IP address in your CNAME entry as IP addresses might change in the future.

  1. Update your website links.

If you are a new client at Cleverbridge, create links to your online store for inclusion on your website. Existing clients should update links to the new hostname.


Inform your affiliates to update their links as well. Updating the links maintains correct affiliate tracking and commission distribution.

Add security seals

Customers seek security and confidence in their online shopping experience. Conversion rates can depend on how well the customers trust you and your website. One way to create a sense of security and trust is to place security seals on your website. To add a security seal to your configuration templates, contact Client Experience.

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