Multi-item metrics
Multi-item metrics provide data on multi-item subscriptions based on subscription item count or different product mixes.
You can access multi-item metrics by going to the self-service Multi-Item dashboard in our web admin tool (Analyze > Multi-Item).
You can access the multi-item metrics once you successfully complete the onboarding process. For more information, contact Client Experience.
Multi-Item provides data to be used only as a reference. If you want to generate reports for accounting purposes, use the clearing reports available in Commerce Assistant.
Multi-item metrics
In the Multi-Item dashboard, you can see the consolidated view of multi-item subscriptions based on subscription item count or different product mixes.
Product bundles are not treated as multi-Item orders and therefore are not reflected on the dashboard. This is because all products in a bundle share a single bundle ID and do not retain their individual product IDs.
Net Revenue
Amount earned from different product mixes or subscription options after subtracting any applicable discounts and shipping costs, including Cleverbridge fees and affiliate commissions.
Net revenue can be displayed for:
Product Mix: Shows net revenue earned as per different product mixes.
Subscription Option: Shows net revenue earned as per different subscription options.
There are three ways in which the net revenue metric is presented:
- Line chart, which displays net revenue generated by different subscription options over a specified period. You can switch between monthly, daily, or yearly representations and drill down to explore more data in detail. The chart x-axis represents the time period, while the y-axis shows the net revenue.
- Donut chart, which aggregates the net revenue by subscription option or product mix to show the relative share of each option or product mix in the overall revenue. Each subscription option or product mix is represented by a different segment of a donut chart. You can hover over each segment to see more details about that subscription option or product mix.
- Bar chart, which aggregates the net revenue by subscription option or product mix and compares the current period to the same period in the previous year. You can use it to see how much progress has been made over time and which subscription options or product mixes are contributing the most to that progress. The chart x-axis represents the subscription options or product mixes, while the y-axis shows the net revenue. Each subscription option or product mix is represented by a different color bar, with the current period shown as the solid color and the previous period shown as a patterned overlay.
Subscription Orders
Number of subscription orders received as per different product mixes or subscription options.
Subscription orders can be displayed for:
- Product Mix: Shows the number of subscription orders as per different product mixes.
- Subscription Option: Shows the number of subscription orders as per different subscription options.
There are three ways in which the subscription orders metric is presented:
- Line chart, which displays the subscription orders generated by particular combinations of products or subscription options in one subscription over a specified period. You can switch between monthly, daily, or yearly representations and drill down to explore the data in more detail. The chart x-axis represents the time period, while the y-axis shows the subscription orders.
- Donut chart, which aggregates the subscription orders by subscription option or product mixes to show the relative share of each option or mix in the overall orders. You can use this chart to define the most popular combinations of products or subscription options in a subscription. Each product mix or subscription option is represented by a different segment of a donut chart, and you can hover over each segment to see more details.
- Bar chart, which aggregates the subscription orders by product mixes or subscription options and compares the current period to the same period last year. You can use it to see how much progress has been made over time and which products mixes or subscription options contribute the most to that progress. The chart x-axis represents the product mixes or subscription options, while the y-axis shows the subscription orders. Each product mix or subscription option is represented by a different color bar, with the current period shown as a solid color and the previous period shown as a patterned overlay. You can switch between monthly, daily, or yearly representations.
In multi-item analytics, the drop-down elements on the right-hand side and the filters on top of the metrics allow you to filter the results.
The applied filters are visible above the charts and can be cleared with the X sign.
You can filter the data by:
- Date Range: Month-day-year
- Renewal Period: Monthly, yearly, or other subscription running periods
- Currency: USD, EUR, or GBP
- Metric: Net Revenue or Subscription Orders
- Selection: Product Mix or Subscription Option
- Subscription Option, Product Mix: 1, 2, or 3 item orders
- Product: Name/ID of the product
- Interval: Subscription item interval number
- Payment Type, Subtype: Payment type and subtype used by a customer
- Region, Country: World region as defined by Cleverbridge and billing country
- Australia
- China
- Hong Kong
- India
- Indonesia
- Japan
- Malaysia
- New Zealand
- Philippines
- Republic of Korea
- Singapore
- Taiwan
- Thailand
- Vietnam
- Albania
- Austria
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Canary Islands
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Macedonia
- Malta
- Monaco
- Montenegro
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Republic of Moldova
- Romania
- Russian Federation
- San Marino
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
- Argentina
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Guatemala
- Honduras
- Mexico
- Nicaragua
- Panama
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Puerto Rico
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
- Canada
- United States
- All other countries
Business Category: B2C or B2B
Partner: Another business that buys your products in a B2B model. Partners purchase your products at a discount and then sell them to customers. Partners communicate directly with customers.
MVT: Multivariate testing campaign name/ID
x-Parameter Class: These are your predefined x-Parameter classes. You can have a maximum of 5 x-Parameter classes per client in the system. When you select an x-Parameter Class filter, it is applied to the metrics and the x-Parameters under the x-Parameter class appears in the x-Parameter filter, which you can further select to filter the metrics. You can select either one x-Parameter class as a filter or all the available x-Parameter classes.
x-Parameter: x-Parameter represents origin of your revenue and subscription-metrics and there can be a maximum of 10 hierarchical x-Parameters levels in the system. You can select x-Parameter filters to see the subscription/revenue reports. You can either select one x-Parameter as a filter or all the available x-Parameters. For more information on x-Parameters, see Set up x-Parameters and Set up revenue tracking.
tipTo quickly find a specific campaign in a long list of entries in the x-Parameter field, use the search feature by typing in either the name or ID of the campaign for which you wish to filter the data.
Cart-Level Promotion: Promotion applied in the shopping cart.