link Definition
- scalar Boolean
link Required by
- AvataxConfigurationAvatax account configuration.
- BasicRefundOptionsOptions for refunding the purchase.
- BiBookmarkPreconfigured or created Bookmark in the Business Intelligence (BI). Bookmarks are used to quickly access customized or commonly-used reports.
- BiChartSettingsSettings of the chart, graph, or table that displays the report in the Business Intelligence (BI).
- BoletoProfilenull
- BoolSearchRelationInputInput for bool and relational operator.
- BrazilianBankAccountProfilenull
- CartPreview of shopping cart with product and pricing information.
- CatalogItemSearchResultContains a list of catalogs items.
- CatalogSearchResultContains a list of catalogs.
- ClientAccount information for a specific client account.
- ClientLinkConfigurationnull
- ConfigurationConfiguration settings for the client account.
- CreateAvataxConfigurationInput
- CreateFollowUpInputnull
- CreateHistoryEntryInputInput for created history entry. History entries are detailed notes about the customer interactions and transaction events that occurred after an initial purchase.
- CreateKeyGeneratorInputInput for create key generator.
- CreateMvtCampaignCandidateInputInput for create MVT campaign candidate.
- CreateMvtCampaignInputInput for create MVT campaign.
- CreateNotificationInputnull
- CreateNotificationTransportTypeConfigurationInputnull
- CreatePackageDiscountInputInput for creation of package discount.
- CreatePriceAbsoluteInputInput for created absolute price of a given product.
- CreateProductInputInput for created product.
- CreateProductSelectionInputInput for created product selection. Product selections are used to assign a product to one or more product characteristics.
- CreatePromotionInputInput for created promotion. A promotion is a price discount, such as a specified percentage or amount of money off of the regular product price.
- CreatePromotionPriceSettingsInputInput for price settings of the created promotion.
- CreateRecommendationInputInput for created recommendation. A recommendation is a sales and marketing technique in which more products are recommended to customers during the checkout process.
- CreateUserAccountInputInput for create user account.
- CreditCardProfilenull
- CurrencyConversionInputInput for currency conversion.
- CustomerCustomer profile and transaction data.
- CustomerSearchResultCustomers that match the search parameters.
- DebitCardProfilenull
- DepartmentSearchResultContains a list of departments.
- DynamicPriceInputnull
- ErrorLogEntryError that occurred during the purchase process.
- ErrorLogEntrySearchResultError log entries that match the search parameters.
- ErrorLogEntrySearchResultItemnull
- ErrorLogSearchParametersParameters for the error log search. The Error Log provides an overview of purchase errors and is used to identify and solve purchase-related problems as they occur.
- ExtendedClientSettingsExtended settings for the client account.
- FollowUpReminder about open product and purchase issues.
- FollowUpSearchParametersInput for search parameters of the follow-up. A follow-up is a reminder about open product and purchase issues.
- FollowUpSearchResultFollow-ups that match the search parameters.
- GenerateProtectedUrlInputInput for generated protected URL. Protected URLs are used to control the content of the shopping cart and protect private information, such as product price.
- GenericPaymentProfilenull
- HistoryEntryDetailed note about the customer interactions and transaction events that occurred after an initial purchase.
- HistoryEntrySearchResultHistory entries which match filter criteria.
- HistoryReasonnull
- IdealProfilenull
- JournalItemOne journal item related to the customer’s purchase.
- JournalItemPurchaseAssignmentOne purchase assignment related to the journal item.
- JournalItemPurchaseAssignmentInputOne purchase assignment related to the journal item.
- JournalItemSearchParametersnull
- JournalItemSearchResultnull
- KeyGeneratorKey generator that creates customized licensing information for customers at the time of purchase
- KeyGeneratorInterfaceInterface of Key Generator.
- KeyGeneratorSearchResultGraphTypeKey Generators that match the filter criteria
- KonbiniProfilenull
- LookupsRequested lists of values.
- mutationnull
- MvtCampaignMultivariate testing campaign.
- MvtCampaignCandidateMvt campaign candidate.
- MvtCampaignSearchParametersInputInput for search parameters of a given mvt campaign.
- MvtCampaignSearchResultMvt campaigns that match the search parameters.
- NotificationClient notifications.
- NotificationDocumentTypenull
- NotificationEventnull
- NotificationSearchParametersInput for search parameters of a given notification.
- NotificationSearchResultNotificatiions that match filter criteria.
- NotificationTransportTypeConfigurationTransport configuration of the client notification.
- OfficeSearchResultContains a list of offices.
- PackageDiscountThe package discount.
- PackageDiscountSearchResultContains a list of package discounts.
- PackageDiscountSearchResultItemThe flat package discount as result of a search.
- PaymentProfileInterfaceInterface for the payment profile of the customer.
- PaymentTransaction Payment information for the purchase transaction.
- PriceAbsolutePrice of the product.
- PriceAbsoluteInputInput for absolute price of a given product.
- PricePercentagenull
- PriceSettingsInputnull
- PriceSettingsInterfaceInterface to specify pricing.
- PrivilegeSetSearchResultContains a list of privilege sets.
- ProductItem or service offered for sale.
- ProductBundleBundle including several products. A bundle is a combination of two or more products sold together at a specific price.
- ProductBundleInputnull
- ProductCategoryCategory of the product.
- ProductDeliveryKeyDeliveryOptionsnull
- ProductDeliveryKeyDeliveryOptionsInputInput for delivery options of a license key.
- ProductInformationProduct details for the item.
- ProductSearchResultnull
- ProductSelectionProduct selection for a product variation. Product selections are used to assign a product to one or more product characteristics.
- ProductSubscriptionSettingsSettings for subscription products.
- ProductSubscriptionSettingsInputnull
- PromotionPrice discount off of the regular product price you offer the customer.
- PromotionCouponAutomatically or manually generated coupon for the promotion.
- PromotionCouponInputnull
- PromotionCouponListList of available coupons for the promotion.
- PromotionCouponSettingsCoupon settings for the promotion.
- PromotionCouponSettingsInputnull
- promotionReferringsResultnull
- ProtectedUrlProtected URL.
- ProtectedUrlItemnull
- ProtectedUrlSearchParametersParameters for the protected URL search.
- ProtectedUrlSearchResultProtected URLs that match the search parameters.
- PurchaseTransaction data related to the purchase.
- PurchaseAssignmentnull
- PurchaseDocumentSearchResultPurchase documents that match the search parameters.
- PurchaseItemDeliveryDelivery information for the item purchased by the customer.
- PurchaseMetaDataMeta data for current purchase status.
- PurchaseSearchParametersParameters for the purchase search.
- PurchaseSearchResultPurchases that match the search parameters.
- PurchaseSearchResultItemPurchase that matches the search parameters.
- querynull
- RecommendationProduct suggestion for customers during the checkout process.
- RecommendationPositionTypePosition type for the recommendation. Determines where the recommendation displays in the checkout process.
- RefundCouponParametersnull
- RenewalQuoteRenewalQuote.
- RenewalQuoteSearchResultContains a list of renewal quotes.
- RenewalQuoteSearchResultItemThe flat renewal quote as result of a search.
- SecurityPolicySearchResultContains a list of security policies.
- SepaBankAccountProfilenull
- SubscriptionThe subscription.
- SubscriptionCartItemInputInput for shopping cart preview for a subscription item.
- SubscriptionIntervalDataInterval data of the subscription.
- SubscriptionIntervalDataItemInterval data of the subscription item.
- SubscriptionItemItem of a subscription.
- SubscriptionItemSearchParametersnull
- SubscriptionItemSearchResultContains a list of subscription items.
- SubscriptionItemSearchResultItemnull
- TaxExemptionDocumentSearchResultTax exemption documents search result.
- TaxTypeConfigurationConfiguration of tax types per countries and states.
- TextResourceReusable, localizable text resource.
- TextResourceContextFilterFilter for text resource contexts.
- TextResourceContextFilterResultText resource contexts that match filter criteria.
- TextResourceFilterFilter for text resources.
- TextResourceFilterResultText resources that match filter criteria.
- UpdateAvataxConfigurationInput
- UpdateBiBookmarkInputInput for BI bookmark update.
- UpdateCustomerContactsInputInput for update or creation of contact profiles for the related customer.
- UpdateErrorLogEntryInput for error log entry update. The Error Log provides an overview of purchase errors and is used to identify and solve purchase-related problems as they occur.
- UpdateFollowUpInputInput for follow-up update. A follow-up is a reminder about open product and purchase issues.
- UpdateHistoryEntryInputInput for history entry update. History entry is a detailed note about the customer interactions and transaction events that occurred after an initial purchase.
- UpdateKeyGeneratorInputInput for update key generator.
- UpdateMvtCampaignCandidateInputInput for update MVT campaign candidate.
- UpdateMvtCampaignInputInput for update MVT campaign.
- UpdateNotificationInputnull
- UpdateNotificationTransportTypeConfigurationInputnull
- UpdatePackageDiscountInputInput for update of package discount.
- UpdatePriceAbsoluteInputnull
- UpdateProductInputInput for product update.
- UpdateProductSelectionInputInput for product selection update. Product selections are used to assign a product to one or more product characteristics.
- UpdatePromotionInputInput for promotion update. A promotion is a price discount, such as a specified percentage or amount of money off of the regular product price.
- UpdateProtectedUrlInputInput for protected URL update. Protected URLs are used to control the content of the shopping cart and protect private information, such as product price.
- UpdatePurchaseContactsInputInput for update or creation of contact profiles for one or more customer contact types for the given purchase.
- UpdateRecommendationInputInput for recommendation update. A recommendation is a sales and marketing technique in which more products are recommended to customers during the checkout process.
- UpdateRenewalQuoteInputInput for an update of a renewal quote.
- UpdateSubscriptionItemInputnull
- UpdateUserAccountInputInput for update user account.
- UpgradeSubscriptionExtraParameterInputInput for extra parameters update. X-parameters are components of URLs that are used to pass information through the checkout process.
- UserAccountAccount information for a specific user account.
- UserAccountSearchResultUser accounts that match the search parameters.
- UserAccountSettingsSettings for the user account.
- WebFileReusable, localizable web file.
- WebFileFilterResultWeb files, that match filter criteria.
- XmlSchemanull
- __DirectiveA Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and type validation behavior in a GraphQL document. In some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.
- __EnumValueOne possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is returned in a JSON response as a string.
- __FieldObject and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type.
- __TypeThe fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum. Depending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe information about that type. Scalar types provide no information beyond a name and description, while Enum types provide their values. Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.