Input for shopping cart preview for a subscription.
link Definition
- input SubscriptionCartInput {
- # Coupon code for a promotion applied to item(s) in the cart.
- String :
- # Id to return for this Cart.
- String :
- # List of product and pricing items.
- SubscriptionCartItemInput] : [
- # Two-character language iso code for localized output, e.g. amount and currency.
- CheckoutLanguageEnum :
- # Price configuration that you would like to apply.
- String :
- # ID of the subscription.
- Int! :
- # ID of the session.
- String :
- # Package discount that should be applied to the cart.
- String :
- # If it is used in upgrade context, mode in which the upgrade should be performed.
- SubscriptionUpgradeModeEnum :
- }