
The subscription.

link Definition

  • type Subscription {
  • # Unique ID of the subscription.
  • id: Int!
  • # Status of the subscription.
  • status: SubscriptionStatus
  • # Renewal type of the subscription.
  • renewalType: SubscriptionRenewalType
  • # Indicates whether the client account uses Subscription Management 2.0 and the
  • # renewal type can be updated.
  • canUpdateRenewalType: Boolean
  • # Indicates whether the subscription uses management model 1.0 or 2.0.
  • managementModel: SubscriptionManagementModelEnum
  • # Next billing date and time.
  • nextBillingDate: DateTime
  • # Date and time when next billing reminder is sent.
  • nextBillingReminderDate: DateTime
  • # Next renewal date and time.
  • nextRenewalDate: DateTime
  • # Coupon code of a cart level promotion associated with the subscription.
  • couponCode: String
  • # Customer who signed up for the subscription.
  • customer: Customer
  • # List of billings related to the subscription, including signups, renewals, and
  • # upgrades.
  • billings: [SubscriptionBilling]
  • # List of emails generated for the subscription.
  • emails: [Email]
  • # List of subscription items.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # includeOldVersions: Set to true to not only get the current
  • # version of the subscription item but also previous versions.
  • # hideInactiveItems: Set to true to get only active subscription
  • # items.
  • items(includeOldVersions: Boolean, hideInactiveItems: Boolean): [SubscriptionItem]
  • # Parameters of the subscription.
  • extraParameters: [SubscriptionParameter]
  • # Parameters of the subscription.
  • parameters: [SubscriptionParameter] @deprecated( reason: "Renamed to extraParameters." )
  • # Promotion associated with the subscription.
  • promotion: Promotion
  • # Date and time when subscription is paid for the first time. If a purchase order
  • # is used, this is the date when the subscription is processed for the first time.
  • startDate: DateTime
  • # Pricing information that the customer will be charged for the next billing.
  • nextBillingCustomerPricing: Pricing
  • # Customer renewal pricing information.
  • nextRenewalCustomerPricing: Pricing!
  • # Customer renewal pricing information of next subscription interval.
  • nextButOneRenewalCustomerPricing: Pricing!
  • # Price that will be charged on the next billing date.
  • nextBillingPrice: Price
  • # Amount that will be charged on the next billing date.
  • nextBillingAmount: CurrencyAmount @deprecated( reason: "Use nextBillingPrice instead." )
  • # Number of the last successfully paid subscription interval of the subscription.
  • # Counting starts at 0. For each successfully paid interval, the number is
  • # increased by one.
  • currentInterval: Int @deprecated( reason: "Use currentSubscriptionInterval instead." )
  • # Number of the last successfully paid subscription interval of the subscription.
  • # Counting starts at 0. For each successfully paid interval, the number is
  • # increased by one.
  • currentSubscriptionInterval: Int
  • # Number of the last successfully paid billing interval of the current
  • # subscription interval. Only relevant if subscription term differs billing term.
  • currentBillingInterval: Int
  • # Length of billing intervals in months.
  • billingTermMonths: Int
  • # Length of billing intervals in days.
  • billingTermDays: Int
  • # Billing intervals per subscription interval.
  • billingsPerSubscriptionInterval: Int
  • # Link for a customer to change their payment information.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # returnUrl: If set a session Url is created and the returnUrl is
  • # used after the change payment is completed
  • changePaymentUrl(returnUrl: String): String
  • # List of PDF documents sent to the customer as an email attachment.
  • purchaseDocuments: [PurchaseDocument]
  • # The business model that applies to this subscription.
  • businessModel: BusinessModel!
  • # The URL for the subscription self service page (if applicable).
  • selfServiceUrl: String
  • # Interval data.
  • intervals: [SubscriptionIntervalData]
  • # Latest purchase of subscription.
  • latestPurchase: Purchase
  • # The client the subscription belongs to.
  • client: Client
  • # Indicates whether the prices in stored in the subscription are the same after
  • # recalculation with the current product setup.
  • priceChangesOnRecalculation: Boolean
  • # Renewal quotes of the subscription. By default only active and valid renewal
  • # quotes are returned.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # includeInactiveRenewalQuotes: Also include inactive renewal
  • # quotes.
  • # includeExpiredRenewalQuotes: Also include expired renewal
  • # quotes.
  • renewalQuotes(
  • includeInactiveRenewalQuotes: Boolean,
  • includeExpiredRenewalQuotes: Boolean
  • ): [RenewalQuote]
  • }