
Account information for a specific client account.

link Definition

  • type Client {
  • # Unique ID of the client account.
  • id: Int
  • # Flag that states if the client is active.
  • isActive: Boolean!
  • # The currency used for payout and clearing. This currency is also used in
  • # reports.
  • payoutAndClearingCurrency: Currency
  • # Default currency for the client account in which products are priced. If no
  • # price is defined for a currency, the price for that currency is converted from
  • # the base currency based on the daily floating exchange rate.
  • defaultBaseCurrency: Currency
  • # Default language for the client account in which product information must be
  • # entered. You can override the default language on product level.
  • defaultBaseLanguage: Language
  • # All currencies in which products can be priced.
  • availableCurrencies: [Currency]
  • # All languages in which product information can be entered.
  • availableLanguages: [Language]
  • # Full name of the client account.
  • fullName: String
  • # Short name of the client account.
  • internalName: String
  • # Settings for refund policy.
  • refundPolicySettings: RefundPolicySettings
  • # Short name of the client account.
  • shortName: String
  • # All policies for the client account.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # languageIds: The language filter (defaults to EN)
  • policies(languageIds: [ClientPolicyLanguagesEnum]): [ClientPolicy]
  • extendedSettings: ExtendedClientSettings
  • # Base url of the client.
  • baseUrl: String
  • # Context containing the right resources for cSP or MoR.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # languageId: The language the context resources will be provided
  • # in.
  • # countryId: The country the context resources will be provided
  • # for. If not set, this value will be taken from client's accounting contact. In
  • # case accounting contact is not set, the main contact is used.
  • # resourceSearchTerms: Pairs of Resource Contexts and Element
  • # names.
  • sellingEntityContextResources(
  • languageId: LanguageEnum,
  • countryId: CountryEnum,
  • resourceSearchTerms: [ResourceEntityContextInput]!
  • ): [SellingEntityContextResourceItem]
  • # Business model of the client.
  • businessModel: ClientBusinessModel
  • # Client segment of the client.
  • clientSegment: ClientSegment
  • # Cleverbridge contacts for the client.
  • cleverbridgeContacts: CleverbridgeContacts
  • # Indicator to mark new purchases as test order when matching the last name of the
  • # submitted contact.
  • testOrderIndicator: CleverbridgeContacts
  • # Features available for the client.
  • availableFeatures: [Feature]
  • # Client link configuration.
  • linkConfiguration: ClientLinkConfiguration
  • }

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