Input for numeric ID and relational operator.
link Definition
- input NumericIdSearchRelationInput {
- # One or more search values depending on operator.
- Int] : [
- # Relational operator for search.
- NumericIdSearchRelationOperatorEnum! :
- }
link Required by
- CatalogItemSearchParametersSearch parameters for the item.
- CatalogSearchParametersSearch parameters for the catalog.
- CustomerSearchParametersInputInput for search parameters of a given customer.
- DepartmentSearchParametersSearch parameters for the department.
- ErrorLogSearchParametersParameters for the error log search. The Error Log provides an overview of purchase errors and is used to identify and solve purchase-related problems as they occur.
- FollowUpSearchParametersInput for search parameters of the follow-up. A follow-up is a reminder about open product and purchase issues.
- HistoryEntrySearchInputInput model for history entry search.
- JournalItemSearchParametersnull
- KeyGeneratorSearchParametersSearch parameters for Key Generators
- MvtCampaignSearchParametersInputInput for search parameters of a given mvt campaign.
- NotificationSearchParametersInput for search parameters of a given notification.
- OfficeSearchParametersSearch parameters for the office.
- PackageDiscountSearchParametersSearch parameters for the package discount.
- PrivilegeSetSearchParametersSearch parameters for the privilege set.
- ProductSearchParametersInput for search parameters of a given product.
- ProtectedUrlSearchParametersParameters for the protected URL search.
- PurchaseDocumentSearchParametersParameters for the purchase document search.
- PurchaseSearchParametersParameters for the purchase search.
- RenewalQuoteParametersSearch parameters for the renewal quote.
- SecurityPolicySearchParametersSearch parameters for the security policy.
- SubscriptionItemSearchParametersnull
- UserAccountSearchParametersInput for search parameters of a given user account.