Search parameters for the renewal quote.
link Definition
- input RenewalQuoteParameters {
- # Maximum number of items that should be retrieved.
- Int :
- # Starting index for retrieving the items.
- Int :
- # Logical operator for search.
- LogicalOperator :
- # Input for ordering the result before applying the offset.
- RenewalQuoteSearchOrderByInput] : [
- # ID of the renewal quote.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # ID of the corresponding customer
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # SubscriptionId of the renewal quote.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # Name of one renewal quote item.
- StringSearchRelationInput :
- # ProductId of one renewal quote item.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # Product quantity of one renewal quote item.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # A boolean which indicates if the renewal quote is active or not.
- BoolSearchRelationInput :
- # ExpirationDate of the renewal quote.
- DateTimeSearchRelationInput :
- # ID of the client to which this renewal quote belongs to.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # ID of the user who created the renewal quote.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # ID of the user who was the last one to modify the renewal quote.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # Timestamp of the creation of the renewal quote.
- DateTimeSearchRelationInput :
- # Timestamp of the last modification of the renewal quote.
- DateTimeSearchRelationInput :
- # Currency that the customer used.
- CurrencySearchRelationInput :
- # Gross price of the customer.
- FloatSearchRelationInput :
- }