
Requested lists of values.

link Definition

  • type Lookups {
  • # List of billing terms.
  • billingTerms: [BillingTerm]
  • # List of currencies.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # orderProcessCurrenciesOnly: Only show the currencies which are
  • # supported by the order process.
  • # manualPaymentCurrenciesOnly: Only show the currencies which are
  • # supported by the manual payment process.
  • currencies(
  • orderProcessCurrenciesOnly: Boolean,
  • manualPaymentCurrenciesOnly: Boolean
  • ): [Currency]
  • # Arguments
  • # orderProcessLanguagesOnly: Only show the languages which are
  • # supported by the order process.
  • # filter: Filters the result of languages if needed.
  • languages(orderProcessLanguagesOnly: Boolean, filter: LanguagesFilter): [Language]
  • # List of salutations.
  • salutations: [Salutation]
  • # List of states. Returns all states where order processing is allowed by default.
  • # Provides optional filter parameter.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # filter: Filters the result of states if needed.
  • states(filter: StatesFilter): [State]
  • # List of countries.
  • countries: [Country]
  • # List of all available IDEAL payment providers.
  • idealBanks: [IdealBank]
  • # List of all available payment types.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # paymentTypeCategory: Filter payment types by given category.
  • paymentTypes(paymentTypeCategory: PaymentTypeCategoryEnum): [ActivePaymentType]
  • # List of all available payment type categories.
  • paymentTypeCategories: [PaymentTypeCategory]
  • # List of all available operating systems for products.
  • operatingSystems: [OperatingSystem]
  • # Tree of all available operating systems.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # returnTopLevelOperatingSystemsOnly: Set to true to only return
  • # the top level operating systems.
  • operatingSystemsTree(
  • returnTopLevelOperatingSystemsOnly: Boolean
  • ): [OperatingSystemTreeElement]
  • # List of product categories.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # returnTopLevelCategoriesOnly: Set to true to only return the
  • # top level product categories.
  • # returnEnabledOnly: Set to true to only return the enabled
  • # product categories.
  • productCategories(
  • returnTopLevelCategoriesOnly: Boolean,
  • returnEnabledOnly: Boolean
  • ): [ProductCategory]
  • # List of all notification transport types.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # activeTransportTypesOnly:
  • notificationTransportTypes(
  • activeTransportTypesOnly: Boolean
  • ): [NotificationTransportType]
  • # List of all notification document types.
  • notificationDocumentTypes: [NotificationDocumentType]
  • # List of all notification intervals.
  • notificationIntervals: [NotificationInterval]
  • # List of all possible encodings.
  • encodings: [CharacterEncoding]
  • keyGeneratorInterfaces: [KeyGeneratorInterface]
  • # List of all available price types.
  • priceTypes: [PriceType]
  • # List of all available recommendation position types.
  • recommendationPositionTypes: [RecommendationPositionType]
  • # List of all regions.
  • regions: [Region]
  • # List of all language regions.
  • languageRegions: [LanguageRegion]
  • # List of all browsers.
  • browsers: [Browser]
  • # List of all notification events.
  • notificationEvents: [NotificationEvent]
  • # List of all xml schemas.
  • xmlSchemas: [XmlSchema]
  • # List of all business models.
  • businessModels: [BusinessModel]
  • # List of all partner types.
  • partnerTypes: [PartnerType]
  • # List of all payment type categories for purchase search.
  • purchaseSearchPaymentTypeCategories: [PurchaseSearchPaymentTypeCategory]
  • # List of all payment types for purchase search.
  • purchaseSearchPaymentTypes: [PurchaseSearchPaymentType]
  • # List of all purchase statuses.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # excludeTestStatuses: Only return those purchase statuses that
  • # are not marked as test status.
  • purchaseStatuses(excludeTestStatuses: Boolean): [PurchaseStatus]
  • # List of all manual authorization statuses.
  • manualAuthorizationStatuses: [ManualAuthorizationStatus]
  • # List of all payment assignment statuses.
  • paymentAssignmentStatuses: [PaymentAssignmentStatus]
  • # List of all financial accounts.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # validOnJournalItemsOnly: Return only financial accounts that
  • # are valid for journal items.
  • financialAccounts(validOnJournalItemsOnly: Boolean): [FinancialAccount]
  • # List of all Tax-Exemption document statuses.
  • taxExemptionDocumentStatuses: [TaxExemptionDocumentStatus]
  • # List of all Tax-Exemption document exempt reasons.
  • taxExemptionDocumentExemptReasons: [TaxExemptionReason]
  • # List of all Tax-Exemption document tax id types.
  • taxExemptionDocumentTaxIdTypes: [TaxExemptionTaxIdType]
  • # List of all Tax-Exemption business types.
  • taxExemptionDocumentTypesOfBusiness: [TaxExemptionTypeOfBusiness]
  • # List of all Tax-Exemption document attachment statuses.
  • taxExemptionDocumentAttachmentStatuses: [TaxExemptionDocumentAttachmentStatus]
  • # List of all available tax types.
  • taxTypes: [TaxType]
  • # List of historytypes.
  • historytypes: [Historytype]
  • # All error log entry types.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # visibleToClientOnly: Only return those error log entry types
  • # that should be visible to the client.
  • errorLogEntryTypes(visibleToClientOnly: Boolean): [ErrorLogEntryType]
  • # List of all available subscription statuses.
  • subscriptionStatuses: [SubscriptionStatus]
  • # List of all available subscription item statuses.
  • subscriptionItemStatuses: [SubscriptionItemStatus]
  • # List of all available customer types.
  • customerTypes: [CustomerType]
  • # List of features.
  • features: [Feature]
  • }

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