Default or configurable language in the cleverbridge platform. Languages can be configured on contact, product, or client account level.
link Definition
- type Language {
- # Language code.
- LanguageEnum :
- # Two-character ID of the language, see ISO 639-1.
- String! :
- # Language name, see ISO 639-1.
- String! :
- }
link Required by
- ApplicablePriceConfigurationPrice configuration applied to the product. Price configuration is a special pricing you can create for a single product ID based on a combination of regions, products, and languages.
- CartPreview of shopping cart with product and pricing information.
- Catalognull
- ClientAccount information for a specific client account.
- ClientPolicyPolicy and procedure for the client account.
- ContactContact information used for communication about payments, delivery, and generation of licensing information. Possible types are: billing, delivery, and licensee contact.
- ContactInformationInformation about the contact.
- LanguageRegionLanguage you specify for a region
- LocalizedClientWebbinaryLocalized web file for the product. Typically an image, application, or related document.
- LocalizedStringLocalized string.
- LookupsRequested lists of values.
- MvtCampaignCandidateMvt campaign candidate.
- NotificationSettingsSettings for client notification.
- ProductItem or service offered for sale.
- ProductDeliveryDownloadOptionsnull
- ProductSelectionProduct selection for a product variation. Product selections are used to assign a product to one or more product characteristics.
- PurchaseSearchContactContact information of customer who placed the purchase.
- RenewalQuoteItemSearchResultThe flat renewal quote as result of a search.
- TextElementDescriptive text to display in the cart for a product variation.