link Definition
- scalar String
link Required by
- AcceptRenewalQuoteResultnull
- ActivePaymentTypeType of payment that the customer used during the purchase process.
- AffiliateAffiliate who is credited for every purchase made with a coupon from the promotion.
- ApplicablePriceConfigurationPrice configuration applied to the product. Price configuration is a special pricing you can create for a single product ID based on a combination of regions, products, and languages.
- AvataxConfigurationAvatax account configuration.
- BackupMediumJobStatusStatus of the backup medium job.
- BasicRefundOptionsOptions for refunding the purchase.
- BiBookmarkPreconfigured or created Bookmark in the Business Intelligence (BI). Bookmarks are used to quickly access customized or commonly-used reports.
- BiChartSettingsSettings of the chart, graph, or table that displays the report in the Business Intelligence (BI).
- BiDimensionDimensions of the x-axis and y-axis defined in the BI report. Dimensions are how you report measures. In other words, you select how to group or filter the measures.
- BiGroupResultThe report data for one group.
- BillingTermThe billing term defines the interval in which the billing occurs. Billing terms are also referred to as payment schedules.
- BiMeasureMeasure set in the BI report. Measures are what you report on. In other words, these are the numbers you view in the report.
- BiMeasureResultThe report data for one measure.
- BiReportReport that is bookmarked in the Business Intelligence (BI).
- BiReportResultThe report data fetched from the Business Intelligence (BI).
- BoletoProfilenull
- BrazilianBankAccountProfilenull
- BrowserBrowser to be used in MVT campaigns.
- BusinessModelThe business model that applies to the cart.
- CartPreview of shopping cart with product and pricing information.
- CartInputInput for shopping cart preview.
- CartItemnull
- CartItemInputnull
- Catalognull
- CatalogItemItem in the catalog.
- CatalogItemGroupCatalog item group.
- CatalogItemSearchResultItemThe catalog item as result of a search.
- CatalogSearchResultItemThe catalog as result of a search.
- CatalogStructurenull
- CatalogStructureItemnull
- CharacterEncodingEncoding which is used for sending the notification document.
- ClientAccount information for a specific client account.
- ClientBusinessModelnull
- ClientFileFile that customers download through a link.
- ClientGroupClient group.
- ClientInformationInformation about the client.
- ClientLinkConfigurationnull
- ClientPolicyPolicy and procedure for the client account.
- ClientPolicyInputnull
- ClientPolicyTypenull
- ClientSegmentnull
- ClientShippingsetShipping configuration for physical products.
- ClientStatusStatus of the client.
- ClientWebbinaryWeb file for the product. Typically an image, application, or related document.
- ConfigurationConfiguration settings for the client account.
- ContactContact information used for communication about payments, delivery, and generation of licensing information. Possible types are: billing, delivery, and licensee contact.
- ContactInformationInformation about the contact.
- ContactInputInput for update of contact profiles for the related customer.
- ContactMethodWay in which the customer contacted customer support.
- ContactTaxTypeHolds a tax- and its tax type ID.
- ControlTypenull
- CountryCountry for which taxes are calculated.
- CreateAvataxConfigurationInput
- CreateBrazilianBankAccountInputInput for Brazilian bank account.
- CreateContactInputInput for contact profile that you want to create.
- CreateCustomerInputInput for created customer.
- CreateDepartmentInputInput for creation of department.
- CreateFollowUpInputnull
- CreateHistoryEntryInputInput for created history entry. History entries are detailed notes about the customer interactions and transaction events that occurred after an initial purchase.
- CreateJournalItemInputInput for creation of journal item.
- CreateKeyGeneratorInputInput for create key generator.
- CreateMvtCampaignCandidateInputInput for create MVT campaign candidate.
- CreateMvtCampaignInputInput for create MVT campaign.
- CreateNotificationInputnull
- CreateNotificationTransportTypeConfigurationInputnull
- CreateOfficeInputInput for creation of office.
- CreatePackageDiscountInputInput for creation of package discount.
- CreatePriceConfigurationInputnull
- CreateProductCharacteristicInputInput for created product characteristic. Product characteristics are the options that customers select from in the cart.
- CreateProductCharacteristicOptionInputInput for created product characteristic options. Product characteristics are the options that customers select from in the cart.
- CreateProductInputInput for created product.
- CreateProductListInputInput for created product list. A product list is a list of products you select and categorize for a particular purpose, such as product type.
- CreateProductSelectionInputInput for created product selection. Product selections are used to assign a product to one or more product characteristics.
- CreatePromotionInputInput for created promotion. A promotion is a price discount, such as a specified percentage or amount of money off of the regular product price.
- CreateRecommendationInputInput for created recommendation. A recommendation is a sales and marketing technique in which more products are recommended to customers during the checkout process.
- CreateRegionConfigurationInputInput for created region configuration. A region is an area of the world you specify for shipping configurations, price configurations, marketing campaigns, and reporting of your products.
- CreateRenewalQuoteInputInput for create a renewal quote.
- CreateSepaBankAccountInputInput for SEPA bank account.
- CreateSubscriptionInputInput for created subscription.
- CreateSubscriptionItemInputInput for created subscription item.
- CreateTaxExemptionContactInputnull
- CreateTaxExemptionDocumentInputInput for creating a Tax exemption document.
- CreateTextElementInputInput for created text element. Text elements are used to display descriptive text in the cart for the various parts of a product variation.
- CreateUserAccountContactInputInput for contact profile that you want to create.
- CreateUserAccountInputInput for create user account.
- CreditCardProfilenull
- CurrencyCurrency in which the price is presented.
- CurrencyAmountCurrency and amount of the gross, net, converted, or discounted item price.
- CustomerCustomer profile and transaction data.
- CustomerInformationInformation about the customer.
- CustomerSearchResultItemCustomer that matches the search parameters.
- CustomerTypenull
- DebitCardProfilenull
- DeleteTaxExemptionDocumentPayloadPayload for deleted tax exemption document.
- DeliveryStatusnull
- DeliveryTypenull
- DepartmentDepartment information for the user or client. A department is a team in your organization.
- DepartmentSearchResultItemThe flat department as result of a search.
- EmailEmail generated for the purchase.
- ErrorLogEntryError that occurred during the purchase process.
- ErrorLogEntrySearchResultItemnull
- ErrorLogEntryTypenull
- ExtraParameterX-parameter used in the transaction. X-parameters are components of URLs that are used to pass information through the checkout process.
- ExtraParameterInputInput for extra parameters update. X-parameters are components of URLs that are used to pass information through the checkout process.
- ExtraParametersSearchRelationInputnull
- Featurenull
- FileThis type is a placeholder that allows fileuploads when using the graphql multipart request specs:
- FinancialAccount.
- FlowFlow information.
- FollowUpReminder about open product and purchase issues.
- FollowUpReasonReason for the follow-up.
- FollowUpReasonCategoryFollow-up reason category.
- GenerateProtectedUrlInputInput for generated protected URL. Protected URLs are used to control the content of the shopping cart and protect private information, such as product price.
- GenericBiDimensionFilterOptional generic filter, for example, by IDs or top number of results.
- GenericPaymentProfilenull
- HistoryCategorynull
- HistoryContactMethodHistory contact method.
- HistoryEntryDetailed note about the customer interactions and transaction events that occurred after an initial purchase.
- HistoryEntrySearchResultItemHistory entry search result item.
- HistoryNatureOfContactSource of the contact.
- HistoryReasonnull
- HistorytypeHistorytype to be used in lookups.
- IdealBankIDEAL payment provider.
- IdealProfilenull
- JournalItemOne journal item related to the customer’s purchase.
- JournalItemSearchParametersnull
- JournalItemSearchResultItemnull
- KeyGeneratorKey generator that creates customized licensing information for customers at the time of purchase
- KeyGeneratorInterfaceInterface of Key Generator.
- KeyGeneratorTypeType of key generator.
- KeyListList of pre-generated keys.
- KeyResultTypenull
- KonbiniProfilenull
- LanguageDefault or configurable language in the cleverbridge platform. Languages can be configured on contact, product, or client account level.
- LanguageRegionLanguage you specify for a region
- LicenseTypeType of license.
- ListTypeWhether price configurations were added to the promotion using an include or exclude list.
- LocalizedStringLocalized string.
- LocalizedStringInputInput for localized product description in the cart.
- LogEntryInterfacenull
- MailStatusnull
- MailTypenull
- ManualAuthorizationStatusManual authorization status of the purchase.
- mutationnull
- MvtCampaignMultivariate testing campaign.
- MvtCampaignCandidateMvt campaign candidate.
- NotificationClient notifications.
- NotificationDocumentTypenull
- NotificationEventnull
- NotificationIntervalInterval a notification is sent in.
- NotificationTransportTypeTransport types for notifications.
- NotificationTransportTypeConfigurationTransport configuration of the client notification.
- OfficeOffice information for the user or client. An office is a location used by your organization.
- OfficeSearchResultItemThe flat office as result of a search.
- OperatingSystemOperating system for which the product is available.
- OperatingSystemTreeElementElement of the tree of operating systems.
- OrderItemInterfacenull
- PackageDiscountThe package discount.
- PackageDiscountSearchResultItemThe flat package discount as result of a search.
- PartnerGroupPartner group in which the product list is used.
- PartnerTypeType of the partner.
- PaymentAssignmentStatusnull
- PaymentProfileInterfaceInterface for the payment profile of the customer.
- PaymentProvidernull
- PaymentTransaction Payment information for the purchase transaction.
- PaymentTransactionTypenull
- PaymentTypeType of payment that the customer used during the purchase process.
- PaymentTypeCategoryCategory of payment type.
- PercentageTax rate or discount applied to the product price.
- PowerBiReportGraphQL representation of a report inside the PowerBi of Cleverbridge.
- PowerBiReportsList of PowerBiReports together with a matching embed token.
- PriceConfigurationSpecial pricing you can create for a single product ID based on a combination of regions, products, and languages.
- PriceFormatnull
- PriceType: Price type of the product.
- PricingMethodPricing method used for the price of the product.
- PrivilegeSetThe privilege set.
- PrivilegeSetSearchResultItemThe flat privilege set as result of a search.
- PrivilegeSetTypeType of the privilege set.
- ProductItem or service offered for sale.
- ProductCategoryCategory of the product.
- ProductCharacteristicProduct characteristic for offering product variations in the cart, such as version, language, or license period. One product characteristic contains the different options for a product from which the customer can choose.
- ProductCharacteristicOptionOption of the product characteristic.
- ProductGroupReporting group of the product.
- ProductInformationProduct details for the item.
- ProductListProduct list for which the notification applies.
- ProductSelectionProduct selection for a product variation. Product selections are used to assign a product to one or more product characteristics.
- ProductSelectionPositionnull
- ProductStatusStatus of the product. Determines how the product is used in the cleverbridge platform.
- ProductTypeType of product offered for sale.
- PromotionPrice discount off of the regular product price you offer the customer.
- PromotionCouponAutomatically or manually generated coupon for the promotion.
- PromotionCouponInputnull
- PromotionTypenull
- ProtectedUrlProtected URL.
- ProtectedUrlItemnull
- PurchaseTransaction data related to the purchase.
- PurchaseDocumentPDF document sent to the customer as an email attachment.
- PurchaseDocumentSearchResultItemPurchase document that matches the search parameters.
- PurchaseDocumentTypeType of PDF document sent to the customer as an email attachment.
- PurchaseItemItem purchased by the customer.
- PurchaseItemDeliveryDelivery information for the item purchased by the customer.
- PurchaseItemPriceTypenull
- PurchaseSearchContactContact information of customer who placed the purchase.
- PurchaseSearchParametersParameters for the purchase search.
- PurchaseSearchPaymentTypeThe payment type that can be used in purchase search.
- PurchaseSearchPaymentTypeCategoryThe payment type category.
- PurchaseSearchPromotionInformation of the promotion which was used for this product.
- PurchaseSearchResultItemPurchase that matches the search parameters.
- PurchaseSearchResultProductProduct purchased by the customer.
- PurchaseStatusStatus of the purchase.
- querynull
- RecommendationProduct suggestion for customers during the checkout process.
- RecommendationDisplayOptionDisplay option for the recommendation. Determines when the recommendation displays in the cart.
- RecommendationOptionTypeOption type for the recommendation. Controls how customers are given the choice of purchasing or not purchasing a cross-sell or a sub-sell.
- RecommendationParameterParameter for the recommendation. Controls whether or not the recommendation displays in the cart.
- RecommendationParameterInputnull
- RecommendationPositionTypePosition type for the recommendation. Determines where the recommendation displays in the checkout process.
- RecommendationQuantityLimitTypeQuantity limit type for the recommendation.
- RecommendationTypeType of the recommendation.
- RefundCouponParametersnull
- RefundPolicyTypenull
- RefundReasonRefund reason that is valid for a specific refund type.
- RegionArea of the world you specify for a given product.
- RegionConfigurationRegion you specify for shipping configurations, price configurations, marketing campaigns, and reporting of your products.
- RenewalQuoteRenewalQuote.
- RenewalQuoteItemSearchResultThe flat renewal quote as result of a search.
- RenewalQuoteSearchResultItemThe flat renewal quote as result of a search.
- RenewSubscriptionResultSubscription renewal information.
- ResourceEntityContextInputKey/Value-pairs of resource paths and element names.
- SalutationContact's salutation.
- SampleUrlsnull
- SecurityPolicySecurity policy.
- SecurityPolicySearchResultItemThe flat security policy as result of a search.
- SellingEntityContextPlaceholderItemContains one Placeholder of a selling entity context text resource.
- SellingEntityContextResourceItemContains one specific resource with all placeholders.
- SepaBankAccountProfilenull
- ShippingConfigurationShipping configuration you specify for a given product.
- StateContact’s state. Five- or six-character ID of the customer's country and state based on ISO 3166-2. It is required for Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Ireland, Japan, the UAE, and the USA.
- StatisticValueTypenull
- StringExtendedSearchRelationInputnull
- StringLimitedSearchRelationInputnull
- StringSearchRelationInputInput for string and relational operator.
- SubscriptionThe subscription.
- SubscriptionCartInputInput for shopping cart preview for a subscription.
- SubscriptionCartItemInputInput for shopping cart preview for a subscription item.
- SubscriptionDeliveryOptionDelivery option for the subscription product.
- SubscriptionIntervalDataItemInterval data of the subscription item.
- SubscriptionItemItem of a subscription.
- SubscriptionItemSearchProductInformationInformation about the product.
- SubscriptionItemStatusStatus of the subscription item.
- SubscriptionParameterParameters of the subscription.
- SubscriptionRenewalTypeRenewal type of the subscription.
- SubscriptionStatusStatus of the subscription.
- SupportContactSupport contact for the product. Displays to customers on checkout pages and in emails.
- TaxationHistoryTaxationHistory.
- TaxExemptionContactnull
- TaxExemptionDocumentTax exemption document.
- TaxExemptionDocumentAttachmentnull
- TaxExemptionDocumentAttachmentStatusnull
- TaxExemptionDocumentStatusnull
- TaxExemptionDocumentStringSearchRelationInputnull
- TaxExemptionReasonnull
- TaxExemptionTaxIdTypenull
- TaxExemptionTypeOfBusinessnull
- TaxTypeType of applicable tax, for example, sales tax, or value-added tax.
- TaxTypeInputDefines value pairs of tax types and the corresponding tax IDs.
- TaxTypePricenull
- TemplateTemplate you define or design for your client account, recommendation, or catalog.
- TemplateTypenull
- TestCreditCardTest credit card number
- TextElementDescriptive text to display in the cart for a product variation.
- TextResourceReusable, localizable text resource.
- TextResourceContextContext of reusable text resources.
- TrackingParameterX-parameter for a client account. X-parameters are components of URLs that are used to pass information through the checkout process.
- TrackingParameterItemItem of the tracking parameter.
- UpdateApplicablePriceConfigurationInput
- UpdateAvataxConfigurationInput
- UpdateBiBookmarkInputInput for BI bookmark update.
- UpdateBoletoPaymentInput: Input for Boleto payment data update.
- UpdateBrazilianBankAccountInputInput for Brazilian bank account update.
- UpdateContactInputInput for contact information update.
- UpdateCreditCardInputInput for credit card update.
- UpdateDebitCardInputInput for debit card update.
- UpdateDepartmentInputInput for update of department.
- UpdateFollowUpInputInput for follow-up update. A follow-up is a reminder about open product and purchase issues.
- UpdateHistoryEntryInputInput for history entry update. History entry is a detailed note about the customer interactions and transaction events that occurred after an initial purchase.
- UpdateIdealPaymentInputInput for Ideal payment data update.
- UpdateJournalItemInputInput for creation of journal item.
- UpdateKeyGeneratorInputInput for update key generator.
- UpdateKonbiniPaymentInputInput for Konbini payment data update.
- UpdateMvtCampaignCandidateInputInput for update MVT campaign candidate.
- UpdateMvtCampaignInputInput for update MVT campaign.
- UpdateNotificationInputnull
- UpdateNotificationTransportTypeConfigurationInputnull
- UpdateOfficeInputInput for update of office.
- UpdatePackageDiscountInputInput for update of package discount.
- UpdatePaymentProfileInputInput for payment profile update.
- UpdatePriceConfigurationInputnull
- UpdateProductCharacteristicInputInput for product characteristic update. Product characteristics are the options that customers select from in the cart.
- UpdateProductInputInput for product update.
- UpdateProductListInputInput for product list update. A product list is a list of products you select and categorize for a particular purpose, such as product type.
- UpdateProductSelectionInputInput for product selection update. Product selections are used to assign a product to one or more product characteristics.
- UpdatePromotionInputInput for promotion update. A promotion is a price discount, such as a specified percentage or amount of money off of the regular product price.
- UpdateProtectedUrlInputInput for protected URL update. Protected URLs are used to control the content of the shopping cart and protect private information, such as product price.
- UpdateRecommendationInputInput for recommendation update. A recommendation is a sales and marketing technique in which more products are recommended to customers during the checkout process.
- UpdateRegionConfigurationInputInput for region configuration update. A region is an area of the world you specify for shipping configurations, price configurations, marketing campaigns, and reporting of your products.
- UpdateRenewalQuoteInputInput for an update of a renewal quote.
- UpdateSepaBankAccountInputInput for SEPA bank account update.
- UpdateSessionContactInputnull
- UpdateSubscriptionInputInput for the subscription update.
- UpdateSubscriptionItemInputnull
- UpdateTaxExemptionContactInputnull
- UpdateTaxExemptionDocumentInputInput for updating a Tax exemption document.
- UpdateTextElementInputInput for text element update. Text elements are used to display descriptive text in the cart for the various parts of a product variation.
- UpdateUserAccountContactInputInput for contact profile that you want to update.
- UpdateUserAccountInputInput for update user account.
- UpgradeSubscriptionExtraParameterInputInput for extra parameters update. X-parameters are components of URLs that are used to pass information through the checkout process.
- UpgradeSubscriptionInputInput for the subscription upgrade.
- UpgradeSubscriptionResultSubscription upgrade information.
- UrlParameterA parameter of the url.
- UserAccountAccount information for a specific user account.
- UserAccountInformationInformation about the user.
- UserAccountSearchResultItemUser account that matches the search parameters.
- UserAccountStatusStatus of user account.
- UserAccountTypeType of user account.
- UserRoleGraphUser role.
- WebFileReusable, localizable web file.
- XmlSchemanull
- __DirectiveA Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and type validation behavior in a GraphQL document. In some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.
- __EnumValueOne possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is returned in a JSON response as a string.
- __FieldObject and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type.
- __InputValueArguments provided to Fields or Directives and the input fields of an InputObject are represented as Input Values which describe their type and optionally a default value.
- __SchemaA GraphQL Schema defines the capabilities of a GraphQL server. It exposes all available types and directives on the server, as well as the entry points for query, mutation, and subscription operations.
- __TypeThe fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum. Depending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe information about that type. Scalar types provide no information beyond a name and description, while Enum types provide their values. Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.