
link Definition

  • type JournalItemSearchResultItem {
  • # International bank account number.
  • iban: String
  • # Date of the booking.
  • bookingDate: Date
  • # User that created the journal item.
  • createdBy: UserAccount
  • # Financial account.
  • financialAccount: FinancialAccount
  • # The initiator.
  • initiator: String
  • # Id of the journal item.
  • id: Int
  • # User that last modified the journal item.
  • lastModifiedBy: UserAccount
  • # Notes.
  • notes: String
  • # Payment assignment status.
  • paymentAssignmentStatus: PaymentAssignmentStatus
  • # Purchase assignments.
  • purchaseAssignment: PurchaseAssignment
  • # Reason for the transfer.
  • reasonForTransfer: String
  • # Total amount.
  • totalAmount: Decimal
  • }