Preview of shopping cart with product and pricing information.
link Definition
- type Cart {
- # Absolute value of the accumulated discounts of all items in the cart.
- Price :
- # The id of the affiliate.
- Int :
- # The business model that applies to this cart.
- BusinessModel! :
- # Items in shopping cart.
- CartItem] : [
- # Country for which taxes are calculated.
- Country :
- # Coupon code for a promotion associated with the cart.
- String :
- # Currency in which the price is presented.
- Currency :
- # Discount pricing.
- #
- # Arguments
- # includedDiscountTypes: Input to filter for specific discount
- # types only.
- DiscountPriceTypeEnum!]): [TypedPrice] ( : [
- # URL from which the customer entered the checkout.
- String :
- # The id which was entered in the input.
- String :
- # Language in which product-related text should be localized.
- Language :
- # Locale in which product-related numbers should localized. This is the
- # two-character ID of the contact's language (see ISO 639-1) followed by
- # two-character ID of the contact's country (see ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).
- String :
- # Total pricing information for the next interval for all of the items in the
- # cart.
- Price :
- # The IPv4-Address that corresponds with the country, state, etc. of the customer.
- # This is used when CountryId is not set.
- String :
- # Indicates whether cart prices might be subject to sales tax.
- Boolean :
- # State for which taxes are calculated.
- State :
- # Total pricing information for all of the items in the cart.
- Price! :
- # Total pricing information for all of the items in the cart without discount.
- Price! :
- # List of vat groups which are in the cart.
- TotalPriceTaxGroup]! @deprecated( reason: "Renamed to totalPriceTaxGroups." ) : [
- # List of tax groups which are in the cart.
- TotalPriceTaxGroup]! : [
- # Sorted listed of client language preferences.
- String] : [
- # List of parameters that were present in the entry URL.
- UrlParameter] : [
- # Renewal type of the subscription.
- SubscriptionRenewalType :
- }