link Definition
- type RenewalQuote {
- # Unique ID of the renewal quote.
- Int! :
- # The subscription.
- Subscription! :
- # The subscription interval the quote is valid for.
- Int! :
- # Date when the quote will expire.
- DateTime! :
- # the renewal quote items.
- RenewalQuoteItem]! : [
- # is the renewalQuote active.
- Boolean! :
- # Pricing information for the customer.
- Pricing! :
- # Pricing information of next interval.
- Pricing! :
- # Date and time when the renewal quote was created.
- DateTime! :
- # Date and time when the renewal quote was last modified.
- DateTime! :
- # User who created the renewal quote.
- UserAccount! :
- # User who last modified the renewal quote.
- UserAccount! :
- # URL pointing to the renewal quote pdf document.
- String! :
- # Note to the renewal quote for internal usage.
- String :
- # Coupon codes that have been applied to the renewal quote.
- String] : [
- }