
Input for product update.

link Definition

  • input UpdateProductInput {
  • # List of billing term ids configured for the product. Billing terms are also
  • # referred to as payment schedules.
  • billingTermIds: [Int!]
  • # Unique ID of the product.
  • id: Int
  • # Unique ID of the client account. Mandatory when internalId is provided only.
  • clientId: Int
  • # Type of product offered for sale.
  • productType: ProductTypeEnum
  • # Status of the product. Determines how the product is used in the cleverbridge
  • # platform.
  • status: ProductStatusEnum
  • # ID of the base product from which information is passed down to the product.
  • baseProductId: Int
  • # Sales tax code of the product.
  • salesTaxCodeId: SalesTaxCodeEnum
  • # Force override of fields when base product is given.
  • forceOverride: Boolean
  • # Names of the product. Displays to customers on checkout pages and in emails.
  • names: [LocalizedStringInput]
  • # Descriptions of the product. Displays to customers on checkout pages and in
  • # emails.
  • additionalNameInformation: [LocalizedStringInput]
  • # ID of the support contact for the product. Displays to customers on checkout
  • # pages and in emails.
  • supportContactId: Int
  • # Deprecated, please do not use this field. Starting December 2022, Cleverbridge
  • # no longer offers backup CD, DVD, or USB drive production and delivery through
  • # our offices.
  • backupCdAlternateNames: [LocalizedStringInput]
  • # Versions of the product. Can be displayed to customers on checkout pages.
  • versions: [LocalizedStringInput]
  • # User interface languages in which the product is available. Can be displayed to
  • # customers on checkout pages.
  • uiLanguages: [LocalizedStringInput]
  • # List of operating systems for which the product is available. For internal
  • # information only.
  • operatingSystemIds: [OperatingSystemEnum]
  • # List of operating systems for which the product is available. Can be displayed
  • # to customers on checkout pages.
  • operatingSystemsTexts: [LocalizedStringInput]
  • # Universal Product Code (UPC) or Article Numbering Code (EAN) for boxed products.
  • # Can be displayed to customers on checkout pages.
  • ean: String
  • # International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for boxed products. Can be displayed
  • # to customers on checkout pages.
  • isbn: String
  • # Code of of the product's default language.
  • baseLanguageId: LanguageEnum
  • # ID of the default product selection. The product displays in the cart with this
  • # product selection.
  • defaultProductSelectionId: Int
  • # Set to true if the product should be dependent on the original product when it
  • # is added to the cart as a recommendation.
  • isDependentOnOriginalProduct: Boolean
  • # Default affiliate ID. Used to credit an affiliate for every purchase of this
  • # product.
  • defaultAffiliateId: String
  • # Equal number of licenses automatically generated for cross-sells and sub-sells
  • # when they are sold with products that have more than one license generated per
  • # product quantity purchased.
  • numberOfLicenses: Int
  • # License period by number of months. For internal information only.
  • licensePeriodInMonths: Int
  • # Maximum quantity that can be purchased for this product in an order.
  • maximumOrderQuantity: Int
  • # Minimum quantity that can be purchased for this product in an order.
  • minimumOrderQuantity: Int
  • # URL that downloads a demo version of the product for the customer. Can be
  • # displayed to customers on checkout pages.
  • trialDownloadUrls: [LocalizedStringInput]
  • # ID of the product reporting group.
  • reportingGroupId: Int
  • # Internal ID of the product. Cross-references the purchases for this product with
  • # your own internal number.
  • internalId: String
  • # Internal name of the product. Cross-references the purchases for this product
  • # with your own internal product name.
  • internalName: String
  • # Internal product category for sorting products by a specific type or class.
  • internalCategory: String
  • # Set to true to exclude the product from being registered in third-party tracking
  • # systems such as Google Analytics or third-party affiliate management systems.
  • excludeFromTracking: Boolean
  • # Price of the product.
  • price: UpdatePriceAbsoluteInput
  • # Set to true to enable dynamic product pricing for the product.
  • allowDynamicProductPrice: Boolean
  • # Shipping configuration ID for physical products.
  • shippingSetId: Int
  • # Settings for subscription products.
  • subscriptionSettings: ProductSubscriptionSettingsInput
  • # Content settings of the product.
  • contentSettings: CreateProductContentSettingsInput
  • # Delivery settings of the product.
  • deliverySettings: ProductDeliverySettingsInput
  • # List of products that are packaged together. Only for products of type BUNDLE.
  • bundleProducts: [ProductBundleInput]
  • # Can hold additional characteristics of the product as a localized string.
  • productFeatures: [LocalizedStringInput]
  • }

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