Product characteristic for offering product variations in the cart, such as version, language, or license period. One product characteristic contains the different options for a product from which the customer can choose.
link Definition
- type ProductCharacteristic {
- # Unique ID of the product characteristic.
- Int! :
- # Client to whose product inventory the product characteristic belongs.
- Client :
- # Determines how the options for the product characteristic display in the cart.
- ControlType! :
- # Date and time when the product characteristic was created.
- DateTime! :
- # User who created the product characteristic.
- UserAccount! :
- # Text element to display as the header in the cart when the product
- # characteristic is a separate column in the cart.
- TextElement :
- # Date and time when the last edit occurred.
- DateTime! :
- # User who last edited the product characteristic.
- UserAccount! :
- # Internal name of the product characteristic.
- String! :
- # Options of the product characteristic.
- ProductCharacteristicOption]! : [
- }
link Required by
- CreateProductCharacteristicPayloadPayload for created product characteristic. Product characteristics are the options that customers select from in the cart.
- ProductCharacteristicOptionOption of the product characteristic.
- querynull
- TextElementDescriptive text to display in the cart for a product variation.
- UpdateProductCharacteristicPayloadPayload for product characteristic update. Product characteristics are the options that customers select from in the cart.