
Interval data of the subscription.

link Definition

  • type SubscriptionIntervalData {
  • # End date.
  • endDate: Date
  • # Interval number.
  • intervalNo: Int @deprecated( reason: "Use subscriptionInterval instead." )
  • # Interval number.
  • subscriptionInterval: Int
  • # Arguments
  • # includeOldVersions: Includes old versions of items, such as a
  • # product that is upgraded
  • # hideInactiveItems: Set to true to get only active subscription
  • # items.
  • items(includeOldVersions: Boolean, hideInactiveItems: Boolean): [SubscriptionIntervalDataItem]
  • # Start date.
  • startDate: Date
  • # Is this interval active at the moment?
  • isActive: Boolean
  • # Has the customer already paid?
  • isAlreadyPaid: Boolean @deprecated( reason: "Use isPaid instead." )
  • # Has the customer already paid every item in the interval?
  • isPaid: Boolean
  • # The total price for this interval
  • totalPrice: Price
  • # The total discount for this interval
  • totalDiscount: Price
  • # Discount pricing.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # includedDiscountTypes: Input to filter for specific discount
  • # types only.
  • discounts(includedDiscountTypes: [DiscountPriceTypeEnum!]): [TypedPrice]
  • }