Payment information for the purchase transaction.
link Definition
- type PaymentTransaction {
- # Type of the payment transaction.
- PaymentTransactionType! :
- # Payment method used.
- PaymentType :
- # Payment provider who processed the transaction.
- PaymentProvider! :
- # Amount of the transaction.
- Decimal @deprecated( reason: "Please use value instead." ) :
- # Indicates whether the transaction was successful.
- Boolean :
- # Date and time when the transaction was made.
- DateTime :
- # Currency used in the transaction.
- Currency! @deprecated( reason: "Please use value instead." ) :
- # Return text of the transaction.
- String :
- # Status Id of the transaction.
- Int :
- # Error code of the transaction.
- Int :
- # TraceNr of the transaction.
- String :
- # Reference TraceNr of the transaction.
- String :
- # Aid38.
- String :
- # Aid59.
- String :
- # Descriptor of the transaction, e.g. shown on customer's credit card statement.
- String :
- # true: include in next batch run, false: don't run in batch, i.e. already
- # processed, NULL: does not apply
- Boolean :
- # serverId of the transaction.
- String :
- # Payment Contract Id.
- String :
- # Transaction value.
- CurrencyAmount :
- }