link Definition
- scalar Int
link Required by
- AffiliateAffiliate who is credited for every purchase made with a coupon from the promotion.
- ApplicablePriceConfigurationPrice configuration applied to the product. Price configuration is a special pricing you can create for a single product ID based on a combination of regions, products, and languages.
- AvataxConfigurationAvatax account configuration.
- BasicRefundOptionsOptions for refunding the purchase.
- BiBookmarkPreconfigured or created Bookmark in the Business Intelligence (BI). Bookmarks are used to quickly access customized or commonly-used reports.
- BiGroupResultThe report data for one group.
- BillingTermThe billing term defines the interval in which the billing occurs. Billing terms are also referred to as payment schedules.
- BiMeasureResultThe report data for one measure.
- CartPreview of shopping cart with product and pricing information.
- CartInputInput for shopping cart preview.
- CartItemnull
- CartItemInputnull
- Catalognull
- CatalogItemItem in the catalog.
- CatalogItemSearchParametersSearch parameters for the item.
- CatalogItemSearchResultItemThe catalog item as result of a search.
- CatalogSearchParametersSearch parameters for the catalog.
- CatalogSearchResultItemThe catalog as result of a search.
- CatalogStructurenull
- CatalogStructureItemnull
- ClientAccount information for a specific client account.
- ClientInformationInformation about the client.
- ClientLinkConfigurationnull
- ConfigurationConfiguration settings for the client account.
- ContactContact information used for communication about payments, delivery, and generation of licensing information. Possible types are: billing, delivery, and licensee contact.
- CreateAvataxConfigurationInput
- CreateCustomerContactsInputInput for created customer.
- CreateCustomerInputInput for created customer.
- CreateDepartmentInputInput for creation of department.
- CreateFollowUpInputnull
- CreateHistoryEntryInputInput for created history entry. History entries are detailed notes about the customer interactions and transaction events that occurred after an initial purchase.
- CreateKeyGeneratorInputInput for create key generator.
- CreateMvtCampaignCandidateInputInput for create MVT campaign candidate.
- CreateMvtCampaignInputInput for create MVT campaign.
- CreateNotificationInputnull
- CreateNotificationTransportTypeConfigurationInputnull
- CreateOfficeInputInput for creation of office.
- CreatePackageDiscountDefinitionInputInput for creation of package discount definition.
- CreatePackageDiscountInputInput for creation of package discount.
- CreatePriceAbsoluteValueInputInput for created absolute price value of a given product.
- CreatePriceConfigurationInputnull
- CreateProductCharacteristicInputInput for created product characteristic. Product characteristics are the options that customers select from in the cart.
- CreateProductCharacteristicOptionInputInput for created product characteristic options. Product characteristics are the options that customers select from in the cart.
- CreateProductContentSettingsInputnull
- CreateProductDeliveryInputnull
- CreateProductInputInput for created product.
- CreateProductListInputInput for created product list. A product list is a list of products you select and categorize for a particular purpose, such as product type.
- CreateProductSelectionInputInput for created product selection. Product selections are used to assign a product to one or more product characteristics.
- CreatePromotionInputInput for created promotion. A promotion is a price discount, such as a specified percentage or amount of money off of the regular product price.
- CreatePromotionPriceSettingsInputInput for price settings of the created promotion.
- CreateRecommendationInputInput for created recommendation. A recommendation is a sales and marketing technique in which more products are recommended to customers during the checkout process.
- CreateRegionConfigurationInputInput for created region configuration. A region is an area of the world you specify for shipping configurations, price configurations, marketing campaigns, and reporting of your products.
- CreateRenewalQuoteInputInput for create a renewal quote.
- CreateSubscriptionInputInput for created subscription.
- CreateSubscriptionItemInputInput for created subscription item.
- CreateTaxExemptionDocumentInputInput for creating a Tax exemption document.
- CreateTextElementInputInput for created text element. Text elements are used to display descriptive text in the cart for the various parts of a product variation.
- CreateUserAccountInputInput for create user account.
- CreditCardProfilenull
- CustomerCustomer profile and transaction data.
- CustomerInformationInformation about the customer.
- CustomerSearchParametersInputInput for search parameters of a given customer.
- CustomerSearchResultItemCustomer that matches the search parameters.
- DebitCardProfilenull
- DeleteAvataxConfigurationPayloadPayload for deleted avatax configuration.
- DeleteDepartmentPayloadPayload of deleted department.
- DeleteKeyGeneratorPayloadPayload for deleted key generator.
- DeleteMvtCampaignPayloadPayload for deleted Mvt campaign.
- DeleteNotificationPayloadPayload for the deleted notification
- DeleteOfficePayloadPayload of deleted office.
- DeletePackageDiscountPayloadPayload of deleted package discount.
- DeletePriceConfigurationPayloadnull
- DeleteProductCharacteristicPayloadPayload for deleted product characteristic. Product characteristics are the options that customers select from in the cart. One product characteristic contains the various options for the product variation.
- DeleteProductListPayloadPayload for the deleted product list. A product list is a list of products you select and categorize for a particular purpose such as affiliate commissions or product type.
- DeleteProductSelectionPayloadPayload for the deleted product selection. A product selection is used to assign a product to one or more product characteristics.
- DeletePromotionPayloadPayload for deleted promotion. A promotion is a price discount, such as a specified percentage or amount of money off of the regular product price.
- DeleteProtectedUrlPayloadPayload for deleted protected URL. Protected URLs are used to control the content of the shopping cart and protect private information, such as product price.
- DeleteRecommendationPayloadPayload for deleted recommendation. A recommendation is a sales and marketing technique in which more products are recommended to customers during the checkout process.
- DeleteRegionConfigurationPayloadPayload for deleted region configuration. A region is an area of the world you specify for shipping configurations, price configurations, marketing campaigns, and reporting of your products.
- DeleteTextElementPayloadPayload for deleted text element. Text elements are used to display descriptive text in the cart for the various parts of a product variation.
- DeleteUserAcccountPayloadPayload for deleted user account.
- DepartmentSearchParametersSearch parameters for the department.
- DepartmentSearchResultItemThe flat department as result of a search.
- DynamicPriceInputnull
- ErrorLogEntryError that occurred during the purchase process.
- ErrorLogEntrySearchResultItemnull
- ErrorLogSearchParametersParameters for the error log search. The Error Log provides an overview of purchase errors and is used to identify and solve purchase-related problems as they occur.
- FollowUpReminder about open product and purchase issues.
- FollowUpSearchParametersInput for search parameters of the follow-up. A follow-up is a reminder about open product and purchase issues.
- GenerateCouponCodesInputInput for coupon code generation.
- GenerateProtectedUrlInputInput for generated protected URL. Protected URLs are used to control the content of the shopping cart and protect private information, such as product price.
- GenericBiDimensionFilterOptional generic filter, for example, by IDs or top number of results.
- HistoryEntryDetailed note about the customer interactions and transaction events that occurred after an initial purchase.
- HistoryEntrySearchInputInput model for history entry search.
- HistoryEntrySearchResultItemHistory entry search result item.
- IntSearchRelationInputnull
- JournalItemOne journal item related to the customer’s purchase.
- JournalItemPurchaseAssignmentInputOne purchase assignment related to the journal item.
- JournalItemSearchParametersnull
- JournalItemSearchResultItemnull
- KeyGeneratorKey generator that creates customized licensing information for customers at the time of purchase
- KeyGeneratorSearchParametersSearch parameters for Key Generators
- localizedIdReferenceInputInput for reference ID of localized image in the cart.
- mutationnull
- MvtCampaignMultivariate testing campaign.
- MvtCampaignCandidateMvt campaign candidate.
- MvtCampaignSearchParametersInputInput for search parameters of a given mvt campaign.
- NotificationClient notifications.
- NotificationEventnull
- NotificationSearchParametersInput for search parameters of a given notification.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInputInput for numeric ID and relational operator.
- OfficeSearchParametersSearch parameters for the office.
- OfficeSearchResultItemThe flat office as result of a search.
- OrderItemInterfacenull
- PackageDiscountThe package discount.
- PackageDiscountDefinitionDefinition for package discount.
- PackageDiscountDefinitionSearchResultItemThe flat package discount definition as result of a search.
- PackageDiscountSearchParametersSearch parameters for the package discount.
- PackageDiscountSearchResultItemThe flat package discount as result of a search.
- PaginationInputFilter for chunked data.
- PartnerGroupPartner group in which the product list is used.
- PaymentTransaction Payment information for the purchase transaction.
- PriceAbsolutePrice of the product.
- PriceAbsoluteValueInputInput for absolute price value of a given product.
- PriceConfigurationSpecial pricing you can create for a single product ID based on a combination of regions, products, and languages.
- PriceConfigurationItemnull
- PriceConfigurationListnull
- PriceConfigurationListInputnull
- PriceConfigurationProductItemnull
- PriceConfigurationProductItemInputnull
- PriceConfigurationProductListItemnull
- PriceConfigurationProductListItemInputnull
- PriceFormatnull
- PricePercentagenull
- PricePercentageValueInputInput for the percentage value that will be subtracted from the price of the product.
- PriceSettingsInputnull
- PriceSettingsInterfaceInterface to specify pricing.
- PrivilegeSetThe privilege set.
- PrivilegeSetSearchParametersSearch parameters for the privilege set.
- PrivilegeSetSearchResultItemThe flat privilege set as result of a search.
- ProductItem or service offered for sale.
- ProductBundleBundle including several products. A bundle is a combination of two or more products sold together at a specific price.
- ProductBundleInputnull
- ProductCharacteristicProduct characteristic for offering product variations in the cart, such as version, language, or license period. One product characteristic contains the different options for a product from which the customer can choose.
- ProductCharacteristicOptionOption of the product characteristic.
- ProductDeletePayloadPayload for deleted product.
- ProductDeliverynull
- ProductDeliveryDownloadOptionsnull
- ProductDeliveryDownloadOptionsInputInput for download options of a given product.
- ProductDeliveryKeyDeliveryOptionsInputInput for delivery options of a license key.
- ProductListProduct list for which the notification applies.
- ProductSearchParametersInput for search parameters of a given product.
- ProductSelectionProduct selection for a product variation. Product selections are used to assign a product to one or more product characteristics.
- ProductSelectionItemItem in the product selection.
- ProductSelectionItemInputInput for product selection item. Product selections are used to assign a product to one or more product characteristics.
- ProductSubscriptionSettingsSettings for subscription products.
- ProductSubscriptionSettingsInputnull
- PromotionPrice discount off of the regular product price you offer the customer.
- PromotionCouponAutomatically or manually generated coupon for the promotion.
- PromotionCouponInputnull
- PromotionCouponSettingsCoupon settings for the promotion.
- PromotionCouponSettingsInputnull
- PromotionProductListInputnull
- promotionReferringsResultnull
- ProtectedUrlProtected URL.
- ProtectedUrlItemnull
- ProtectedUrlSearchParametersParameters for the protected URL search.
- PurchaseTransaction data related to the purchase.
- PurchaseAssignmentnull
- PurchaseDocumentSearchParametersParameters for the purchase document search.
- PurchaseDocumentSearchResultItemPurchase document that matches the search parameters.
- PurchaseItemItem purchased by the customer.
- PurchaseItemDeliveryKeyLicense key of the item in the purchase.
- PurchaseSearchContactContact information of customer who placed the purchase.
- PurchaseSearchParametersParameters for the purchase search.
- PurchaseSearchPromotionInformation of the promotion which was used for this product.
- PurchaseSearchResultItemPurchase that matches the search parameters.
- PurchaseSearchResultProductProduct purchased by the customer.
- querynull
- RecommendationProduct suggestion for customers during the checkout process.
- RecommendationQuantityLimitQuantity limit for the recommendation. Determines how the quantity of the recommendation is adjusted based on the quantity of the original product it is being recommended with.
- RecommendationQuantityLimitInputnull
- RecommendedProductnull
- RecommendedProductInputnull
- ReferringsPaginatedInputnull
- RefundCouponParametersnull
- RefundPolicySettingsnull
- RefundPolicySettingsInputnull
- RegionConfigurationRegion you specify for shipping configurations, price configurations, marketing campaigns, and reporting of your products.
- RenewalQuoteRenewalQuote.
- RenewalQuoteItemRenewalQuoteItem.
- RenewalQuoteItemInputGraphTypeInput for a renewal quote item.
- RenewalQuoteItemSearchResultThe flat renewal quote as result of a search.
- RenewalQuoteParametersSearch parameters for the renewal quote.
- RenewalQuoteSearchResultItemThe flat renewal quote as result of a search.
- SecurityPolicySearchParametersSearch parameters for the security policy.
- SecurityPolicySearchResultItemThe flat security policy as result of a search.
- ShippingConfigurationShipping configuration you specify for a given product.
- SubscriptionThe subscription.
- SubscriptionCartInputInput for shopping cart preview for a subscription.
- SubscriptionCartItemInputInput for shopping cart preview for a subscription item.
- SubscriptionIntervalDataInterval data of the subscription.
- SubscriptionIntervalDataItemInterval data of the subscription item.
- SubscriptionItemItem of a subscription.
- SubscriptionItemSearchParametersnull
- SubscriptionItemSearchProductInformationInformation about the product.
- SubscriptionItemSearchResultItemnull
- TaxationHistoryTaxationHistory.
- TaxExemptionDocumentTax exemption document.
- TaxExemptionDocumentIntSearchRelationInputnull
- TaxExemptionDocumentSearchParametersInput for Tax Exemption Document search.
- TaxExemptionDocumentSearchResultTax exemption documents search result.
- TemplateTemplate you define or design for your client account, recommendation, or catalog.
- TextElementDescriptive text to display in the cart for a product variation.
- TextResourceReusable, localizable text resource.
- TextResourceContextContext of reusable text resources.
- TextResourceContextFilterFilter for text resource contexts.
- TextResourceFilterFilter for text resources.
- TrackingParameterX-parameter for a client account. X-parameters are components of URLs that are used to pass information through the checkout process.
- TrackingParameterItemItem of the tracking parameter.
- UpdateApplicablePriceConfigurationInput
- UpdateApplicablePriceConfigurationsInput
- UpdateAvataxConfigurationInput
- UpdateBiBookmarkInputInput for BI bookmark update.
- UpdateClientInputnull
- UpdateContactInputInput for contact information update.
- UpdateCreditCardInputInput for credit card update.
- UpdateCustomerContactsInputInput for update or creation of contact profiles for the related customer.
- UpdateDebitCardInputInput for debit card update.
- UpdateDepartmentInputInput for update of department.
- UpdateErrorLogEntryInput for error log entry update. The Error Log provides an overview of purchase errors and is used to identify and solve purchase-related problems as they occur.
- UpdateFollowUpInputInput for follow-up update. A follow-up is a reminder about open product and purchase issues.
- UpdateHistoryEntryInputInput for history entry update. History entry is a detailed note about the customer interactions and transaction events that occurred after an initial purchase.
- UpdateJournalItemInputInput for creation of journal item.
- UpdateKeyGeneratorInputInput for update key generator.
- UpdateMvtCampaignCandidateInputInput for update MVT campaign candidate.
- UpdateMvtCampaignInputInput for update MVT campaign.
- UpdateNotificationInputnull
- UpdateNotificationTransportTypeConfigurationInputnull
- UpdateOfficeInputInput for update of office.
- UpdatePackageDiscountDefinitionInputInput for creation of package discount definition.
- UpdatePackageDiscountInputInput for update of package discount.
- UpdatePriceConfigurationInputnull
- UpdateProductCharacteristicInputInput for product characteristic update. Product characteristics are the options that customers select from in the cart.
- UpdateProductInputInput for product update.
- UpdateProductListInputInput for product list update. A product list is a list of products you select and categorize for a particular purpose, such as product type.
- UpdateProductSelectionInputInput for product selection update. Product selections are used to assign a product to one or more product characteristics.
- UpdatePromotionInputInput for promotion update. A promotion is a price discount, such as a specified percentage or amount of money off of the regular product price.
- UpdateProtectedUrlInputInput for protected URL update. Protected URLs are used to control the content of the shopping cart and protect private information, such as product price.
- UpdatePurchaseContactsInputInput for update or creation of contact profiles for one or more customer contact types for the given purchase.
- UpdateRecommendationInputInput for recommendation update. A recommendation is a sales and marketing technique in which more products are recommended to customers during the checkout process.
- UpdateRegionConfigurationInputInput for region configuration update. A region is an area of the world you specify for shipping configurations, price configurations, marketing campaigns, and reporting of your products.
- UpdateRenewalQuoteInputInput for an update of a renewal quote.
- UpdateSubscriptionIntervalInputInput for the updated subscription interval.
- UpdateSubscriptionItemInputnull
- UpdateTextElementInputInput for text element update. Text elements are used to display descriptive text in the cart for the various parts of a product variation.
- UpdateUserAccountInputInput for update user account.
- UpgradeSubscriptionInputInput for the subscription upgrade.
- UserAccountAccount information for a specific user account.
- UserAccountInformationInformation about the user.
- UserAccountSearchParametersInput for search parameters of a given user account.
- UserAccountSearchResultItemUser account that matches the search parameters.
- WebFileReusable, localizable web file.
- WebFileFilterFilter for web files.
- XmlSchemanull