link Definition
- input SubscriptionItemSearchParameters {
- # Maximum number of items that should be retrieved.
- Int :
- # Starting index for retrieving the items.
- Int :
- # Logical operator for search.
- LogicalOperator :
- # Input for ordering the result before applying the offset.
- SubscriptionItemSearchOrderByInput] : [
- # Affiliate id.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # Client id.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # Client name.
- StringSearchRelationInput :
- # Company.
- StringSearchRelationInput :
- # Country id.
- CountrySearchRelationInput :
- # Current client cross value.
- FloatSearchRelationInput :
- # Current client net value.
- FloatSearchRelationInput :
- # Current customer gross value.
- FloatSearchRelationInput :
- # Current customer net value.
- FloatSearchRelationInput :
- # Creation date of the subscription.
- DateTimeSearchRelationInput :
- # Deactivation date of the subscription.
- DateTimeSearchRelationInput :
- # EMail
- StringSearchRelationInput :
- # First name of subscription owner.
- StringSearchRelationInput :
- # Last name of subscription owner.
- StringSearchRelationInput :
- # Is test subscription.
- Boolean :
- # Id of the subscription.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # Running number of the subscription item.
- StringSearchRelationInput :
- # Subscription item status.
- SubscriptionItemStatusInputSearchRelation :
- # Language.
- CheckoutLanguageSearchRelationInput :
- # Id of the customer account.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # Internal id of the customer account.
- StringSearchRelationInput :
- # Last payment date of the subscription.
- DateTimeSearchRelationInput :
- # Next billing date of the subscription.
- DateTimeSearchRelationInput :
- # Next renewal date of the subscription.
- DateTimeSearchRelationInput :
- # Starting date of the subscription.
- DateTimeSearchRelationInput :
- # Number of paid intervals of the subscription.
- IntSearchRelationInput :
- # Payment group type id of the subscription.
- PaymentTypeCategorySearchRelationInput :
- # Id of the referencing product.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # Name of the product related to the subscription.
- StringSearchRelationInput :
- # Quantity of products of the subscription.
- IntSearchRelationInput :
- # Renewal type of the subscription.
- SubscriptionRenewalTypeSearchRelation :
- # Status of the subscription.
- SubscriptionStatusInputSearchRelation :
- }