
link Definition

  • type SubscriptionItemSearchResultItem {
  • # Id of the subscription.
  • subscriptionId: Int
  • # Running number of the subscription item.
  • runningNumber: Int
  • # Current status of the subscription.
  • subscriptionStatus: SubscriptionStatus
  • # Subscription item status.
  • status: SubscriptionItemStatus
  • # Payment group type id of the subscription.
  • paymentGroupType: PurchaseSearchPaymentTypeCategory
  • # Creation date of the subscription.
  • creationDate: DateTime
  • # Number of paid intervals of the subscription.
  • numberOfPaidIntervals: Int
  • # Deactivation date of the subscription.
  • deactivationDate: DateTime
  • # Current client cross value.
  • currentClientGross: Decimal
  • # Current client net value.
  • currentClientNet: Decimal
  • # Current customer gross value.
  • currentCustomerGross: Decimal
  • # Current customer net value.
  • currentCustomerNet: Decimal
  • # Renewal type of the subscription.
  • renewalType: SubscriptionRenewalType
  • # Affiliate id.
  • affiliateId: Int
  • # Is test subscription.
  • isTestSubscription: Boolean
  • # Last payment date of the subscription.
  • lastPaymentDate: DateTime
  • # Next billing date of the subscription.
  • nextBillingDate: DateTime
  • # Next renewal date of the subscription.
  • nextRenewalDate: DateTime
  • # Start date of the subscription.
  • startDate: DateTime
  • # Information about the client.
  • client: ClientInformation
  • # Information about the customer.
  • customer: CustomerInformation
  • # Information about the product.
  • product: SubscriptionItemSearchProductInformation
  • # Quantity.
  • quantity: Int
  • }